《Dungeoneers》Two Birthdays (Second Birthday) [updated]


Date: March 21, 2020 - 4:20pm

Location: Merrick

It has been nine days since the tragic outbreak at the high school. The next day of school was unsurprisingly cancelled and Spring break started early. It was, however, not a particularly joyous start as many students other than Clement lost their lives that day. Clement, however, was the only student at that school who died standing his ground, and not running away or hiding. Unfortunately, most of the school would not end up rightly remembering him as the hero he was, with his efforts being largely overshadowed by another student who single-handedly defeated all of the monsters with the exception of the one killed by Clement’s class.

Carlos, the one who had delivered the finishing blow to this one monster, would not be remembered by anyone who did not already know him. He did not reveal his awakened abilities, which paled in comparison to the other hero. He also used his Mentalism skill to help convince the rest of the class to push the narrative that it was only thanks to the class’s combined effort under Clement’s leadership that the rest of them survived.

Carlos was taken to the hospital to have his injuries treated. There were no complications and he recovered, but two long scars remained on the right side of his face. He didn’t personally mind the scars, especially given what had happened to Clement, but he would often wear a cloth mask outside due to people’s stares. He didn’t want to make people too uncomfortable and he wanted to avoid any undue attention.

Today, Carlos was taking the subway downtown with his friend. Like him, she was also wearing a mask, but she was covering her face for a different reason. She also had on a hoodie with the hood brought down low enough to almost cover her eyes. The two of them sat next together in an awkward silence. One stop before their destination, more people came aboard, and a pair in particular were animatedly conversing.

“They’re still happening! Two more portals just appeared in Merrick today!” one man exclaimed to the other, waving his phone in his hand.

“What’s this world coming to,” the other responded. “Magical beasts and dungeons just popping up everywhere and people with superpowers.”

“Man, I wish I had powers, too,” the first man said, with a daydreaming glint in his eyes.

“So you can go fight the monsters and be a hero?” the second man asked, seemingly genuinely surprised by the first man’s righteousness.

“Huh? Yeah, I guess that’d be nice too, but I mean, come on, haven’t people always wanted to have superpowers when they were kids?”

“To be superheroes?”

“No, because they’re cool! Just being able to fly around, or have super strength, or super speed. You know, stuff like that!”

“Well, I suppose it would be a lot easier getting around if I had some superpowers. I wouldn’t go off fighting monsters, though.”

“Why not? They say countries around the world are looking for people with superpowers to fight the monsters and they’re offering a lot of money. Apparently, regular soldiers can’t survive in the Dungeons.”

“If you want to make money fighting, go join the army.”

“What? I don’t want to go fight in some war!”

“What would you call what’s going on right now? You think we are negotiating with the monsters?” The first man had to pause for a moment before answering.

“It’s different,” the first man finally said.



“Because, in a war, I’d go charging in because some politicians told someone else to make me do it, and then I’d get shot and killed in some foreign country.” The first man spoke in a rather matter-of-fact tone.

“And inside a Dungeon, which you are only in because some government paid you to go inside, you go fighting monsters, which will kill you, because you don’t know the first thing about fighting, and you end up dying inside…some kind of other world. Yeah, very different.” The second man’s enthusiasm deflated from the sarcastic rebuttal.

“...The monster fighting is cooler and pays more,” he mumbled bitterly.

The train reached the next stop, and Carlos and his friend got off. His friend took the lead, and the two walked together through the crowded station and then the crowded downtown streets. Carlos didn’t know where they were going since this was a surprise invitation to hang out and he didn’t know what to say either. Usually, his friend was quite talkative but her message to him was vague and she hadn’t said anything else since meeting up.

After nearly twenty minutes of seemingly aimless wandering, they eventually reached a karaoke bar. They went in, Carlos’ friend rented a private box for them and then they went inside. Inside the box, she suddenly took off her hoodie, revealing a plain white tee shirt underneath. With her hood off, one could also clearly see her flaming red hair that went past her shoulders. She then removed her cloth mask as well and put it on the table. Her cheeks were flushed, and she clearly looked a bit embarrassed.

“Sorry, I think I was being a bit too paranoid when I didn’t want to talk in a crowd.” She ended her apology with a nervous laugh.

“I see, so that was why.” Carlos took off his coat and took a seat. His friend sat closely next to him.

“I mean, there were so many reporters, and even after that, a lot of people were recognizing me and I just didn’t want to deal with any of that right now.” Her words were spoken quickly and she looked flustered.

“It’s fine. I get it. You don’t have to make excuses to me.” Carlos spoke in his usual, calm voice.

