《Im Just a Normal Character》Chapter 4


5:30 AM

Alvis was about to go out and complete the workout Mason gave him. But as he moved toward the training yard, he was interrupted by Mason.

“Here is a regeneration potion for your sore muscles.”

Alvis received a light red potion that Mason gave him.

And the moment he drank it, his sore body from yesterday had recovered from it. This potion has completely surprised Alvis.

Seeing Alvis' expression Mason was able to know that it was his first time seeing something like this.

“Even though this era is dominated by magic ability, that doesn’t mean that this whole world will revolve around it. This regenerative is one of the examples created by one of the researchers from Magenology 74 years ago. The potion effect is to speed up the body's regeneration, ” Mason explained.

(No, that is not the problem, why didn’t you give it to me yesterday!)


12 days have passed since Alvis started his training. There was only one change in his stats, that is his mana changed to F+, because of constantly emptying out his mana by creating swords.

Right now Alvis can create two long swords.

Since emptying out mana is a very fast process he decided to visit the library after he is relieved of his duty. And then when it was time to sleep he would empty out his mana.

And with the extra swords he had created, he disposed of it to the garbage.

During these past few days Alvis has noticed something, when training he would notice Charlotte staring. And during the night in the library he has also seen Charlotte staring.

And when he is doing his personal butler job he can feel the difference of Charlotte compared to the first day he met her. Compared to the first day she was more cold and unapproachable, and now Alvis can feel that Charlotte is more approachable compared to before.



Another day have passed

“Alvis, start using your magic ability starting from today.” Mason told Alvis as he picked up a wooden sword.

Alvis was surprised by this sudden change of training. For the past days all they have been doing is just fighting with swords.

Everyone’s magic ability is a secret to themselves, only they themselves know, unless you share it to someone with status share. Because of this Alvis had an advantage over Mason, because Mason doesn’t know what ability he has.


As both of them get ready, a fighting person, Alvis who is holding a sword to his side, and Mason holding a wooden sword to his side also.

Alvis charged forward, first preparing to slash diagonally against Mason's chest. But Mason blocked with his wooden sword, Alvis moved back a few steps. This time Mason moved forward swinging his wooden sword to Alvis left arm which is unarmed. At this moment Alvis brain is accelerating more than normal thinking what his next move should be.

(Should I dodge? But if I do that I would be vulnerable. Should I create a sword? But it is too weak to hold against Mason attack. What about creating a shield with my model skill?)

Even though Alvis can create two swords, creating a shield costs a little less than two swords, but it would still affect Alvis mental stage.

As Alvis is racking his brains around, he recalled what Mason told him, ‘Start using your magic ability.’ This phrase from Mason caused Alvis to think that he wanted him to incorporate his magic ability to his fighting.

(Screw it!)

Alvis went with his best decision he could think of, which was to create a shield. But before the shield can solidify, Mason attacks have already hit him, knocking him down.


“Too slow!” Mason yelled

This fight finished in 15 seconds, but Alvis can feel that Mason went harder this time. Before Alvis can use his ability he can fight Mason who is barehanded for minutes. But now he can’t even last for 20 seconds.

This felt frustrating for Alvis because all his hard work for the past 13 days was simply shut down. It is as if Mason is telling him that ‘You are just a normal person with no talent.’

Alvis knew that this body of his had no talent because he hadn't seen any other stats increase except for his mana during these past 13 days.


Another 10 days have passed making this the 23 days with 7 days left.

These days some of his stats have changed his defense went up to F, his Stamina went up to E, and his mana went up to E-

Even though his mana is growing rapidly, however, Alvis felt that it was useless against absolute power. And beside his magic ability everything he created will be 40% weaker than the original.

Within these 10 days Alvis tried to come up with ways in defeating Mason.

And today he has come up with a way that makes Alvis feel confident this time.

“Hey Alvis, are you ready?”

“Yes, almost.” Alvis was doing his warm up.

As both Alvis and Mason hold their swords to their sides. A few seconds later they both charge forward clashing their swords against each other. A solid 2 minutes have passed.

(I just need one opportunity! Just one!)

Mason holds his wooden sword on top of his head, preparing to do a straight downward slash.

(There it is!)

The position that Mason is in right now vulnerable at lower body, and with the height difference it would take a few more milliseconds to hit Alvis.

Alvis grabbed this opportunity and used his swords to reflect the sunlight toward Mason's eyes. Causing him to close his eyes for 1 seconds. Alvis now is about to diagonal down slash, Mason blocked it. However Mason realized that Alvis' hand wasn't on the sword handle.

Alvis' right hand has already created a dagger with his modeling skill. Now Alvis with his stabbing motion, reaching towards Mason's face.

Alvis knew that he couldn’t win against Mason with the standard upright way.

Alvis knew that he is in a disadvantageous position with size and power

As the dagger gradually reaching Mason's face.

He knew all these disadvantages that he had.

That is why as long as he wins, he doesn’t care what method he uses.

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