《The Magitons》Chapter 20 The Guardchev
A few days had passed and Lotee was back for his usual visit. Etaine clung to him. She grew more fretful each time he left her now and was hopelessly in love, She had worn a path on the ceiling from circling endlessly when he was on duty elsewhere. He enjoyed her attentions, hid little love notes for her to find and even gave her an occasional air kiss. She thrilled to his affections, though their relationship was limited by the hologram's lack of a solid form.
"They should let us out of here when we want and not lock us up like prisoners. Every time I poke my head out the door, I'm treated like the plague," Etaine whined. "I love you, Lotee, and I want to be with you all the time."
"I'll see what I can do, but the Admiral has been in a cross mood," Lotee said. "It's been several rest cycles, Widhbo. How long will Tajlon sleep?"
"I suspect he will sleep for an awfully long time."
"Admiral Bethon is growing impatient, Lotee insisted. "He's quite miserable and must apologize to clear his conscience."
"I know," Widhbo said. "That's the fun of it." He reached inside his cocoon and brushed a few feathers back from Tajlon's face.
"You shouldn't play games with the Admiral, Widhbo."
"Oh, I'm not playing. This is serious wicked fun."
"Damn right!" Hal said. "Let him wait."
"The Admiral can go to hell," Greyla said. "I'd think the devourer should keep them all busy enough. I can feel he's growing closer again. What's their plan anyway?"
"They don't have one yet," Lotee said. "I couldn't give you any details if they did."
"No plan?" Widhbo smirked. "The all-knowing and wise elders of the universe have no plan?"
"Do you have any thoughts, Widhbo?" Greyla probed.
"Of course, I have thoughts. Why do you ask? Silly empath!"
"About the devourer, you ninny!"
"Oh, it's not my place to discuss military actions," Widhbo said. "That would be presumptuous of me, wouldn't it, Lotee?"
"Don't answer that, Lotee. He's being mean," Etaine said. She patted Lotee on the shoulder, her hand passing through the holographic image.
"If you have any idea on how to deal with the devourer, you should tell us immediately," Lotee said. "All of our lives are at stake."
"First, the admiral should admit the truth about what happened out there,” Widhbo said. "I didn't murder anyone."
"Perhaps if Bethon would drop the murder charges against Widhbo, he might be more inclined to help," Hal suggested.
"I would. It's rather difficult to work with one's prosecutors to save their hides in order for them to carry out my sentence," Widhbo said. "Look at me, Lotee. Do I look like a heartless killer to you?" He cradled Tajlon in his wings and rocked him from side to side.
"My opinion doesn't matter," Lotee said. "You should know that by now. I am even less than any of you in the eyes of Admiral Bethon, little more than an appliance."
"Not true! You're as much alive as I am!" Etaine said, turning green with agitation. "Oh, I keep forgetting I'm a ghost. I'm not alive, am I?"
"You're a mutant, Etaine." Widhbo said, "That's what Bethon called us, mutants."
The seal on the door hissed and the locks released, but no one entered.
"Looks like they've freed us," Greyla said.
"Why?" Etaine asked.
"That's all the invitation I need," Hal said. "I’m going to have a look around."
Greyla was on her feet and out the door. "Coming with you, Hal."
"You're free to leave your quarters. They must have received a final vote from the committee. You are still required to stay in the guest area," Lotee said, "Come on, Etaine. I'll show you around some more."
* * *
Bethon appeared a few minutes later. His entrance was more civil this time. But he grew agitated on finding Tajlon was still wrapped in Widhbo’s cocoon.
"Don't you ever knock?" asked Widhbo. "It's just one surprise after another around here. Tajlon's not ready to receive company."
"He can't still be asleep," Bethon said. "Not unless you've sedated him."
"Of course, I've sedated him. It was only the humane thing to do," Widhbo answered, plumping the feathers around Tajlon's head.
"Wake him up."
"It's not time. No."
"What do you mean, no?"
"It's too soon. I won't do it."
"Are you defying my direct order?" Bethon asked, incredulous. One hand reflexively gripped the hilt of the weapon holstered on his belt.
"You can't have him until you promise to behave in a more civilized and predictable manner. I'm the healer, it's my decision. You sir, left him for dead."
"I'll take care of him and relieve you of his responsibility."
"Promise first... "
"I'll remind you who's in charge here."
"I'll remind you that my restraining field is gone."
Bethon paused, then laughed under his breath. "Are you threatening me?"
"I simply must have your word that you won't mistreat him again. Tajlon is not your plaything nor your dinner.”
"I won't harm him. I promise."
"Why should I believe you?"
"You're free," Bethon gestured to the open door. "Isn't that enough proof?"
"You've dropped my charges?"
"Yes. All of them. We were mistaken. I didn't believe any of those preposterous stories. I thought it was a cleverly disguised mutiny and assumed the captain had been a victim of foul play.“ Bethon raised his hands with his admission. “Until I personally witnessed the actions of this demon or devourer as you call him, I didn't believe such a creature existed. I'm sorry for doubting you, Widhbo. I'll make it up to all of you."
"Make it up to Tajlon and we’ll call it even. Your drunken indulgence and carnivorous appetite quite nearly destroyed him."
"I've been punished far more severely than you know. I admitted my guilt for my actions and turned myself over to the ancients. I've suffered a full thousand times over for every pain I inflicted in the retribution chamber. The conduct program scrubbed my files and corrected every quantum of me."
"I'm available if you need more scrubbing... or punishment. Birds have a nasty way of plucking out one's eyeballs and other soft parts."
