《Children of the Singularity (S4)》26. Sparrow: Sitrep


26. Sparrow: Sitrep

Hiking through the fields by myself was a welcome change from being surrounded by pioneers on the island but ended up only reminding me of my isolation. Everyone I worked with was missing or dead. Some days it was hard to find a reason to simply get up in the morning. We all worked so hard to complete our mission and now I seemed to be all that was left. Regardless I still had my objectives to complete though it was hard not just to run or give up. If a whole team couldn’t accomplish it what chance did I have.

A snap. Swinging my head round MP5 readied the iron sights scanned the trees. Crouching with only the sound of my breath against the visor I stood up slowly. Looking down a broken twig rested underneath my foot. With an unsteady sigh closing my eyes the MP5 rested against my stomach. What chance did any of us have. A whole team. Some dedicating their lives to this. All wiped out in a single ambush.

I knew some of those people for years. Even the new ones felt like close friends already. Now they all laid dead in the middle of a forest that nobody knew of and if I died nobody would ever know. There were those who would want it that way. To see us just written up as another lost expedition but that wasn’t the case. We were hunted with extreme prejudice by someone who held all the cards. A rustling. Quickly turning a branch gently drifted in the wind. The loneliness, it was maddening.

Taking a moment to rest hidden away from the world I looked up the small hill to a decrepit antenna rigged to amplify transmissions. It seemed hopeless that a transmission would get out. Interruption from psionic forces saw to that but I had no other alternative but to try. Taking off the sealed helmet to inspect the antenna better and unpacking a compact high power radio system I connected it to the amplifier.

Gunfire. Throwing myself down to the ground a conflict broke out in the distance. A Crusader squad wiped out a Cerberus expedition. Rummaging through their packs they found two artifacts that they immediately set out to destroy. Seeing little result for minutes one of the Crusaders managed to shatter an orb seeing it engulf him in flames. Running mad under the rush of pain and fear his squadmates eventually beared him down smothering the flame and hurriedly carried him back to the cemetery ships island for treatment.

Ignorance. That’s all it was. It was the leading cause of death in this place. Nothing could be left to chance and everything accounted for. I was well prepared for the threats my mission would bring but by myself it would only be so long until I slipped up. Taking another moment to breathe I put despair to the back of my mind as I counted the trees around me. A simple coping technique taught to us in trying to fend off the entity’s influence. Looking back to the connectors and double checking everything was in place I flipped a switch bringing the radio to life with static.


Playing with the dials I scanned for any signal, anything at all, something from my comrades or a simple radio station outside the zone. Nothing. Disheartened I pressed on boosting the power slightly to avoid discharging the battery in only an hour. Still nothing. The static continued on grating through the speaker as if trying to prove a point. Looking over the settings I saw the re-transmit toggle. If there was a friendly aircraft in the air it’d relay the message if the message even reached the aircraft which most likely wasn’t there. With nothing to lose toggling the switch to re-transmit boosting the power again and picking up the microphone I made one last attempt to contact someone. Anyone.

“Hamilton, this is Sparrow, come in Hamilton.”

Nothing. The line remained dead with only static.

“Hamilton this is Sparrow. Come in.”

The static jittered a bit as if it were mocking my attempts. Slapping it in frustration with a metallic thud the static jumped and dipped until it resonated with what sounded like broken english.

“......re…ble…” Picking up the microphone again cranking up the power settings without any thought to battery life I replied immediately.

“Hamilton Hamilton! This is Sparrow come in Hamilton come in!”

The static returned as I fine tuned the radio. The voice began repeating itself waiting for a reply as it came through bursts of static while I tried to find the perfect settings. Eventually a garbled voice came through that was just decipherable.

“... repeat. Readable but with difficulty, repeat. Readable but with difficulty, rep-”

“Hamilton! This is Sparrow!”

Static returned for a moment. Had I just lost them? Sitting sick with anxiety the voice acknowledged my hails.

“Confirmed, retransmitting to HQ. Sit tight.”

I almost started crying through the laughter of relief. Somehow I managed to get a signal out, I wasn’t alone not completely at least. With this orders could be updated and an extraction organized. There was hope. For the first time in weeks there was hope. I wouldn’t have to bet everything on my original objective there was a way out after all. Calming myself as the radio came to life again an operator requested my report.

