《Children of the Singularity (S4)》27. Yeti: Wet work


27. Yeti: Wet work

Moving through the ruins of Chernobyl the air was thick with dread as the firefight continued. It was another day at work, most of us had seen years of combat myself a decade but we all felt that same dread as our mortality dawned on us. Trying to shake the feeling saw no effect. It’d reached the point where it sat at the back of our minds constantly. Even Baron and Havoc were quiet without any smart remarks or insults being thrown. Catching a glimpse of their tired faces I tried to offer them a warm smile earning a nod from both returning to their duties.

Anxiety was a constant in combat but it could be maintained or suppressed. When we first came here though that constant was diminished regardless of intensity. We fought with complete focus without interruption. It wasn’t until we stopped following the air dropped orders that it began to creep back in. It was unnoticeable at first growing at a marginal rate to the point where it felt like an old acquaintance had returned and nothing more. Something was different now though.

Quickly ducking and charging across a street just behind the Crusader front line to avoid a stray shot we kept up our pace towards a compound held by outlaws holding our target hostage. A grenade detonating saw pebbles of rubble fall from above leading to a panic of action to avoid being crushed alive. Looking up the building stood undisturbed. Shaking the dread free we continued on.

This wasn’t the anxiety of combat. This was different. This was the pure fear of death creeping forward every day. The fear of dying in itself. Something about this place made the thought of dying so perverse. Something called for us in the night and whispered during the day leaving no respite for weary souls. A few veterans of the zone documented it as the madness on the wind after being here for a certain amount of time. Some people lasted years, others only weeks.

With everything we’d learned it seemed time wasn’t the variable but rather what we knew. Having light shed about the pillar and the chance to find it’s location we all felt a sudden degradation in our mental state. The fear of death became ever so present with such sudden force. It was as if the zone itself no longer favoured us. Approaching our insertion point to began reconnaissance and formulate an attack we split into groups.

Alongside Baron, Line, Havoc and Duke we found a building to nest in while observing the countless outlaws guarding their compound. Buried deep within the building we left our field of vision to only what was necessary. Line setting up his M14 DMR Baron and Havoc set up with binoculars as Duke sat next to a window visible to the other teams waiting to give a signal on my command.


Continuing to formulate a plan Duke sat next to the window clasping his M4A1 carbine with knuckles white taking deep breaths. His eyes burned with the ferocity in being eager to prove himself but that dread sat deep within him as it did all of us. We had the advantage of experience to quell our fears but he was still a child only seeing first combat a year ago at the raw age of sixteen. His mind still wasn’t forged by the fires of battle or able to divert the stresses that came with the fight.

“How you holding up.” Turning he quickly responded.

“Fine. Stop asking.”

“I only asked once.” Looking to argue with me another explosion resonated through the streets seeing Duke turn quickly to the source only to go back to clasping his rifle.

“We’re all shitting it, you’re not the only one.” Baron looked around with a half smile.

“Well metaphorically at least, he might take that literally.” Furious Duke went red faced about to unleashed a rant as I cut him off.

“Brave words coming from you, still remember your exploit in Afghanistan.” Spinning round Havoc looked to Baron and Baron to me as Duke took interest which Line took the honor of enlightening him.

“He jumped over a wall landing on a dud IED. Grenade went off the street over and he shit himself.”

A massive frown grew over Baron’s face as Havoc started wheezing.

“You told me the smell was goat shit. That’s incredible.”

Looking to the ground disappointed that the light had finally been shed over his mishap Duke saw himself with an amused smile which broke allowing a chuckle to escape. Nodding slowly Baron returned to his vigil as Havoc calmed himself and Line sighed. Smiling for a moment the seriousness of the situation quickly returned as we stood watch on our vigil until Line brought up his hand.

“We have an opening, three hundred and forty seven degrees. Yeti you see it?”

Quickly strafing over to a vantage point to observe the area I saw a gap in the outlaws defence. Calling out to Duke he gave out a signal to another building we occupied. Seeing Sandworm give a confirmation signal Flux’s team moved into position. Taking barricade positions we sat ready at the sides of the windows ready to fire as Line kept a constant vigil down his scope.

“They’re getting agitated. Open fire?”

“Not yet, let them get closer.”

Watching Flux and his team scuttle forward they evaded detection expertly in the rubble leading up to the compound. With Strider and Hazard holding back to provide cover fire Bishop and Flux went for the breach standing only meters from the gate with sentries on the side of the compound. Looking towards us from two hundred meters away they gave us a direct nod to begin. Complying the order went out.



