《A Life's Journey》Chapter 1.2 - Day of Learning


At sunrise of the other day, the happy family woke up, with the mother gone to work, only the father and son duo are in the house, at end of the breakfast, Dayno said as he leaves the table, "Don't get up, I'll go take the things." Walking into another room.

While waiting, various things passed through the head of the child, What is going to get, or, What will come first, are some of these things, as he is a very curious boy, as are most of his age, Aster definitely wanted to discover what his father will teach him today.

After a few moments, the mage came back with a few books in hands, each bigger than the other. As he put the books on the table, Dayno said with a very strict face, "Today we shall begin your lessons, we'll start with me teaching you how to read." But alas, that didn't take long, after a hour of writing the child already know how to read.

When he started to memorize all the letters that Dayno was teaching him, Aster suddenly remembered everything that was explained to him before. Every sound, how to write, the formulation of the words, all the knowledge that Dayno tried to pass to him was fixed on his memory, as if engraved with a knife.

Surprised Aster said in louder voice than the normal, "Daddy I can read it all!" Initially Dayno disbelieved his son, it was even a hour that he was teaching but Aster claimed that he already could read it all.

But he had the perfect method to ascertain that Aster already knew, he asked Aster to write his own name on a piece of paper. Soon his doubts are proven wrong, Aster really wrote his name on the paper, the handwriting was messy, but it was still wroten.

Dayno was mystified about the learning speed of his son, but soon a improbable thing passed through his mind, in normal situation he would never suggest it but now it seemed really probable, so he asked, "Aster do you have a gift?"

Aster didn't know what was a gift, but when he heard the question about it he was sure that he had one, the mind gift. He don't knew how he knew, but the knowledge about the gift and its uses come to his mind the moment that he thought about it.

It was almost a instinctual thing, he knew that it would raise his resistance to attacks against his mind and help him to practice any kind of activities that was related to his mind. But the most powerful effect, it was still hard for him to use to the perfect stage, but with some practice it would be easy.


After understanding all that information inside him, Aster nodded the his father,"A inborn gift! My son have a inborn gift! That's what was so strange about him, a complete gift none the less. Well this take away the fun of teaching you most of the things." Said the surprised mage, having mixed feelings about the gift, part of him is happy about the potential of his son, part is frustrated because he won't be teaching for to long, and part curious about the growth speed of a gift holder.

"Well, you already killed the fun of teaching you, so read through these books and later I will make questions about the content of the books." Continued the mage, in a sulky mood, he really was looking forward to teach his son after all.

"But daddy, what is a gift ?" Asked the boy, confused about his father change of humor, "Read this book first, the answers you seek are in its the contents." Answered the grumpy Dayno, as he got out of the house, to the work, he was going to take a leave for today, but looks like it's not necessary.

And the boy read, he read through the different books during six hours, changing the subject every hour never ending the book. A unexpected thing was that the more he read through the book, faster he was doing it the speed was negligible but it was still here, and not so long after, Rayssa returned from the work.

"What happened to my baby!" Roared the woman, as if the end of the world, she was only entering her home as normal, but what she saw was a child, her child, alone, inside a pile of books, reading, alone, the child is so focused, that in fact, he doesn't even heard the roar of the barbarian.

Over the years, Rayssa and Dayno became very overprotective of Aster never letting him alone for even a moment, that only changed when he started to sleep on his own room, but even so, during the day he was always along with one of then, for Aster to be alone in the house was a new thing, something that Rayssa didn't appreciated.

Rayssa desperately runned in the direction of her baby, "Why are you alone? And where have gone your father?How may he left you alone?" Hugging the boy, she disparate to many questions, more than he can answer.

Aster confused, spoke, "Mommy, daddy said that it will be boring to teach me, so he may as well go to work." Of course, his words contained a great mistake, making Rayssa misunderstand everything, but that was unintentional of the little boy. Furious, the mother picked up Aster and screamed, "If he find it boring, he needed call a teacher, not to leave you alone." Ending, she made way to her husband's workplace.


With fumes gushing from her nose, the redhead reached the workplace, a two story building made from stone bricks, with a opening on the side from where can be see people entering sometimes.

Going through the opening, Rayssa saw the man who left her child in the solitary house, the father, who was startled from seeing Rayssa, asked, "What happened?Aster got hurt?"

The fuming mother raged, "If he got hurt? Not! But nothing to thank you. How can you leave him alone because you are bored?" Repeating the words heard, but that made the father pale, "He said I was bored?" The redhead, not carrying about his reaction, continued, "Of course, you didn't saw how lonely he looked when I found him, my poor child." The mage, feeling guilty, asked the boy, " Aster, was you really so lonely?"

"No, the book was fun." The moment the boy said that, the barbarian, who was already ready to leap at the mage, froze, the mage, who was ready to cast a barrier, sighed in relief and questioned, "So now, can you tell me, what is a gift?"

The boy thought for a moment, as if recalling something and answered, "A gift is a mutation that happens to the people affecting one's own natural talent." Dayno with a proud smile continued, "And how you get a gift? I want examples."

With a smile Aster answered, this time, without even a moment of thought, "You can get one training something to a high a level, the gift you receive this way is related to the skill, As made a powerful arch mage in the past, he trained his fire magic to a level so high that he got the Fire Gift."

Making a pause, the boy soon continued, "The other form is through birth, when the parents have a gift and the child receives the gifts as a inheritance, a good example are the royal families through the world. A king in the past got the Resistance Gift and all those who descended his blood got the gift, though in lesser forms, and the least common form, thought rare, a person can be born with a random gift, independently of inheritance, ambient or achievements, like me."

As the boy talked, Rayssa became even more bewildered, but at end of his speech, she was already numb, and Dayno even more proud.

"See, I was not wrong, Aster have a mind related inborn gift, if I had insisted on teaching him, I was only going to waste my time, he can learn of that all alone and ask me what he doesn't understand later." Having said that Dayno, gave his wife a victorious smile, that smile, was the least drop that made the redhead feel defeated.

"Sure, sure, you are right, I was wrong, I am going home. " Said the still shocked mother, and Dayno chuckled, "Aster, at home we can continue the questioning."

Nodding, the boy said, "Yes, then I'll continue reading the books. " Hearing that, the father smiled and said, "But don't forget to eat your food."

The mother and son duo walked together to the home talking to the people along the way and when they are nearly reaching the end of the walk, the mother, who already recovered from the shock, asked in a interested tone, "So, my little boy have a gift?"

To which Aster told, full of pride, "Yeah, I have the best one." That made Rayssa laugh, "And why do you think yours is the best one?" Curious, inquired the mother.

Suddenly, the happy and bright eyes of the child changed, to one of a monotonous and frigid demeanor, and with a cold voice, he answered, "The Mind Gift active properties let the user change the his own perspective to a different one, this ability is more useful for doing and seeing things that the normal perspective cannot, like now, my normal perspective is that of a little child, but now I have the same point of view of a war golem, seeing no difference between lives and objects."

Rayssa frowned, for she knows the use that such abilities have, but she know how dangerous is to control a power like this, and she judged that it was to much power to Aster wield without at least, having a more mature mind, "Go back to normal." She demanded, and as if never changed, he got back to normal, with a bright eyes and a wide smile.

In a unshakable voice, she said, "Promise that you will limit the use before your adulthood." All that the boy said in turn was, "Its a promise" And in silence, they reached home.

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