“I mean, it was really weird, though, right? Just sitting next to each other, and not talking for the whole trip. Ah, I really should have written more in my message! Wait, couldn’t I have at least texted you during the trip? There were so many things I wanted to say! Ah, and then there were those two guys on the train! Man, I really-”

“Haley. Please, just calm down for a moment.” Haley took a couple deep breaths and tried to relax where she sat. “Feeling better now?” Carlos asked when he saw the redness in her face beginning to fade.

“Yeah, much better now.” She let out another deep breath and grabbed a microphone. “Alright, let’s sing some songs.” Haley still had not explained to Carlos why she suddenly invited him out, but he decided to just go along with it for now.

Haley started picking out songs for both her and Carlos and they sang and chatted for almost an hour. This particular karaoke box had an option to grade you on your singing, and Carlos agreed to Haley’s singing competition even though he knew he would lose. She didn’t state what the winner would get, but Carlos wasn’t concerned about what he might lose and only wanted to make it as easy as possible for Haley to get to what she was aiming to do today. The end result showed Carlos wasn’t a bad singer, scoring almost 80% on average, but he was completely blown out of the water by Haley’s 98%.


After an hour, they ordered some food and drinks. It was only right before the refreshments were about to be delivered when Haley realized that she wanted to cover up again. In a panic, she dove into the corner and covered herself with her hoodie as Carlos opened the door for the karaoke staff. The staff member silently set the food and drinks down and left without a word. The room was silent for a moment after the staff member left, with neither commenting on how it would have been so much better to just have the staff wait outside for a bit until she could cover up normally.

“Please, don’t bring this up in the future,” Haley finally said to break the silence, hoodie still covering herself.

“If that’s what the winner wants as her reward.” Haley threw off her hoodie and stood back up.

“Okay, round two?!”

“Alright, but at least give me a bit of a handicap this time.” Carlos knew no small advantage would be nearly enough, but he felt it was important to keep Haley in a good mood.

All the songs Haley sang in the second round were by male singers, but it still wasn’t even close. After nearly two hours, Haley arbitrarily ended the second round and declared herself the winner once more. After a short restroom break, Haley was finally ready to move on to the real reason she invited Carlos out.

“Carlos…how’s it going?” Okay, maybe she still was not quite ready.

“I’m doing fine.” Haley didn’t seem to believe him.

“You don’t have to keep the mask on when we’re talking.” Other than when he was singing his songs, Carlos had his mask on the whole time. Carlos said nothing. Haley touched Carlos’ right ear. A bit of the bottom lode was sliced off by the Boss monster and a close look would also reveal that parts of the scar were not fully covered by the mask. “I should have gotten there faster.” Carlos grabbed Haley’s hand and set it back down.

“This much is nothing. And I know you were doing your best.” Haley took a slow breath before continuing.

“Carlos, do you remember what those two guys on the train were talking about? About the portals?”

“Yeah, they said more are still appearing. It looks like this won’t be ending any time soon.”

“And also about people going inside to fight the monsters?”

“Yeah, that seems to be what’s going on. What about that?”

“I'm going to do it, too.” At first, Haley started by looking away, but she made sure to stare adamantly at Carlos after she finished saying it. Carlos locked eyes with Haley. As the silence stretched on, he also made note of how even her irises had changed colour to red, just like her hair. What other changes might occur in the future?

“It’s dangerous,” he flatly stated.

“Not as dangerous for me as others,” Haley commented, both of them still staring at each other.

“We have no idea on what goes on inside.”

“We do. I read some reports and they all say the Dungeons are identical.”

“That might only be for now. Also, you are not trained in fighting.”

“A lot of the people who cleared the Dungeons aren’t trained in fighting.”

“Those people have exceptional powers.”

“You’ve seen what I can do.” Carlos paused. He wasn't sure this was going to be an argument he would ever win through normal means. He briefly considered using his Mentalism Skill but then immediately dismissed the thought of being so underhanded with her.

“Why are you so dead set on this?”

“Maybe it’s like what those guys on that train were talking about.”

“About being a hero?” Even with Carlos’ biased opinion as Haley’s friend, although he considered her a very good person, he wouldn’t exactly use the word ‘heroic’ to describe her. But, then again, he should probably reevaluate that opinion after she dealt with the Dungeon Outbreak. And also, Carlos didn’t really think that he was one to talk.

“...Sort of. I was really talking about how amazing it is to get to use my powers.” Carlos could appreciate Haley’s honesty, but he wouldn’t let himself be so easily convinced to relent.

“I know you’ve always just wanted to do whatever you thought was fun, but even with your powers, don’t you think you are underestimating the risks too much. What if you have to fight even stronger monsters in the future?”

“That’s why I need to get stronger now!” Haley’s outburst surprised Carlos. Haley noticed this immediately and she took a second to recompose herself. “You don’t know this since you don’t have powers, but I get stronger from defeating monsters. Now is the best time, since I know there is no way I can lose to the monsters that are appearing right now.”

