《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 10


After around 10 minute Isaac and Charlotte finished their talk, but Charlotte was showing a determined face.

This scene caught Alvis' interest, and was curious about what Isaac said to her. However Alvis decided to suppress the curiosity, as he thinks this might be related to their family matters or personal matters. The reason Alvis came to this conclusion was because he never saw Charlotte's mother. So he decided to suppress because he was inflicting a conflict between them.

“Are you going to participate in the phase 2 test?” Alvis asked even thought he might knew the answer because of the face Charlotte was making


At this point Alvis stopped using formality in his speech because he knew that Charlotte might be his teammate for the next phase. And Alvis believed that speaking formality might lead to them being more apart. Of course that is when they are alone, Mason, Isaac, and Austin are exceptions. However if they are in public that is a different case.

After a while a carriage arrived.

Alvis, Charlotte, Mason, and Isaac got inside the carriage.

It is said that the servant must be in the same carriage prepared to serve them whenever time. However it is a different case if another noble needed another seat from it. At that point the servant must give up their seat due to the status difference, and the servant must sit in the front carriage where the horses are.

Austin however has his own horse to ride, because the soldier would want to be at his most comfortable setting to be prepared for better conditions.

The carriage is very quiet because no one is talking, however there is no awkwardness between them.

However at this point the Alvis and Charlotte seem to forget someone.

Inside the building where Alvis and Charlotte were kept in a cage. There was a guard sleeping while being frozen.


After around 45 minute they arrived at the Isbert mansion.

Alvis was dismissed from his duty today to allow to rest.

Alvis went back to where lived and lied on his bed trying to digest what happened today.

(If today was not a test, would the result be different?)

(If the guard were a real enemy would he be a fool so easily?)

(Would my action be easily discovered and stopped?)

These thoughts race through Alvis' head.

(No! A win is a win)

Alvis tried to comfort himself, to not be so critical of himself.

(But… would I have died if this was real.)

Negative thoughts still appear in Alvis' head. Alvis is someone who likes to keep a realistic view since his previous, so these thoughts aren’t able to disappear naturally.

“Tsk.” Annoyed by this, Alvis clicked his tongue.

(If only I’m strong enough.)

Alvis seemingly determines his mind on getting stronger, to prepare for phase 2 and his future.

(Alright let's organize myself)



Time: 8:15 AM

Name: Alvis Walker

Age: 9

Ability: Modeling

Description: The ability to create an object of what the user has seen. But the object the user created will be weaker than its original. (Magic Ability cannot be created)

Current Rank: Mid-F

Strength: F

Defense: F

Speed: F+

Stamina: E+

Mana: E+

Magic Power: F-

Skill: [Model]

Ability Advancement: The user’s ability have not reach the required amount to undergo advancement


It's been an hour and fifteen minute since phase 1. The fight against the guard actually took around ten to fifteen minute because of the caution each felt before the guard moved toward Alvis when he was breaking the bars with a dagger. Plus the time to travel back.

Alvis mana stats increase from an E to E+ because of his content creation of sleep powder. And with Stamina E to E+ also.


(Stamina? I didn't do any endurance stuff when I was trapped.)

Alvis started thinking about why it was raised. In the end he came to one possibility.

(It is possible that stamina doesn’t represent just body endurance and how long you can last. The stamina could also mean mental endurance)

But Alvis also thought it only a day without food or water, so it would affect that much right?

(Maybe it have something to do with that there is a enemy right outside that you have to keep your guards up)

This reason he just came up with makes more sense. Because being cautious about the enemy while having no food and water, and constantly thinking of a way to escape is what made the stamina stat increase.

Whatever is the case, Alvis believes he could’ve done better. Due to his first time experiencing this stuff it restricted his mind, especially a part of his mind that was covered with fear. After thinking about it, I came up with a strategy that could’ve saved less time.

Like he could’ve had Charlotte freeze the guard at the spot to stop the mobility and then he creates a long spear that stabs him faraway. That way he wouldn’t have to bait the guards into coming toward him which decreases the risk.

Or he would have created a bow and arrow to shoot the guard or create a dagger to throw at the guard. But the problem he doesn’t know how to use it effectively

(At the end the guard went easy on us)

Because in Alvis point of view the guard didn’t even use his ability on them.

Alvis lightly slapped both of his cheeks to snap out of it, “Alright stop thinking negative things.”

Alvis started to lay out a plan and things need to do in his head to prepare himself for phase 2.

“First, I got to learn to use different weapon efficiently because my ability can be versatile”

“Second, I got to increase my strength, defense, and speed stats to better myself in combat.”

“Third, is to figure out a way to increase my magic power.”

“Fourth, is to earn money to buy things and make copies of them or to see a lot more things that may help me in combat.”

For the third reason Alvis has been creating swords which need the physical stats to help make it stronger. So would increasing magic power mean that it would increase its quality and durability?

(And at the end of status it says “The user’s ability has not reached the required amount to undergo advancement” would increasing magic power help improve my ability, and progress toward advancement?)

Alvis decided to save these thoughts for later and go to sleep because of the fatigue he got today.

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