《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 6


The Isbert mansion is located away from the town, so if the people from the Isbert house wanted to visit the town they had to take approximately 40 minutes to get there.

Right now Alvis and Charlotte are currently in the carriage.

Even though these two have a different status, Alvis is still Charlotte's personal butler so he has to be near her most of the time.



Time: 8:35 AM

Name: Alvis Walker

Age: 9

Ability: Modeling

Description: The ability to create an object of what the user has seen. But the object the user created will be weaker than its original. (Magic Ability cannot be created)

Current Rank: Mid-F

Strength: F

Defense: F

Speed: F+

Stamina: E

Mana: E

Magic Power: F-

Skill: [Model]

Ability Advancement: The user’s ability have not reach the required amount to undergo advancement


Alvis looked at his stats and he felt great when he saw that his rank had changed from Low-F to Mid-F. But looking at the other part of the stats he started to get discouraged because he barely saw any changes.

Alvis sighed internally, (Man I have no talent.)

(I thought that I will get some crazy overpower skill or system, when I got transport to another world)

(Ahhh this is depressing. I didn’t get the protagonist's power!)

Alvis sighed again internally.

Alvis turned to look at Charlotte who was staring outside the carriage window, with excitement in her eyes. Even though her body acts like a proper lady, her eyes say otherwise.

Alvis can tell that this is one of the few times Charlotte ventures outside of her mansion.

The only other time was when she went on vacation to the main city.

When Charlotte caught Alvis staring at home, her eyes immediately changed demeanor. Her action made it so as if nothing had happened.


(Ah! She must have thought that her action is being hidden well.)

It is almost the end of the year as the end of November is rapidly coming. Alvis' magic ability awakened at the end of october which was the day he was transported to this world, his training started at the beginning of november.

When Alvis remembered the past event he realized that a month had already passed.

In this world the time and days are the same as the previous world Alvis lived in. 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days, etc.

Alvis really liked the fantasy world he is currently living in, but there is one thing that he didn’t like.

(There is no internet!)


In the blink of an eye they have arrived in the town.

Alvis got down from the carriage, and then he helped Charlotte get down. As this is part of her duty.

Alvis stared at the town, his expectations were just farmer living. Because this is away from the main city, Alvis simply thought that outside of the city is just countryside with farmers. But the reality was different

Sure there were farmers, but there were more buildings than he initially thought. The population of this town wasn't small, everything was flourishing.

The Isbert territory was near the east meaning it was near Neutral Country, so more merchants had to enter their territory first. And because of that Isbert house took advantage of that and made their land more flourishing.

Both Charlotte and Alvis entered the town, Charlotte was walking in front, and Alvis was walking behind her. Charlotte was excitedly looking around to the point that she doesn’t even care that Alvis is around.

Because of how Charlotte was dressed nobly she attracted attention from the people. Since Charlotte barely goes outside of the mansion, the people don't know the appearance of the offspring of the Isbert house.


However the carriage that they arrived in gave it away, the carriage has the symbol of the Isbert House.

“Is she from the Isbert family?”

“Probably, the carriage has the symbol of Isbert.”

“I heard that the Isbert family had a female offspring.”

“Then she must be from the Isbert family.”

Whispers were spread from the people.

As Alvis and Charlotte continue walking around. Alvis learned that the Isbert family apparently have a very good reputation. Some people came to greet Charlotte, and some others even came to prepare gifts for her.

As a result Alvis was carrying a lot of bags around.

While they were walking Charlotte asked a lot of questions to satisfy her curiosity, and of course Alvis answered it all because it is part of his job.

(Reading books in the library really paid off!)

Alvis caught Charlotte staring passionately at the jewelry, as if she is telling him that she wants it.

Alvis quickly went over and bought the silver bracelet with a purple butterfly jewel attached to it. The total cost is 1 silver.

In this world the currencies are copper, silver, and gold like the basic currencies in another world. 100 copper coins is equal to 1 silver coin. 10 silver coins is equal to 1 gold coin.

1 silver coin is enough for a commoner to last for 3 to 6 month depending on how they use it.. Because copper is used by the majority of the commoner.

Alvis spends 1 silver coin like it's nothing. In truth the money was given by Isaac.

“Lady Charlotte, here.”

Charlotte was surprised by Alvis 'gift’

At first she was hesitant about accepting it, but she ultimately gave in to her desire. She said thanks with a very happy smile.

Alvis' body was charmed by her smile and wanted to protect it. Of course this feeling was created by the original body, Alvis can’t control it.

(I swear I’m not a lolicon!)

(Also does she even realize that the money is not from me??)


Somewhere near valley a different silhouette was following Charlotte and Alvis

“Begin the operation.” A voice came out of the stone tablet.

“Yes, sir.”

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