Carlos could see desperation in Haley’s face, but he was having difficulty understanding why it was there. Carlos was often very straight-forward with people, especially with Haley, so there were plenty of times he suggested for her not to do something only for her to do them anyway. Why is it that for this instance, she seems so determined to have his support?

“Is this the reason you suddenly wanted to meet, even though we would see each other tomorrow?” Carlos asked, prematurely ending the main argument.

“Yeah…sort of.” Haley looked off to the side. “I…actually told my parents about my plans as well.” Carlos could tell they didn’t like the idea without her having to explain more. Haley’s background was more extraordinary than most and her family was very well off. And despite her parents’ respective celebrity statuses, from meeting them many times in the past, he knew they would not want her to be in the limelight in this kind of way.

“I’m guessing you argued about it.” Carlos stated the obvious.

“Yeah. They even brought up how they had invited a music producer to my birthday party tomorrow as a surprise. You know, since they want me to be a singer.”

“Do you not want to be one, anymore?”

“No, that’s not it. I just want to focus on getting stronger right now. A lot stronger. Much stronger.” Carlos was tempted to ask why she was so intent on getting stronger, but he somehow knew that he probably wouldn’t get a straight answer. “I guess I also just got upset about the whole surprise. They’ve always invited people I’ve never met before to my birthday. You know, to set me up better for the future.”

“Well, it at least shouldn’t be as bad this year, right? You even have a lot more of your friends going this time.”

“Yeah, you’re right. A lot of my classmates are coming this time.” She spoke in a light-hearted tone and wore a smile, but it was all an act. Carlos didn’t seem to see through it, though.

“Perhaps we should get going, soon?” Carlos suggested, thinking that the matter was sufficiently resolved. Haley’s fake smile instantly disappeared.

“No, I think I’m still feeling quite upset. Keep me company for the rest of the night, alright? That’s my request as the winner of the second round.” Carlos didn’t understand her sudden change, but he complied.

“Alright, but no more bets.”

They extended their time in the booth and ordered more food and drinks. They managed to stay in the booth for another two and a half hours, singing a variety of songs, including duets, and chatting casually about almost everything other than Dungeons. After 10pm, Haley returned to the box after her latest restroom break. After closing the door, she was about to take off her hoodie and mask again when Carlos spoke up.

“The last extension will be ending soon.”

“Oh, thanks for reminding me. I’ll let them know we want to extend another hour.” Carlos took a step towards her, partially blocking her path.

“Haley, it’s getting late. We should start heading back soon. There’s also your birthday party, tomorrow. Remember?” Haley glanced away.

“It’s not enough,” she mumbled.

“What?” Carlos asked, genuinely not hearing her clearly.

“I said there’s still time left. At least enough for two more songs.” Carlos didn’t think that was what she said at all, but he let it go. They sang another duet, but Haley clearly was not at her best, as Carlos finally got his first win of the night. Instead of playing into it as a joke or gloating though, he gently grabbed her arm and had her sit down next to him.

“Was there still something else you wanted to talk about?”

“No, I’ve already said what I wanted to say…” Carlos took off the mask he put back on after the song, and looked her dead in the eyes.

“Haley, just what has gotten you so upset?” At first, Haley wanted to look away, but she felt she couldn’t after seeing his new resolve.

“I already told you.” Carlos didn’t think she said any lies earlier, but he could tell she was not telling him the whole truth.

“Haley, do you think I am against you going into Dungeons because I don’t understand their risks as well as you do?”

“Huh?” Haley looked confused by the question, but Carlos figured he was getting to the root of the problem.

“I’ll be honest, I’m just worried about you. And I’m not saying this just because I don’t understand the difference between someone who has awakened special abilities, and those who haven’t.” Haley still looked confused, so Carlos decided to take it further. “I also awakened powers that day. Although, nothing like yours.”


“I’ll show you proof.” Carlos began unbuttoning his shirt and Haley finally broke line of sight. “They say everyone that awakened special abilities also had a mark appear on their body.” After unbuttoning the top half of his shirt, he pulled it open to reveal the right side of his chest, revealing something that looked like a tattoo of a snake’s head just below his right collarbone. Haley took a deep breath and then turned to look at him again. Her composed face was instantly broken once more.

“W- what?” Haley leaned in close and put her hands up against Carlos’ chest. Her fingers traced around the mark.

“It’s not just some tattoo I got recently.” Haley continued to examine the mark, seemingly oblivious of what he was saying. Carlos waited a bit for her to finish.

“This is great,” she muttered just before looking up at Carlos, her hands still on his chest. “This means we can stay together.” Carlos gently pushed Haley off of him, deciding that he had finally had enough close contact. “Oh! Should I show you mine as well?” She brought her hands to her sides and was ready to undress.

