《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 15


Alvis started to stop the follow of mana throughout his body. Alvis now won’t have to worry about not being able to use magic ability because another part of his body absorbs mana making him able to use mana.

After an hour Alvis was finally able to stop the flow of his mana.

Now he wanted to try the burst release mana. But he was thinking about how can he test without knowing the Destructive Sword Technique.

(Wait! First of all, do I need really know the Destructive Sword Technique? After all the Destructive Sword Technique is only used to maximize the effect.)

(Would just pure punching work?)

Alvis decided to quickly try it, but as a precaution, he decided to create a lot of regeneration potions that his father gave me before. Even though it effective is 20% of the original it still better than nothing.

as he stands in a punching stance.

(Make the mana from the core release a large amount of mana in the midst of punching.)

As Alvis swings out his fist. And just as he was about to hit the air large amount of mana burst into his right arm and to his fist.


A loud sound came out from Alvis's punch.

Alvis's arm and fist started to appear crack and blood flew out. Because he couldn’t control the amount of mana output, due to that his weak couldn’t handle all of the amounts.

(Ow ow ow!)

Alvis quickly pulls out a regeneration potion he created beforehand.

After drinking five bottles of them, Alvis's hand was able to regenerate back to normal.

(That was risky! I could’ve died of blood loss!)

Suddenly a knock came from the door.

Alvie looked toward the door, “Come in”

The doorknob was turned, comes in an old servant with white hair around the age of sixty five. Dress in your regular butler suit.


“You father have wanted me to pass on a letter to you.” Just as he said that the old servant pulls out a letter. After that the old servant left.

Alvis looks at the letter and opens what in the content.

[Alvis, you will be relieved of your duty for a week. The Isbert family have gone to one of their villa and I will be going with them to serve them.]

The letter is kinda… blunt

(What the hell?)

(Is this a joke? I thought it had something to do with phase 2.)

(But still what the hell is he trying to do with a kid that only nines years old!

(Ahem* Physically…)

Alvis just decided to ignore this letter and start focusing on the Destructive Sword Technique.

Alvis himself has a strong foundation because of his father's training. So learning this sword technique wouldn’t much be a problem.

The problem itself is mastering the Destructive Sword Technique. Alvis has no way of knowing how long it will take.

Alvis flip through each page.

The Destructive Sword Technique focuses itself on being simple. Because if the sword technique has a lot of movement, that itself may disrupt the Burst Mana Control. And having a simpler sword technique can help the mana flow faster

Alvis began to try each move on the page in the book.

After thirty minutes.

Alvis finally perform all the technique in the book.

Suddenly, a system message appeared in front of Alvis eyes


Outer skill not within the system detected…

Investigation activate…

Destructive Sword Technique Detected…

Updating user’s profile…




User’s Profile updated

Showcasing User’s new profile



Time: 8:00 PM

Name: Alvis Walker

Age: 9

Ability: Modeling

Description: The ability to create an object of what the user has seen. But the object the user created will be weaker than its original. (Magic Ability cannot be created)


Current Rank: Mid-F

Strength: F

Defense: F

Speed: F+

Stamina: E+

Mana: E+

Magic Power: F-



[Destructive Sword Technique] Proficiency 1/100

Ability Advancement: The user’s ability have not reached the required amount to undergo advancement


(Wait what is this!)

(I thought the system only manages our stats and magic ability!)

(Why is something like Destructive Sword Technique that is not part of magic ability registered?)

(And judging by how the system has to investigate this new technique, how was it able to exactly know what it is?!)

(Is it because of me who is learning that the system was able to learn through me?)

(Just what is this mysterious system!)

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