《Equilibrium》6.) City of hidden horrors (2)


After the coated man sealed the magic in our prison cell, he goes after the black baron and leaves us in this, now again, dark cell.

“Crap, this asshole sealed off my glorious magic. Ah damn I cant stand this room anymore, Hohenheim I am bored to be stuck in here. I´ll get us out now.” Mia says to me while she steps back and takes a kind of impact position towards the prison bars.

“Ok, I am curious to see what you are capable of, go on and show me something interesting” me a little excited, but still pissed off

“Hehe, well I don´t know if this ´ll be interesting I just plan to literally crush this thing here with my bare hands.” And with this words Mia lashes out and throws a hit against the Iron bars

The whole moment this happens was like a total slow motion scene for me, I see how Mia punches the prison bars and how they just flew away, like they were made of matchsticks. The full action is accompanied by a very loud noise and a smoke cloud of dust, but no second after that, the dust clears and all that was left was a dark corridor with extinct torches.

“Wow, that was indeed somehow very interesting, like how strong are you exactly? “ I ask Mia while examining the extinct of her punch

“Mhh, I think this was about a 1% of my strength, but my full strength is nothing comparable to the strength a divinity posses, you could´ve done the same if you wanted to and it would be a piece of cake, I assume.” Mia

“Huh, but I did not notice any changes to my body structure, nor my feel of my body and its strength” I wondering what Mia is referring to

“Yes that is because you still think you are a mere human, so that your body and all your powers are restraining themselves from being used by you. I would advice that you just try to explore your new self, more frankly. Don´t forget you are not used to be a deity for long, but you are still a fully awakened divinity. Hehe, wow that sounds like a real lecture.” Mia happily teases me

“But... ahh damn I know you are right, I was just thinking about my old self in human world. So I couldn´t really focus on being a deity now. I´ll just try to work it out more clearly for me. And than I am gonna go crushing some walls... ähm just joking.” me a bit cheered

“So what do we do now? We better find a way out of here and inform the guards about that barkeepers real identity, huh” Me

“hm, really? Why dont we handle him alone?, I mean, you are the deity of equilibrium, but that doesn´t mean that the human problems are of our concern and it will be a good start for you to finally cut the ties with being one of them.” Mia continues to tease me

°Ah, yes I think she is right from all over. I am really concerned about humans and myself still being one of them. Maybe I really should handle this alone.° me

“Yes you are right, lets prove that I can solve this as my first problem as deity all by myself.” me answering mia an answer that she seemingly didn´t expected

after that we hurry to get away and we decide to take the same path as TBB has.

We walk down the dark corridor, while Mia lit her fire orb again so that we can see. It is a really long corridor, think its more a tunnel than a real corridor. This tunnel seems to undergo big parts of the whole city, because all here and than there is a curve leading into another path.


“Hmm, for good it seems no one has heard the noise from your punch. But well no wonder in this maze down here.” Me

“Yep, but I really tried to keep the noise at bay.” Mia proudly says

“At bay? You say this but it still was a hell loud noise, like a canon was fired or something.” me a bit reproachful

“Hmp... I think it was quiet enough.” Mia whispering sulky

Even though I heard that, I better thought that a discussion over something like that, just wouldn´t fit me. So I pretended to overheard that one.

We walk further and further, but there was no sign of anyone else who might walked this path.

It is still a long and dark tunnel with some passages leading into other tunnels. The longer we walk the more I get the feeling that we are running in circles. So I decide to carve a cross into one wall with a torch. And after a while I recognize the carve that I made.

