《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 9


Alvis created a small dagger from right hand and with his left hand held a cup hiding behind him.

He started using the small dagger to start breaking the prison bar on the right side. While the left stands the guard.

The guard heard the sound that was made from Alvis and looked towards him. Who was using a smaller dagger to somehow break the bar. He looks toward Alvis and hesitates for a second.

(Where did the dagger come from? And is this kid an idiot for using such a low trick?)

But still the guard walked towards the place where Alvis was using his dagger. Because he thought he still had to fulfill his mission as a basic guard.

The guard started to walk toward Alvis. For Alvis each footstep and second felt like eternity, he is beginning to feel nervous.

After a few seconds the guard came face to face with Alvis looking down on him.

“What are you doing?” The cold voice came out of the guard's voice.


Charlotte, who was sitting in the prison, stood up and quickly used her magic ability. And quickly ice came out from the ground beginning to freeze the guard.

Just before the plan action started, Alvis was able to learn that Charlotte has the ability to create ice from thin air.

He decided to put that ability in use, hoping that Charlotte won’t mess up.

But Charlotte exceeded his expectations because he only wanted her to stop the guard movement for a good few seconds. But he didn’t expect her to freeze his whole body except for his head.

Alvis quickly took for the guards black cloth that covered his face.

And then both Alvis and Charlotte took out a black cloth exactly like the one the guard had.


After with the cup Alvis open the lid and threw the entire powder at the guard face.

The guard was distracted by the powder and couldn’t see what’s in front.

After that Charlotte ran up also with the cup and threw it to the guard.

(Shit it got into my eyes!)

(Ahhhhh it got into my nose and mouth!)

(I won’t die of overdose right???)

(And where in the hell did he get the sleep powder from? From his ability?)

After a few more second the guard fell asleep.

“Nice it worked” Alvis shouted, “Time to get the key!”

Alvis was about to get the key, but he was stunned there for a second.

Charlotte looked at him weirdly, “What’s wrong?”

Alvis looked back at her worryingly, “Uhhhh how do we get the key if his whole body is frozen…”

“…” Charlotte sighed

Charlotte then raised up her hand pointing at the guard.

And then after a few seconds the ice near the guard waist where the key is located started to disappear.

Alvis was shocked that Charlotte was able to make the ice disappear.

Charlotte looked at Alvis as if she knew what she was feeling, “After all this is my ability I can control however I want. Aren’t you able to too?”

Alvis looked away because he knew he couldn’t. The sword back in the training area, the dagger, and the cup he has now he couldn’t make it disappear.

Alvis scratched this thought and decided to focus on the situation.

He created a long sword and reached for the key. And he was able to get it. After that he use that key to unlock the prison

Both Alvis and Charlotte ran out the the small house that they were kept in.


And after crossing, entering in the light for the first time after two days.

What in front of him was Mason and Isaac and behind him was Austin wearing the bandit cloth that Alvis once saw.

“Congratulations on passing phase 1 of the test.” Said Isaac smiling.

Alvis and Charlotte were very confused about this situation.

“What do you mean phase 1 of the test?” Alvis said back confusingly.

Mason then stepped up and quickly explained, “This is merely a test or more like an introduction on what you were about to face later on. The whole kidnapping thing was to see how you Alvis were able to adapt to a certain situation.”

“Then what about lady Charlotte.”

“Lord Isaac specifically requested her to be in it.”

Alvis was a little bit enraged by this because his father Mason didn’t consider the human heart. Because to Alvis it might leave a traumatic experience that might scar a person's life.

It was only a relief that Alvis' previous life was a 20 years old adult, and Charlotte was quickly able to adapt even though she showed a trace of fear at the beginning.

But what if Alvis were never transmigrated? What if Alvis was just a normal kid? A normal kid with a normal heart and mind. Would it have been today’s result?

These thoughts flash through Alvis' head.

(And now you're telling me that it is not over, and there is phase 2 that might involve life danger.)

The more Alvis thinks about it the angrier he gets. He decided to take a deep breath and calm himself down before it got out of control.

“So when is phase 2.” Alvis calmly spoke to Mason.

“You will know it when the time comes.”

“Will it involve any life danger?”

“I don’t know,” Mason calmly replied.

Alvis clicked his tongue.

Next to him was Isaac and Charlotte having their own conversation.

Isaac seemly want to have a private chat with her, “Charlotte come with me for a little bit.”

“Yes, father.” Charlotte silently followed behind Isaac.

Just when they reach far enough that Mason, Alvis, and Austin couldn’t hear. They began to talk.

Alvis looked at them, and after a while lost his interest. He decided to sit on the ground and wait.

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