《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 12


To Alvis right now, he is lost on what to do.

Even though he said he is going to get stronger, he doesn't know what to do in order to achieve that.

Just as Alvis is walking around thinking what he should do, he suddenly spotted a soldier who is training on his own with his spear.

The current area Alvis is in, is the fourth section where there is free space.

It was the soldier that Alvis couldn’t beat last.

Alvis decided to observe the soldier training.

The more Alvis look the more enchanted it is. The movement of the spear, the movement of his body everything felt connected, not a single movement was wasted. Very simple and straightforward.


(I can have him teach me the way of the spear!)

To be exact Alvis actually wanted him to teach him how to do a spear throw. Even though the power won’t be as much because of his ability, the spear throw can be enough to kill a deeply wounded enemy.

Just as Alvis is about to run up to the soldier.

The soldier's spear started to create an aura that gave immense pressure to Alvis who was watching from a distance. In Alvis' eyes he could see a giant lake. Water with no waves is so calm, yet scary at the same time.

The spear slash down an aura blade appears from the spear reaching out to the distance and then disappears.

(What is that?)

(Is that some kind of magic?)

Alvis was really confused about what he saw, as he was stuck pondering.

At that time the soldier noticed Alvis who was staring at him, “Oh if it isn’t young Alvis?”

Alvis seemingly awoke from his deep thought, “W-what is that?”

“What is what?”


“The thing where you do, some kind of invisible blade.”

“Oh! You mean Aura Spirit, right? Like that one that can give you pressure and an invisible slash that travels for a distance?”

“Yes, yes, yes that! Was that magic?”

“No, not exac–”

“Teach me it!” Alvis quickly interrupted it.

At first he wanted to learn how to throw daggers, throw spear, bow and arrow, stuff like that. But until he saw that, all those thoughts vanished. If he can learn this not only would he have a range ability, he could also focus on his sword mastery.

In the beginning Alvis thought that he could just create a weapon and use it for fighting. He believed that knowing multiple weapons will prove an advantage in fighting against the enemy. Since they can’t get a hold of you.

But learning multiple weapons has its own drawback. One of the drawbacks is that he won’t have a mastery and understanding of a single weapon, because of that he won’t bring the full potential of the weapon he is wielding. And as he progresses he might hit a wall where he won’t progress.

Another drawback is more of his ability related to creating weapons with his ability can be easily broken. And the weapon itself is very weak. So carrying an actual weapon would be more beneficial as it will be more reliable. But Alvis can’t carry multiple weapons because of the load.

So to Alvis learning one weapon would be more beneficial. And after what he saw he is more affirm about it.

“Sure, why not.” The soldier quickly agreed to it with a big smile on his face.

(Woah, that was fast.)

(I thought it was some kind of secret family technique that cannot be passed down to an outsider.)


“Let me introduce myself as we didn’t have a chance last time. My name is Michael Lawnwood. I am a soldier with a rank of Commander who can command a thousand troop.”

Each military rank also decides how many troops they can command.

Regular soldier is just regular

Captains can command a small group of at least ten people.

Generals can command at least up to one hundred people.

Commander can command at least one thousand troop

Chief Command can command at ten thousand troop

While the Head of Military is usually in charge of everyone below them.

“My name is Alvis, I am the servant of Lady Charlotte.” Alvis introduced himself in return. After that he quickly got straight into the topic, “Can you briefly explain what is an Aura Spirit.”

“Straight to the point huh? Well Aura Spirit is different from your regular magic ability that you see from your system. The system itself is an outside source of power. While the Aura Spirit comes from you yourself.”

“So how would one be able to use the so-called Aura Spirit?” Alvis asked a question.

“Aura Spirit isn’t something that you can work hard to get, it's more of understanding your weapon. To be more specific, think of your sword as a living being, and make it come alive. What does your sword represent? That is the way to achieve the Aura Spirit.”

“Come alive?”

“To give you the most basic example, a shield can represent a turtle for defense. However it doesn’t have to be limited to a living being. The shield can also represent a mountain. As long as you can bring out the image you want from your weapon, that when it consider to be truly alive.”

The soldier then continued, “When you were looking at my Aura Spirit, what did you see?”

“A giant lake”

“Yes, that was the image I was trying to recreate. A calm, quiet lake that will bring fear to enemies because of its quietness.”

Alvis was quickly enchanted by this Aura Spirit. Making him more excited to learn.

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