“Mia, look over there. Its the mark I left before, which means we really are running circles here. But how can that be? We just walked straight forward without taking any passage.” Me confused

“Mhh, seems like you are right. I can only think of one way this could be, I think someone used a magic spell to lead us astray.” Mia says worried

“So this kind of things do exist in this world, mhh not really surprising if even magic is known here, so why no illusion spell. Any idea how to break this crap? “ Me

“ Well if your mind is at focus and you are aware of your self as deity, that be, you can destroy such low illusions with just focusing your spiritual pressure around this area.” Mia

“Ok, I might just try, but any advice how I focus my sp?” me

“Hehe, oh thats quiet the easy thing to do, just think about your might and power and try focusing on that thought and than how you´ll spread your energy into this area. Maybe a strong thought about your imagination of how strong you think you are, will help you.” Mia advices me as if she is just talking about the easiest crap on earth

"ok i´ll try" me

°I am the deity of equilibrium, I am really strong at my will. So come power and release yourself. Show me that I am not a piece of shit as god. COMEE ON! AHHHH° I think by my self while also have my eyes closed

"and has it worked?" I ask Mia hopeful

"I wouldn´t say so, sorry but it seems you just haven´t excepted your new self yet" Mia says a bit depressed too

"WHAAAT??? but why, I was sure that I have felt something very powerful that moment. Ok then, Mia get us out here... Now!" Me saying really pissed off

"Uhhm, I am really sorry Hohenheim, but ..." Mia says a bit stammering

"So what is it?" I ask

"That is, that I cant use my sp to break through such spells and I also do not posses spell-braking ability´s” Mia answers like a shy cute girl who is ashamed of herself

“Ah damn so you say only I may take us out here?? Well nice, now I am really pissed off. Ok I´ll give it another try!” I shouted out in anger of myself

I clap my hands together and really thought about nothing else than my sp and how powerful I should be. And the same moment as I clap my hands and close my eyes, to get the better thought, I feel it. The ground beneath us is shaking and as I open my eyes I can literally see how everything around me is shivering and covered in some kind of black and white aura


“YESSSS!!! That’s it, thats the kind of reaction I wanted all over from the start! More I want it to show my power more clearly” I scream in over excitement

As I scream that, I thought stronger and it feels easy by now. It is as it was something I was born with, like its just being created to serve me. The more I wanted to leak of my sp the more the walls around us and even the ground is shaking... now even cracks are showing up in the walls and they begin to crumble. And than, finally a white crack, in lightning form appears in front of our eyes and something was destroyed. I stop my sp from spreading and it goes as easy as I wanted it.

I look around and see that the ground has taken a good amount of cracks and so do the walls. The path now ahead us was still a tunnel, but with two differences. The first is, that there are lit torches all around the path and the second is, that we can see the end of this tunnel not far ahead. It seems to end at a small, black wooden door.

“Yaay, hahaha. You did it, I knew you can do it. That was amazing, not so strong as if I would have done it, but that´s nothing what will not evolve with time” Mia says totally happily while she rejoice

“Yes, I finally did I... wait a sec... what did ya say? Not so strong as if you would´ve done it?...” I asking her now very curious

“Ähh... ups...” Mia realizing that she blabbed it

“So, you surely want to tell me that you could´ve done that all your self after all? Right?” I say in an earnest voice

“Uhh, well ähh... Yes I could´ve freed us by myself, but I really wanted a success for you. So I thought that it would be best to just pretend I couldn´t. And you see it worked out well. I just need to get you angered, so that your power shows up. Hehe” Mia try´s to pull her self out of that gap she made herself

“Just for once, because I am glad for my achievement, I´ll let you of the hook. You damn cute, but deceitful girl you, come here.” I go near her and poke her head

“Ouh, that hurt. I thought you would let me of the hook” Mia says as if she thinks she is of none guilt

“It was supposed to hurt a little, so you will never do something like that again. But I am glad that you´ve done it this time, so that I now have the knowledge of controlling my sp. Say Mia what kind of things can I do with my sp? “ I ask her while we walk further in direction of the door

