《A Life's Journey》Chapter 0.1 - Night Storms


The winds howl, the trees shake, it was a thunderous night in the beginning of the year, inside a solid little house made of redwood, in the ceiling, a fell spots of moss can be see, marks from the passage of time, nothing too grand, while not the biggest house on the village, is one of the more important, because here, lives the only one mage of the village.

The mage, a man with short silver hair and golden eyes, have a lithe body and pettitt frame, a youngster in the eyes of the ones who see him, have a round and smooth face and tiny nose, he is walking from a side of the house, to another. In his face can be see a semblance of despair and fear.

"Why is she taking so long ?It is already four hours more than what they told me!" Said the despairing mage, still walking from side to side.

"Just shut up, my sister say that there wil be no problems, all you need to do is to wait." Said the other man in the room who takes a dip of his drink, this one, different from the mage, is tall, two heads taller than the mage, muscular and scarred, with a rough and red beard, which is grown until the half of the neck, in possess of a axe half the size of the mage.

"Who knows what's happening!For all we know she is very hurt or worse!" Roared the mage, at that time a thunder fallen down on the outside, as if to prove the point of the mage.

The redhead knit his brow, get up from his seat, walked in the direction of the mage, until they're a palm from each other, looking deep inside the golden eyes of the mage with his own black ones, and said, "Have faith in my sister she never failed before, won't be today that she will. I am sure she'll get mad if she know you doubted her, for even a few seconds, so just sit down and drink, it's a fine Aranian liquor you won't see it from this hole of a place you put yourself in." Picking up the mage and throwing him in a seat beside his.

When he heard the redhead, the mage palled, thinking about the sister of the brute. "But you won't tell her, right? She'll kill me for sure! Rayssa never know how to hold back, and I don't think she will learn so soon. " The mage managed to sweat even more than before, thinking of the cruel things that the woman will do, if she ever discovers his doubts.


"Bahahaha, my sister won't kill you, she's not that much of a monster, but you better prepare yourself for what is to come. " Said the redhead, as another thunder rang on the background.

"Finally!"Shouted a woman in the other room, "it's a girl!" Shouted again, in the accompany of a infants cry, this made the mage jump to his feet, with a smile on his face, the smile made the room get brighter for a few seconds, and happily the mage said, "Haha my daughter, my baby daughter is born!Come Agariel, Let's get her!"

Going ahead of the redhead, Agariel, the mage looked like he have springs on his feet, for the hurry he was in. "She won't go anywhere,for the gods!" Exclaimed the brute, adding, "She is a loud baby, she is going to be very lively in the future." Following the mage, he too is happy, just is not crying out as the mage .

Whatever, as the mage open the door, there was someone who did not agree with the mage, one woman, tanned skin and wavy hair, she don't looked like someone young as she have a fell wrinkles on her face, and a brown gown made of a cheap cloth, walking out of the door, with a baby in hand, she said, "Come pick your daughter, is not over yet." Giving the baby to the mage.

The baby who is already sleeping, is not like her father, having a big body for a baby, she have a few strands of red hair in the head and looked really fierce, for a baby that is, and possessing a necklace in around the chubby neck, looking very oversized, but the new father is looking at none of this.

"Look aren't she a beauty, very much like me, we'll need to be careful for when she grow up, for the brats who will come after her " Said the giggling mage, half serious, but the love in his eyes is impossible to not be see.

"Hump!Whoever will try get my sister's daughter?" Snorted Agariel, with a smile on his face that looked like a grimace, he to is half serious, looking at his new niece's face, suddenly he furrowed his brow and a even more menacing look appeared on his face, he said.


"She is a High Born." That's all he said, but the mage froze, "She cannot." Pleaded the mage, his face reverted from the happy one, to one of depression for he knew that his daughter will not be with him for long, High Born, that's how they call the ones who awaken at the birth the power of The Third Human Emperor.

"What will you do?" Asked the now calmer giant, "We'll wait, for Rayssa,until then I'll be with my daughter... " Answered the mage with a sad smile on his face, "...while I can "

Ended the mage, looking melancholic.

They stood here for a few minutes, one with his daughter and the other with his liquor, until the second cry of the night rang out, "Its a Boy!" But this time there just a short cry, then it stopped.

"What happened to the cry?" Asked the mage, suspicious that there are some problems, he entered the room, his daughter never leaving his hands, the brute following inside.

Inside the room, there are two women, one who walked out of the room earlier that night and one lies above a wooden bed, this one, different from the former, is tall, strong and have a fierce light in her exhausted, black eyes, even the red mane on her head looked tamer than the other days, she is holding a blunter of clothing on her hands, "Look, he have my eyes" Said her, gentle as if she spoke louder will hurt the baby.

Inside the blunter of clothing that the woman is holding, have a happy baby, with black ,almost closing, eyes and a turf of white on his head, this one, have a round and chubby face, very similar to his father, "But he have my hair." Said the mage, with a little drop of water on the corner of his eye.

"Why the sad look Dayno?Our kids just happened to be born !You can't be sad because of this, you wanted!"Bellowed the woman, not understanding why her husband looked so melancholic."She is a High Born" Said the mage, Dayno, without even looking at her, as he said that, the first woman got out of the room, for she know that this talk is not to be heard.

The woman exhaust eyes became sharp again, but she understood, she will not see her daughter for long, but she know what to do. Looking at corner of the room, where the brute is waiting, he neared the baby and take out a necklace that looked similar to the one on the first baby,and put in the baby boy, saying, "With this, my previous mission is over. Now we can talk about the girl." He said, looking relieved, as if a burden has been lifted from his shoulders

"You will take her, to the west, to the kingdom of the beastmen, in the south of the kingdom there is a village, who the chief owns me, he'll take care of her until she can live for herself. " Said the woman, in resignation.

"She'll be safe?With this man." Asked Dayno, insecure, never having met the man in question.The woman glared at mage, with a bit of fury, but calmed down and said, "Do you think I'll leave my baby daughter alone with a man I do not believe?She'll be fine."

The Dayno smiled bitterly and said, "Fine if you believe in him, I'll leave her to him, but enough of it." Looking a little happier, he continued "The names, we have to think of the names." And with a pensive face he said, "Skyler and Aster,what you think?" Hopefull, asked the mage.

"Skyler and Aster. " Said the woman, tested the names on the mouth, "Yes, Skyler and Aster are good names" She then have the baby, Aster, in her arms a smile, "Little one, from this day onward, your name shall be Aster, are you happy?" She said giving the Aster a kiss on his round nose, who giggled, as if to answer. The storm is already ending and the night is giving its place to a beautiful day.

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