Line was the first to shoot. One of the outlaws at the front gate fell with a burst of blood emitted from his back as the other stumbled to the side shocked. Firing another shot he caught the surprised outlaw before he could react, his shots blending in with the surrounding fire fight. The outlaws went into full alert desperately scanning for the origin of the shot. Using the confusion and disarray Flux and Bishop slipped in without confrontation.

“Like clockwork.” Line took another shot before cursing and quickly leaning to the side.

“Missed that dickhead, we’re compromised.”

“Weapons free boys let it rain.”

Rifles resting on the side of the windows Havoc and Baron unleashed bursts in quick succession as the outlaws ran for cover unaware of our strength. Taking part in the barrage my sights found themselves dancing over the target rich environment. A shot to each man, if it didn’t hit it still instilled an overwhelming panic. Holding the weight of fire the other building we occupied only created further confusion. Reloading looking to my side Duke stood in the exact center of the window lining up a target. Pulling him down just in time as shots tore through where he stood he looked back shocked as I reprimanded him.

“Silhouette to a minimum. Remember what we taught you fuckhead. Want to be a soldier don’t you? Then stay alive.” Amongst shocked breathing he managed a reply before manning his firing port again.

“Got it.”

Taking a more appropriate stance Duke pushed the balance of fire further in our favour without endangering himself more than he had to. A shot cracked dangerously close to Line as he tried to steady his rifle sending him down again to reposition. More outlaws poured from the compound taking positions in the ruins advancing towards us in inches.

Every bit of ground they advanced was earned in blood but earned regardless. Creeping forward their advance saw progress as a red mist shot out from Baron with a cry of pain. Turning to assist he went right back to firing on the enemy emptying his magazine.

“Flesh wound, I’m good.” Line peaked up again this time managing to squeeze off a few rounds before bringing his head down again under a barrage.

“We’re losing fire superiority. They’ll start flooding over any minute now!”

“Focus on getting fire out, we only need to buy time.”

Loosening their fire saw less casualties inflicted but more outlaws suppressed. The balance of fire steadied itself once more if only for a moment. Every now and again an outlaw tried to brave our fire only to catch a shot from Line. The diversion was going well. At this rate we’d be able to hold for minutes. Plenty of time for Flux and Bishop to complete their objective. It seemed we held the advantage until Line cried out.

“Rpg rpg get dow-!”

Turning into cover the rocket slammed into the upper floor sending the wall above toppling out in front of us. Frantically we turned out from cover trying to maintain suppression while scanning desperately for the rocketeer.

“The fuck did that come from?! Eyes! Get eyes on!” Baron cried out next

“Seventeen degrees tower! I see ‘em!” Line braced his rifle ignoring his lack of good cover for a shot.

“Got a line.” Pulling the trigger saw him whoop for a moment before gasping. Another rocket flew from the now dead man’s launcher into the building occupied by Marcus and the others.

“Oh shit they got them! They-” Snapping him out of his panic I commanded the team to focus on the situation at hand.

“Eye’s front! Keep them down or we’re next!”

Keeping up the our efforts fire once again erupted from Marcus’s building even if it was disrupted. Lucky bastards must’ve avoided death by inches. Emptying our magazines we quickly found ourselves beginning to run our reserves dry. Catching a glimpse of muzzle flashes in the corner of my eye Hazard and Strider fought furiously to keep their friends extraction route open. We could hold but if another rocket managed to find it’s mark our diversion would quickly fall apart.

Something else seemed to attract the outlaws attention though. Their offensive grinded to a halt as they held their ground trying to analyse the situation. Now the situation had calmed if only slightly we became aware to gunfire erupting from the dockside of the compound periodically. There was no chance it could be Flux and Bishop at that position already. Another party was taking advantage of our diversion. Unsure how to interpret the intrusion we continued firing holding the outlaws in position as they tried to retreat and respond to the new threat.

Though our efforts were valiant it wasn’t enough. A decent portion of the outlaws we locked down made it back into the compound towards where Bishop and Flux would be infiltrating through. My thoughts stood with them for a second hoping they were ready for the wave of contact they had coming their way before returning to the fight. Reloading again I looked over to Duke who sat breathing heavily bleeding from his shoulder.

Inspecting him quickly found it only to be a flesh wound. Quickly bandaging him up he stood once more to take part in the fight. Looking to the others they continued to fire deep within cover. Everyone did their part. All we could hope for now was that it earned enough time for Flux and Bishop.

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