《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 14


(This is way different than the one I saw in the training area for Michael)

Alvis decided to ask, “Why does this have much more destructive power than the one you showed in the training area?”

“Ahh, that I was trying to control my power?”


“I want to keep the destructive power at the same level, while not leaving any traces.”

“I see.” Alvis thought about it and was able to guess his reasoning.

(Probably to not leave any trace of battle, so if another enemy saw it they can discern his power or tell how recent the battle is which also exposes his location.)

Alvis decided to not think about this anymore, and move on to other thoughts.

(Something that connects to me…)

For now, Alvis couldn’t think of it.


Alvis and Michael are on the way back to the training area.

In the midst, Michael suddenly remembers something.

“Oh, yea Alvis you use the sword as your main weapon right?”


Michael pulls out a book.

“Heres a sword technique that you can learn”

Alvis took it.

[Destructive Sword]

Just from the name of it, it already sounds strong.

“This looks very valuable…. Is it ok for me to have it?” Alvis looked very hesitant.

“It's fine don’t worry about it, besides it was your father that wanted me to give it to you.”

“My father?”

(Why would father give me something like this?)

(Does he want me to be stronger?)

After long thinking Alvis put those thoughts in the corner of his head, to not think as much anymore.

After returning, Alvis went back to his room immediately, because he wanted to analyze this Destructive Sword technique.

From what Alvis had learned this sword as the name stands, focuses more on explosive attack power.


The special part of this sword technique is that when an opponent blocks it or gets it they get hit with a sudden burst of power. This can surprise the opponent creating an opportunity.

What interests Alvis is that the sword technique is powered by mana. And there is a technique in the book that shows you a mana control technique that is suitable for this Destructive Sword.

(So in this world magic ability is not everything. Very interesting!)

Alvis quickly tried the mana control said in the book.

First Alvis has to find the mana core in order for it to work.

As Alvis close his eye in a meditation pose, sank his consciousness into his body.

According to Alvis years of the reading novel with cultivation novel included. It should be in the core of the body.

(Huh? It not their)

This is different than Alvis have expected.

(If it is not there where could it be?)

Alvis began to look around his body.

Suddenly the bloodstream caught his attention.

(There is a faint trace of mana!)

(If I can follow the opposite route of the faint trace of mana, maybe I can find my core.)

After that Alvis decided to go the opposite direction of where the mana is traveling.

After a while, Alvis arrived at his lungs area.

(This is where the mana is originating from)

Alvis could see a white marble, the size of a baseball, at the very center of the lungs.

(Why is it in the lung area?)

After long thinking Alvis came to one conclusion because oxygen travels through our bloodstream due to the lung. So every time we breathe the white marble releases mana to our body, making us able to use magic ability that people have gotten.


In the Destructive Sword, one must be able to control the releases of mana. So whenever the user swings it swords, and then suddenly releases it a large amount of mana it creates an explosive and burst attack.

Now that Alvis was able to find the mana core, in the future where he uses the Destructive Sword he can quickly release mana to create an explosive attack.

After Alvis was able to find his core he open his eyes and started analyzing the mana control technique.

[Burst Mana Control]

The book wants the user to stop the mana from flowing throughout the body. That way when releasing the mana it can generate an even greater explosive effect.

(But wouldn’t it affect the usage of magic ability? And wouldn’t stopping the flow means holding in, so wouldn’t that mean I might explode?)

Alvis's question was answered in the next line of the book.

You would still be able to use magic ability because mana is already part of your body. Ever since magic ability and mana have appeared the world and human body have undergone changes to accept mana. So now the human body is mana itself.

The mana core in the lungs is where mana is the densest because whenever someone breathes the mana around nature goes through their lung first. And even other parts of your body such as skin, muscle, hair, etc are absorbing mana. But the mana in the lungs is where it absorbs the most.

And stopping the flow won’t necessarily mean that the body will explode. In the book, it states that “As long as the body is strong enough, holding in lots of mana won’t be a problem.” and it also states, “This is different than those strong magicians because even though these strong magicians have a larger amount of mana and a weak body. They didn’t block the flow of mana, making the body easier to endure.”

(Wow. The creator of this technique sure knows what the learner is thinking to reassure them.)

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