“Mhh, sp is quiet the useful thing. You can intimidate weaker enemies or folks with enough sp, it also can do some pretty mad destruction to its surroundings. But for the easy talk, just imagine anything your sp shall do and mostly it will take the exact outcome of your willing. So for example you want your sp to be a protective wall that can suck up impacts, which were inflicted to it, then it will be that wall. But remember if the impact is of stronger will or power than your sp, your sp becomes useless.” Mia sums this thing up

“Got it, the more sp I leak the stronger the influence to my surrounding, unless I control it perfectly for other actions and meanings. Right so far?” I ask her

“Yep, thats quiet the whole thing. Ahh but one thing to it, your sp is very likely to your powers, it will be more affective when you adjust it to your affinity’s as god of balance, otherwise it may have a destructive outcome.” Mia

“Oh ok, but wait what are my affinity´s than?” I ask her

“Hmm ,that is what we have to find out. But do not worry, now that you have done the first step with your sp, you´ll feel what fits it most and than it will be easy to get a feeling of your affinity´s.” Mia cheers me up

We walk further and the door is now right in front of us. It looks like an old wooden door with a bolt lock. All around the door are some kind of old runes carved into the door frame.

“Mia what are these?” I ask her while I pointing on the runes

“Those runes are a protection from evil spirits and ghosts” mia says a bit surprised

“You seem worried, why is that? Are these runes a hinder for us ?” I ask her now also a bit worried

“No, not really, but you mainly will find those runes on doors which lead to death rows or torture chambers. So that the souls of the tortured and executed wont spread into the world, to manifest themselves as evil spirits. I am a bit worried what we will find behind that door.” Mia says in an unpleasant way

“Oh no, that sounds not too cheering. Now I get this slight feeling that we are not to find an exit behind that door. But we have no choice lets find out what awaits us here.” I say very worried

I unlock the bolt due lifting it with my sp and it seems that I have now really the full control over my sp. Mia opens the door and we walk through it, at the other side we find a dimly lit room. This room is filled with lots of tools and chains for the simple use of torture. All here and then are blood strains all over the floor and even on the walls.

“Seems you were right Mia. This really looks like a torture chamber. That´s awful this whole place stinks of blood and decay. This man, the black baron, I want him to pay for what he has done to us but now I really want to see him facing consequences.” I say disgusted

“Yeah, I want him to pay too, but also this other guy. We better be careful with that man called Zaito,

he was able to just easy seal of my magic. that is not easily done, one will need a great knowledge of the old Hebraic magic to seal of the magic of a divinely being like me. Who´ll know what he´s capable of, he might even be a threat for us, because you dont know how to use any of your powers” Mia says worried

“ Ah man and all of that because I suck as god.” Me in a depressed tone

We go further through the room in search for another exit, or at least something that will lead us up to the city. But everything that we find, except from the torturing tools, is another door, but this door is different from the first. It is a dark wooden, double winged door with a celtic ancient dragon carved onto allover the door. We both give us a look and decide to open that door. The following scenery is on a total different level, right before us we see a big prison cell, no, more a gigantic bird cage and inside of that are people tied up and lying on the soil ground and some were even hanging from the ceiling, strung up on their wrists. The closer we look the more the real picture of violence and savagery shows up. The people hanging from the ceiling were cut open at their upper body and it seems some organs were cut out of them. Some seem to be still alive and awaiting their soon death. The people on the ground are all bloody and dirty. They all seem to be very dehydrated and exhausted. Beside the cage on the right side, a door was open and a staircase leading to the upper world.

“Ohh god, this is so cruel, its exactly why I despise humanity. Why do they torture each other in such cruel ways? Hohenheim please do something about this. I really can´t stand things like these.” Mia whispers to herself

“This... fuck this black Baron. Hey you, people in there can you understand me? I am going to release you from this cage now.” I try to get a good response in hope that they´ll might escape

“P..plea..please hel..p us” exhausted woman

“Mia is there anything we can do about their condition? We need to get them out of here.” Me a little helpless

“I am sorry Hohenheim, but it seems they all dont have any longer. If you were just able to use a power of yours, maybe than you are able to cure them, no you would for sure.” Mia says depressed

°This just cant be... no I have to do something, why cant I use my powers.... WHY for fucks sake...

