《A Life's Journey》Chapter 3.4 - Elemental


When he closed his eyes Aster could felt the familiar sensation of having his environment changed and as he opened his eyes what he saw was a familiar scenario. The same colorless void on the outside of his mental library. In truth, he could see the library a few dozens of meters to his right.

He never had seen who the library looked from the outside, it had a almost cubic appearance with the only exception bein the simple entrance with a three steps stair to the area outside the door. Unsurprising, the color of the outside is the same one of the inside, a blue almost transparent, but this time he could see through the walls.

Decided to let the exploration of the outside of the library to another time, Aster concentrated on what he came here to do. He focused all his mind on the first element that he choose, the wind.

He choose this element first because he wanted to use the same magic as his father, but unfortunately he had no affitiny with it whatsoever. The only response that he got was a faint breeze that blew on his cheek, it was so faint that he wouldn't never noticed if he was not so focused.

Sighing in defeat, he understood that while not impossible it would be very hard for him to became a wing magician. It should be very lucky of him if he ever reached in the Adept rank with such a meager affinity.

After this disastrous response in the first test Aster started to feel insecure, What if all my affinities are so low like this? He was afraid of failure like any other child of his age would be. But he didn't let that stop him from continuing the process, he only tried one of the six basic elements after all.

This time Aater choose the element that was the polar opposite of wind, the earth. But even if they are so opposite from each other, they both didn't have any affinity with Aster. Again the only response that he got was dirty in his hands, in truth it was so few dirty that if Aster had simply put his hands on the floor of his father workplace they would be dirtier.


That made Aster fear for the worst, he already tried almost half of the basic elements if he had no talent with none of them his path as a magician may be blocked. That was his worst fear, not being able to follow the footsteps of his father.

Almost crying Aster tried to call the next element, fire, but this time something different happened. In truth he never thought that something like that was possible. The all encompassing colorless void was filled with fields of blazing flames that burned in orange and red lights, coloring what was previously colorless. It gave him a scalding feeling but he never felt discomfort, only a gentle and comfortable warm.

But the most surprising was that this glorious scene only lasted for a few seconds before switching for something that was the exact opposite. What was before orange and red turned light blue and shining white, the burning fields are exchanged by white plains of snow during a blizzard bit strangely he could see through the storm. Even the warm feeling was turned into a chilling breeze instead of the comfort of the fire, in the snow he felt calm. While the two elements are opposites he felt at home in both of them.

He saw the fire burn, the ice appear, the fight for territory of the two elements and saw the ice winning the fight all in less than a second. The ice didn't win because it was stronger but because the fire had already used part of its power before, in truth he could felt that both of them had the exact same power.

After the incredible elemental display, Aster felt his eyes open even if they are already open. What he saw was the face of his father looking at him with a amazed expression, the reason for the amazement of his father was very evident at the moment when he looked to his hands.

In his left hand was a floating ball of red and orange flame, the ball was really tinny almost at the size of a thumb. The bizarre thing about this flame was that it didn't feel like a normal flame, it felt empty. Coming from the flame was nothing like the heat of a normal flame nor the vibrance of the dancing embers, it was only a static image of a flame.


And at his right hand he saw a diamond shaped crystal of ice, it had the same strange static of the fire. He knew that with only what he had it was impossible to use it offensively nor defensively. He didn't knew why they are this way but he was already very happy, he finally got to use magic after all.

Seeing the two magic phenomenons above his hands Aster tried to move one of them but unfortunately it was completely useless, in fact a that it did was to dissipate the fire and the ice.

Dayno was surprised by the suddenly appearance of the two images, but he was even more surprised by the ice image. It was common knowledge among the magicians that to obtain a higher elements before the Adept rank one needs to have a unbelievable high affinity.

The higher elements can be classified by two types the fusion and the ascended. The ascended type is a element that while a basic one is stronger than the six basic elements, such as life or space or fate. The fusion type is was the name tips, the fusion of two basic elements such as thunder, lava or poison. While not all af them have the same base power, all of them are considered higher elements because they are stronger than someone may be able to wield before the Adept rank.

And the ice element is one of those higher elements, being the fusion of wind and water. While it's not unheard of someone using a higher element before the Adept rank, it was still a rare occurrence even more if they had a Affinity with a element on the polar opposite like fire and ice.

Shaking the surprise off Dayno asked, "Did you tried all the six basic elements ?" He had his suspicions that Aster hadn't tested all his affinities, the suddenly appearance of the images hinted as such. And his doubts are proven right when Aster shook his head, seeing the gesture the mage signaled to give continuity to the test.

He thought that it would be more convenient if he only explained about the elements after all the basic six have been tested. It would only delay the things further if he did it before.

Aster understood the message and closed his eyes again, he had some questions to make but he was confident that his father would explain them after he checked his affinities. He understood that it was a fundamental part of the begin of his path as a mage after all.

Coming back to the void Aster started by calling for the water, even if he didn't knew about how the water and the ice are intrinsically connected he remembered how the rivers would freeze on the winter turning into ice. Thinking about the connection Aster though that he would have a strong affinity with water like he had with the ice.

Different from his thoughts, while he hadn't a high Affinity with it like the fire and the ice it wasn't low as the wind and the earth. The phenomenon the happened when he called for the water wasn't as overwhelming as the fire and ice fields but not so meager like the wind and earth.

What he felt was like all his body was soaked like when he took a bath.Sighing about the poor Affinity Aster got back to work, he still had two elements to check after all.

The next of was light, this one is one of the elements that he wanted to use the most as it was slavery similar with the positive magic used by his father.

And as he called the light surprisingly happened the same as before, the light was so much that blinded him the only thing that occupied his eyes was a flash of white light that was quickly turned into a blinding darkness overshadowing anything that he saw.

When he opened his eyes he saw a ball of light in his right hand was a ball of darkness and on the left a ball of light. He was very happy because he had so many affinities, he always wanted to be a mage and with these powerful affinities it was almost sure thing that he would be a powerful mage.

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