Going through all the details I’d learnt even though they weren’t of importance I finished it with confirming the dead. Hearing my team had been wiped out the operator simply went silent. No promise of evacuation came through or any information of any kind. Picking up the microphone again I prompted him for more.

“Hamilton, this is Sparrow, operator’s status.”

“90% of operators assumed missing or killed in operation, 5% compromised, 5% operational.”

Everyone. Everyone was dead and they knew. I was all that was left and they knew. The operator sat silent on the other end as if it was normal. Distraught I questioned the objectives still laid out for us.


“Hamilton. This is Sparrow. Operation sitrep.” Buzzing to life once more the operator complied.

“Operation god eater mission analysis remains unchanged. Goals and objectives are paramount however end state is threatened. Numerous assets lost and operation extension threaten success due to unsustainable attrition.”

Stunned with his response I spat back at him.

“Unsustain… no fucking shit unsustainable attrition. What do you mean analysis unchanged? We’re at 5% combat effectiveness how doesn’t that change anything?”

“Mission objective is paramount. This was made aware to you in the briefing.” Ignoring his response I went on furiously.

“What good are we dead? We don’t stand a chance. One hundred men over years of raids couldn’t accomplish success what do you expect from one? From me?”

The operator began to shout something about operation zeal only to be cut off to recognize a superior. Waiting for a response shuffling could be heard as someone took his seat. Eventually the grating voice of an old woman came through the speaker.

“Sparrow this is Chairman. Your situation is noted and you know I understand how dire your situation is. An evac is arranged to arrive in a week at point fifty six. That is not up for debate. It is the only way to make sure an exfiltration attempt isn’t compromised. You are still expected to complete your objectives.”

Her words filled me with dread. Point fifty six, Pripyat, the dead city. Anyone who made it past the red forest never came back after venturing into those streets. We had no information or even rumors on the area. My objectives still stood as well. I experienced so much horror up to this point and all of it would pale in comparison to what awaited. I couldn’t do this, hell even back when my team stood beside me we couldn’t do this. Lambs to the slaughter. That’s all it was. It all meant nothing.

“Sparrow. You know what’s on the line. You can make for extraction directly and enjoy some comfort before the end of all of us or you can save the world.”

Picking up the radio with trembling hands I tried to respond with an uneven reply.

“How. I’m all that’s left. I’m not a commando I’m a scientist. I couldn’t save them…”

“No. You couldn’t, but you are the only who has any leads as to where the pillar is. Organize a local force using the cover that you're planning a raid to find a true treasure trove. A team is inbound to extract compromised operative VG. They’ll meet you at point one hundred and thirty two to establish cover with your help once they have the operative.”

At least they were sending someone. Mentioning using the local forces brought back to mind all of the pioneers that agreed to assault the pillar with me. With a few more elite hands there was a chance at least some of us could make it home. Looking over into the distance the sun broke through the clouds for a moment. Just one more week and I’d be able to walk outside without having to worry about being torn apart or flayed alive. I was becoming more and more afraid of death with each passing day but one more week and I would never have to be afraid again.

“This is the line in the sand Sparrow. We do this and we save the future.”

“Copy Chairman. Sparrow out.”

Quickly packing up the equipment I returned to the cemetery ships to buy some pioneer crafted suits from different vendors not to arouse suspicion. Initially the squad could charge in wearing cutting edge equipment and armor but afterwards it would have to be ditched. Wearing such advanced gear would only see them compromised by what killed my team. His eyes and ears were everywhere. Very few places were safe. The nemesis had far more clandestine support and easily rivaled our strength.

If everything went to plan though and the operation ended in success we’d finally see ourselves with an advantage. It's grand design would begin to topple even if we hadn’t the slightest clue as to exactly what it planned. All we knew was that this pillar was central to it's efforts and if we saw victory in this ruined land we stood a chance. Swallowing my fear hiking to the rendezvous and waiting for my new team I truly believed we stood a chance in escaping with our lives to enjoy the world as it was. After today we’d be one step closer to ensuring a brighter tomorrow in ripping the Arbitrator from the shadows.

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