I dont want this shitty divinity if I even cant save people from such suffering!°me desperately thinking about a way to save them

“Ah god I am pissed of, of myself soo much...” I shout and throw a punch against that cage

As my punch connects to the iron bars of the cage, they broke in an instant and left the cage open.

But we have no time to wonder about that punch nor to think about a fitting solution of how we can rescue the hostages. The same moment I destroy the cage we hear the voices of two men coming down the staircase. Mia fast erases her fire orb and tries to hide behind a crate next to the door, but I am just standing there and waiting for them to enter this room.

My actual state of mind is a very clear thought of what I want to do with those bastards. I want to kill them.

“Man that was a day, but thank god this´ll be our last delivery for today” Man 1

“Yeah, the boss said we should be careful with those, the girl seems to can use magic” man 2

“Ah dont worry haha I just got this from master Zaito. It should prevent her from using any magic”man 1

“Also heard she is a real beauty, maybe I´ll give her a try, hehe” man 1

“Hahaha, she´ll be all yours.” man 2

The two men come down the stairs and I see the light of a torch coming nearer. I prepare myself to instantly finish them off with my sp, but in one moment to another, as they enter the room. Mia jumped out of her hiding spot and sliced the neck of each of them. I only recognize them sinking to the ground. I never seen Mia that focused before, she had a real earnest face and her whole aura was telling me one thing : KILL, Yes the normally so naughty and cute Mia had for one moment only one intend. Her complete sp and body expression was that of a total killer. She jumped out and sprinted so fast towards them, that even I had my problems to follow her with my eyes. Then she put her finger on the neck of them and sliced perfectly through their throats, with just a finger.

°Damn, that was fast. Is this really the Mia I know, I am glad she is my ally. Dont want me to be the one who angers her haha. Also very glad that she killed them first, dont know if I were able to pull that of.°

“Mia, why did you kill them?” I ask her a bit relieved

“Mhh, shouldn´t I?... if so I am sorry. But I felt a strange sp from you, it almost felt like you wanted to do the same thing right than. So I decided to pull that of before you must, I know you became just a divinity lately, so I didn´t wanted to put you at risk.” Mia explains herself now again in her old behavior

“Yes, you were right. I wanted to do the same and I also thought that I might not be ready to kill someone. So I ähh... thank you Mia” I say now really relieved that Mia is back into her old behavior

“Hehe, not for that Hohenheim. I´ll be always there to protect you if you need my help” Mia proudly says

“I look forward to our time together. But what do we do now?” I look back to the cage while I ask Mia

The people in the cage, there are around 7 lying on the ground and 5 strung up, are barely moving and I see that that woman who asked for help has already passed away. The other ones dont look quite good either and the strung up ones were not to help anymore.

“Mia can you kill them fast and painlessly?” I ask her making my conclusion

“Yes, I can”Mia answers and changed the shape of her finger into that of a long needle, then she stings it directly into the hearts of the people in the cage and they all died a painless and very fast death

“Better they dont have to suffer any longer. I hope I made the right decision.” I say to myself out loud

“Yes it definitely is, don´t worry to much Hohenheim. You´ll have to make even more harder decisions later. Don´t let the death of humans come too near your heart, you are a divinity now nothing comparable to a mere human. You´ve just become a god you must harden your heart and sharpen your senses, it is up to you on how the balance of the worlds will change and who will win the struggle for the upper hand, will it be nature? Or will it be the creatures living? You have to over watch all of that by time. So cheer up and lets go for that black idiot “ Mia speaks into my mind

“Yes you are right lets see what we´ll find up there, hopefully an exit.” I say, but still a bit down feeling

We walk up the stairs, leaving the corpses and all the depressed atmosphere behind us.