“No, no, don’t do that.” Carlos grabbed her hands after speaking very quickly for the first time today. “You don’t have to show me anything here.” Haley made an expression that seemed to indicate that she just realized that what he said was obvious.

“Right, right, of course.” Haley paused after speaking, but she looked as if she still wanted to say something else.

“Okay, so, do you get it now?” Carlos started to button up his shirt.

“Yes, totally!” she said, beaming. “You want me to wait until we’re both eighteen so we can enter the Dungeons together.” Carlos’ hands stopped on the top button.

“No…I am saying that I am worried about you and that I say this even though I know that you are strong right now and that fighting monsters can make you stronger.” Now, Haley looked confused again. “Haley, that’s the only reason I told you this. In the end, if entering the Dungeons is something you really want to do, then I won’t do anything else to try to convince you otherwise. I just hope you’ll be careful.”

Haley looked like she still had more she wanted to say, but there was a knock on the door that interrupted the two of them. The staff advised them that their time was almost up, and Carlos refused a further extension. The two of them left the karaoke bar and made their way back home. They were silent on the walk back to the subway station and for most of the trip back.

When they were about to get on the bus outside the station, Haley decided she wanted to walk instead. She argued it would only be a thirty-five minute walk at most, and Carlos accepted her argument. On the way, Haley made various remarks about the weather, the sky, and the songs they sang that night. All small talk to work up to the topic she actually wanted to discuss. The walk neared its end much sooner than she thought, and they were already at the crosswalk that they would split at to reach their respective homes. Haley stayed rooted on the ground as she started talking about the various snacks and desserts that would be at her party tomorrow.

“I see. I’m looking forward to it.” Carlos started walking, but in Haley’s direction. “Do you have anything else planned, or will it need to be a surprise?”

“Well…yeah, I’m not sure about everything. You know I don’t actually do much planning for them.” Haley sounded both nervous and relieved as they continued to walk together. The smalltalk continued until they were just a block away from Haley’s house. She stopped in her tracks again, but said nothing.

“I guess around here should be far enough,” Carlos said as he took out his phone. “It’s…11:56pm right now…my parents might be kind of mad about that.” His parents knew he suddenly left the house to meet with Haley and he was constantly giving them new updates about the time he expected to return by. “Well, it should be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, Haley.” Haley grabbed Carlos’ coat as he turned around.

“Carlos…why…do you not want to be with me?” Haley asked her question with great difficulty.

“...What are you talking about?” Carlos was truly confused.

“You said you didn’t want to enter the Dungeons together…” Haley barely managed to keep her voice even.

“Yeah, because I think it’s too dangerous. If that’s something that you really want to do no matter what, then I don’t want to argue with you about it any more, but I know I don’t have what it takes to fight monsters.”

“Wait…so, you are just scared of fighting monsters? That’s it?” Haley’s face had a strange mix of restrained sadness and confusion.

“Yes, haven’t I already said it so many times already?” In truth, the prospect of fighting a Boss monster did scare Carlos, but that wasn’t the only reason he didn’t want to do it. It wasn’t even the main one, but he kept that to himself.

“S- so, okay…wait.” Carlos could see Haley was thinking hard about something.


“But, I can protect you inside the Dungeons.”

“I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you like that.”

“It’s fine!”

“Well, I still don’t want to go inside.”

“But, won’t you miss me when I’m not around?”

“Of course I will.” The two had known each other since the first grade and Carlos considered Haley his best friend.

“So…then, you’ll call me, right. And you’ll message me back, right?”

“Of course.” Carlos answered quickly and honestly, but in the back of his mind, he was perplexed by the line of questioning.

“Everyday.” Haley spoke adamantly.

“...You want me to call you everyday you’re gone?” Haley nodded. “Why? I mean, is that even possible? Can you even do that inside a Dungeon?”

“I could kill all those bears in less than half an hour.”

“What about other Dungeons? What if they are not always going to be bears?” Haley wore a shocked expression.

“Right…I have to clear every Dungeon in a day…”

“Well, no, you don’t.” Carlos wondered if maybe he should resume his initial argument about safety.

“Okay, I’ll do it!” Haley grabbed Carlos tightly by his arms. “Make sure you never forget! Okay!”

“Yeah, okay.” Haley let go and Carlos got ready to leave again. “Good night, Haley.” Before he took two steps, Haley grabbed him again. “What?” Carlos turned around and saw that she had her phone out as well.

“Fifteen more seconds. Just stay there for fif- twelve more seconds.” Carlos was confused but compliant. Twelve more seconds went by, but Haley still did not let go. She just continued to look at him expectantly. Then, Carlos finally had a thought cross his mind. At first, he couldn’t even believe he was thinking about that, but could it be anything else?

“Happy Birthday, Haley.” Haley smiled at him and let him go.

“Thanks!” The two finally parted and they went home.

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