《RE:God》Damn I'm Dead - Chapter 1



On my way home from work, I was attacked by an unkown assailant from behind. When I saw him I realized it was a fellow worker of mine, and as I lay there dying, I hear him say.

“Ha! Fucking deserved it you piece of shit. Always on the good side of the boss. You probably did stuff for him didn’t you, but now your gone. I will be the main worker now, and maybe even become the new boss you little faggot!”-Co worker Bob

While I listened to him rant, I slowly lost consciousness knowing I had died.

After what felt like a few hours, I regained consciousness, and heard something that I never thought I would hear.

“Aaah I see that you're finally awake. Hello, Sfain, how do you feel.”-Unkown

I heard what sounded like a male TV host, but I couldn't place where I had heard it, if I had heard it at all.

“Umm I-I’m okay. I thought I had died though. Why am I still alive?”-Sfain

“Hahahahaha! You aren't alive Sfain, well not right now. You are in limbo. Your soul just hasn't gone to the other side yet, because I would like to have a chat with you”-Unkown man

“O-okay. Why would you want to talk with me? Also who are you? I still don’t know”-Sfain

“Oh yes, that’s right. I’m what you humans call God, but to me and my friends, I’m Chris. It is nice to meet you Sfain, although I have already known about you for a long time, but this is the first time we meet face to face."-God

“W-wait you're god? But I thought that was all bullshit that people made up.”-Sfain

“Actually it is all made up. There is no heaven or hell, just the stream. All that is said in the Bible is a lie. I simply happened to be found, one time, and had to come up with a bunch of excuses for how things happened. It really just makes me seem old though. Do I seem old?”-God/Chris


As he poses in a weird way, I answer.

“Uh, no, you look like quite young god.”-Sfian

“Well thank you, but we must carry on now. So how would you like to be a minor god, Compared to me youllstill be very pwoerful, but still a god?”-God/Chris

“Wait, I thought you were God”-Sfain

“I am, but there is more. I am also the strongest, biggest, and most powerful God so don’t tick me off.”-god/Chris

He says smiling happily.

“Okay I won't, but did you just ask if I wanted to become a god?”-Sfian

“Yes, I did! Pay attention geez. People these days”God/Chris

“Uh, sorry about that. Well, I guess I wouldn’t mind. What would I do as a god?”-Sfain

“I'm glad you accepted. You will be doing...”

{Well that was the first chapter re posted. Read my main story Welcome Online : http://royalroadl.com/fiction/7204

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