《Equilibrium》1.) The Deity Day


Hi there,

I am a 20 year old guy living on the planet earth and I must call myself a thing named human, what a pity that I must be a part of this so called society and human social system. I just give a damn shit about other people, all I´ve learned so far, is that everyone´s an asshole and just lives to be king over something. And this something, mostly gets described as another human who was picked randomly by the mass of a “ social group” in other words..., yes I got bullied for quite too long, as that I could have kept a bit of sympathy for humanity. But even so I do have a policy, I would never kill any human unnecessarily and will never harm children, because I think there is still a bit of hope inside myself, that keeps saying “its a child, teach it the right way and there might be hope for humanity”.

I think in the very end, its not that I could really cut the ties with being a human.

“Couldn’t be more wrong about that, I learned later” Me

One day, I am just doing my stuff, well I am a great wonder of anti socializing, because with stuff I actually meant sleeping and thinking about brave story’s which will never happen to me.

I passed out while thinking about, how my life sucks.

When I woke up, I found myself in a totally white screened room, it was just as if you looked for too long on an untouched snowfield and got an eye-burn from it. I really couldn’t see a damn thing,

but suddenly I heard an unfamiliar voice

“You there, You were chosen to be the next divinity of Equilibrium. Its now your duty to protect the balance in all worlds of existence, so that life may continue and the circle of equipoise will not be harmed.” unfamiliar voice


“Uhhm... What the heck is going on? where the shit am I?? Who the FUCK are you???” Me in a slightly angry,but also scared voice

“You have not the right to refuse human nor to ask questions. I am The one and only God. With your new duty you will gain an unending and healthy life with also a few all and mighty powers and as a big bonus.. ähem I will allow you to choose 1 extra ability as gift, to show how earnest I am with this and showing that this hasn’t resulted out of a whim because I was bored.” God

well this really sounds suspicious to me, but I think I might just got a chance of escaping my old, boring, hateful life. Everything would be better than returning to my old daily routine.- Me

(Authors note: sentences with – at the end are inner monologues)

“O... Ok, I´ll take the job and I... uhm am sorry for cursing in the affect. So what kind of powers do I exactly get? And what exactly do I have to do?” Me

“Your powers are what you make of them. You have to experience them for yourself to determine how they will work for you, its not that simple that all deity´s have the same affect, even if they have the same ability in name. Your powers only have names and they will originate based on your affinity. So again for monkey´s... ähem I mean for you, one of your ability names is “Yin&Yang” it maybe that if you dreamed of being a shadow or something that you will gain the darkness affinity from your Yin ability and the Light affinity from your Yang ability.

Do you understand? Well doesn’t matter I´ll give you a list with all your ability´s.


Leading us to most annoying part, what is the one ability you choose as gift ?” God in a bit hasty and sarcastic voice

“Well, uhm I think it will be a very fast term, because I already speculated over one power.

I would like to gain the extra ability “shapeshifter”. If possible?”Me

“Ahh...ähem.. yes, yes that´ll do, here you go I fused it to the list. And remember, you better off not loosing that list because there will be no spare. And now off with you monkey... I mean new deity of Equilibrium. I´ll send you to your new working place, it´ll be a new world and your main duty will be to save the balance of nature, ahh, guess you’ll figure it out on your own haha.

There are rarely things you must not do, so you can also slack off a bit and do whatever amuses me... ähem you whatever amuses you.” God in a very suspicious suppressing laughter

List of abilitysYin&YangVoid magicPhoenixPath of ChiSpirit GuardianMythologyWrath&EvennessCalamity&BlissShapeshifter

I grabbed the list, which appeared in front of me and stuffed it into my pocket. And even before I could estimate a new question, my vision blurred into a more colored surrounding. At first it was a pain like hell, that I felt in my eyes, but after a while my vision cleared up and I could realize my where I am.

I located myself between some really high firs and all around me was nothing but undergrowth.

“Must be in some kind of forest, guess its a fir forest.-Me”

After I recovered to my full perception again, I began to look around and I walked quite a distance straight in one direction. At least I hope it was straight forward in one direction, without a compass I couldn’t be sure about that for a 100%.

After a while I also tried to incarnate some gestures with my hands, to see if I could full bring some kind of wonder with my new gained powers, but very disappointed at the results. I was not able to do shit.

“Would be very bad, if this so called god just played me.”- I thought, slowly worrying by myself

Exact the same momentum I started worrying, a black shaped, long,stick like, object pierced my right hand, as I wanted to scream in pain, I realized that there is no wound and that the object turned out to be a traditional japanese Umbrealla, which now is just precisely positioned in my hand without leaving any injury on my body.

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563090759633107516/ (Authors note: this is the named object)

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