The staircase is not too long and after a good 5 minutes we reach a hatch. We open that hatch and it is unlocked. Mia swings it open and we were blinded by the bright light of the sun, shining on our faces.

“Ahh finally an exit, I just missed the sun.” Mia jumps out and happily shouts

“Ohh yes, right you are. Didn´t ever thought that it would be possible for me to miss the sun, when I think back I was more the type of a person, hanging out in my room with shut windows. But yes this time it feels great to be outside.” I also happily say

The strange thing I discovered now about me is, that I am more or less not anymore affected by the dead people in the cellar and I even don´t mind that Mia just killed two people without any hesitation. I got used to it. It is as if my attitude has changed a bit. I dont feel responsible for humanity anymore. Even more I start feeling that I am more worthy than those trashy humans.

When I think back, it never really minded me from the start, I just wanted to be a caring person and I wanted to be part of a human society, at least for once, but now I realize that is not necessary.

°I am not longer a human... there is no need for me, to behave like one. I am the new god of equilibrium I´should just do what I want to. Yes I must not longer follow the rules of human ethic or morals. I was given the chance to finally start over my life, why did I not realized that from the start ? Ah maybe I was a bit skeptic, but well now I am free° I think of those things and suddenly start to smile and get very happy

“Whats with your smile ?? Hohenheim? I thought you were depressed.” Mia wonders about my new attitude with a grin on her face too

“Mia I just came to my senses... This was not me, I didn´t liked humans or society from the start. To begin with, I think I never was accepted by society in my old word, so I despised them from the very bottom of my heart.

Please Mia, forgive me. Let us start over and this time as the deity me.” I answer her now really happy and smiling

“Hehehe, I knew it. I knew the time you will realize that you aren´t a human anymore will come very soon. You know Hohenheim, the time the real God decided you to be the new deity of equilibrium, I was to wake up from my eternal sleep and I was chosen by your call. I have slept for over a two hundred thousand years. After I woke up, the real god said to me who my next partner will be, so I decided to watch him a little. I sneaked on earth and watched your daily life. That was 3 months before the real God called for you, so you know, I got quite the impressions of you and so I just know that we are a perfect fit.

You must know I am one of the power fullest spirit guardians out there and the possibility someone with the affinity for me will be chosen as new god was very small, but you did it. So now you know that you have definitely the strength to pull of something big in the future.” Mia explains very happy to me while she steps forward and hugs me

“Really? That is just great. So from now on I will be myself, but let me warn you

I am a bit insane haha, I have my own concepts on how the things should go.” I gladly response to Mia´s hug

“Hehe, no I must warn you. I watched you a little so I do know what kind of crazy thoughts you had and I also know that your true self is quiet the unscrupulous way of thinking, let me tell you why the affinity for me is such a rare one. Its because its exactly that unscrupulous way of thinking which connects us. I can kill without hesitation and I will protect you with all I got.” Mia

“Great to hear, that means neither of us must hold back in the presence of each other. Mia I just made up my mind. I think it will be great to accomplish something big let us continue our journey and figure out what we will set as our goal.” Me, now acting in my true self a bit megalomaniac like

“Now we are talking. Took you long enough Hohenheim” Mia happily agrees

“Let us begin with spreading the name of Van Hohenheim the god of equilibrium, and let us gather powerful apostle and establish a religion for me.” me taking a step and raising my voice authoritatively

“Yes as you wish. Hehe I really appreciate your new self.” Mia say while she looks up the sky

“But for now let us go and show this black baron that he made a false choice to anger us.” I say with determination

° Yeah I was really stupid to force myself into a behavior, which isn´t cut out for my personality. I will stick to my self from now on. And damn Mia is really cute in this light, I really took a liking to her hugging me.° Me over thinking my conclusion


So much for getting Hohenheim to accept his new self. Let me warn you from now on the chapter will contain gore, strong language and maybe sex scenes

Next chap preview: Hohenheim will search for the black baron in order to kill him and someone important appears too

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