"I assure you I'm reformed. I've been thoroughly checked by the ancients and have met all their criteria."
"Still, I might want to check for myself... "
"The ancients gave him this for protection." Bethon pulled out a heavy chain on which hung a medallion glowing under its own power. It had a patterned dome with dolphins, birds & leopards woven ornately in a circle of vines rotating around a central flame."
"What sort of protection?" Widhbo asked.
"It's a guardchev made especially for Tajlon. It is engraved with creatures from his home planet and attuned to his nature. It will protect him from me, or any elder for that matter. It also blocks us out of his files."
Widhbo took the medallion and examined it. "Let's put it on now shall we?" He looped it over Tajlon's head. "Give Tajlon everything he wants, a planet and a starship of his own."
"Assuming we survive, I plan to do better than that. I've petitioned the ancients to make him an elder god before his time."
"You should probably speak with Tajlon first. He may not want to be a god, though he would make a far better one than any I've seen here," Widhbo said. " Also, I suggest you scrub Colonel Munaci. I find his behavior rather irritating."
"I'll consider it. Now may I have Tajlon?"
"You may have the privilege to take care of him. He doesn't belong to you."
"Yes, I know. I have been instructed by the ancients to turn him over to Lord Anakron who rules over his home planet of Beldora."
"No rude awakening. Let him sleep it off."
Bethon picked up Tajlon, taking him from Widhbo.
"Help us fight this demon, Widhbo. We don't know how to stop it and could use your experience," Bethon teleported away with his charge. Taljon was still out cold and knew nothing of what was happening.
"Neither do I, Admiral," Widhbo said to the empty room.
* * *
Tajlon slowly became aware of his surroundings and shook the haze from his mind. He was lying on a bed. Next to the bed was a chair where Bethon sat watching him. He could tell something was intervening between them. Bethon wasn't invading his mind anymore.
"I don't blame you for whatever you're thinking. I can't read you anymore. The ancients gave you the guardchev you are wearing to protect you from me."
Tajlon took a deep breath and said nothing. He gave Bethon a cold stare. Memories were returning.
"It's not enough to apologize, but I'm genuinely sorry."
Tajlon collected himself managed to sit up. "What does this do?" he asked, pointing to the medallion around his neck.
"It blocks telepathic intrusions and prevents anyone from controlling you," Bethon said. "Widhbo repaired your files. How do you feel?"
"I've been better."
"I don't expect you to forgive me, Tajlon, but I will make it up to you."
"Who are the ancients and why do they care about me?" Tajlon asked examining the device.
"They oversee all aspects of our existence, rule across all the galaxies and even the other dimensions. They have compassion. Accept their gift. I've made my atonement with them. We are bound by their strict codes of behavior, and I can assure you that I have been punished severely. The liquor affects my ability to control my deeper instincts. I didn't realize what was happening to me in time to prevent acting on my impulses."
“So, you’re saying you were intoxicated.”
“The real intoxication was you.”
"Why Bethon? I’m not the first mortal you’ve encountered. You must have seen untold numbers of humans.”
“You're an anomaly. The computer processor your father placed in your brain at such a young age has recorded and stored every moment of your life. Your entire existence has been digitalized and preserved in pristine condition with every physical sensation as fresh as a vine ripened fruit, so rare and delicious. That simply doesn't exist in our world. For someone who hasn't experienced life in thousands of years, it's irresistible."
"That doesn't explain why you turned on me."
Bethon closed his eyes and lowered his head into his hands. "I was lost in your memories. They are exhilarating. The world of your origin was so lush and pleasant, that marvelous ocean, the cool breezes. We had nothing so lovely on my planet. I wanted you and your memories.”
"I denied you nothing."
"If only I could have stopped there. But the predator in me broke free. I wanted more. I hurt you very much on purpose. I wanted to break your bones, tear you apart and feel your primordial pain. Your vulnerability was exquisite. I had to experience the pain and terror of my prey. I became the blood thirsty brute I once was, Tajlon. There's no excusing my behavior, but it made me feel alive again in a way I could never have imagined."
"As monstrous as that is, I can at least make some sense of it." Tajlon paused and watched the dome of the guardchev start to rotate.
"If anyone doubts your fortitude, refer them to me. I'll set them straight," Bethon said.
The guardchev had accelerated its rotation.
"I don't see forgiveness in your near future, Admiral." Tajlon stood up and realized he was back in the admiral's private quarters. Outside the door of the bedroom, he recognized the wall of pictures he had seen before.
"I fully accept that and realize my company is abhorrent to you. My true punishment is that I've lost you." Bethon got up and walked to the door. “You may recall I mentioned the elder god, Lord Anakron, who rules your home planet? He’s coming to our emergency conference and will arrive shortly. I will be placing you in his custody. As you are from Beldora, you are his subject, and he is your rightful master."
"This will protect me from him as well?" Tajlon's guardchev was humming and spinning faster. It was having to work harder to block Bethon out.
"Yes. But you needn't fear him. He's far more honorable than I am."
"I should hope so."
"All the same, I would advise you to keep the guardchev on your person in the presence of all the elders at all times.”
“Advice taken,” Taljon responded. He looked at the spinning dome of the device, a dazzling blur of color and light.
Bethon pointed to a suit of clothing laid neatly across a chair, “There's a new uniform for you. Join us when you’re ready.” Bethon looked at Tajlon with an undeniable hunger in his eyes. "Don't ever take it off in my presence, Tajlon, not ever."
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