《Children of the Singularity (S4)》24. Artur: Regrouped


24. Artur: Regrouped

Waking up in the morning with a yawn I rolled off the side of the mattress onto the concrete forgetting the bed was laid on the ground. Picking myself up with a grunt stretching towards the roof I scratched at the stubble on my face. Being young had it’s disadvantages in the zone in that very few people took you seriously, the lack of a substantial amount of facial hair didn’t help my situation. Rubbing my knee noticing the bruise from hitting the floor I thought back to the dream I was having before waking up.

The old bed I was on in the dream, had I been sleeping in that I would’ve sprung out without issue accounting for it’s elevation. Looking at my face in the mirror I recollected the crumbling dusty house I walked through. With two bedrooms upstairs a mother and father resided in one while an older brother and sister shared the other with me. The parents always apologized for our circumstances in having to share but we always responded being grateful to have a roof over our heads and food on the table.

It was such a pleasant dream. Though meals were basic they were warm and healthy. Even though we hadn’t a car running to school was so carefree. The lessons taught felt so meaningless but offered a future rather than what had to learned here in order just to survive. Leaving to see tired faces every night they still beamed with happiness. It was a simple life, a beautiful life.

With no risk of injury, disease or death I often found myself relaxing in the shared bedroom spending time with the sister while the brother helped support the family. She’d throw me pencil’s to draw and even buy sweets to keep me out of trouble. Whenever I’d come home with scuffs and scrapes she was there to tend to whatever injuries I managed to inflict on myself from wild antics or fights with local bullies. While she was tending to me I finally managed to catch a glance of her face as I sat on the stool.

My expression fell in the mirror. Head down with hand against the wall supporting me I looked up again at my own face. Trembling hands went for various letters, notes and small packages I so desperately put together all with the same address. Going through each one saw more and more memories surface as I pieced together everything again as the realization hit drowning my heart in confusion and despair. Desperately I closed my eyes trying to recollect as much as I could from the dreams.

It was a poor family, not well off in any regard but got by without serious issue. They were happy regardless of our situation and we managed to get by regardless of what came our way. Eventually the brother joined the army but the pay was only enough for him. Entangled by a required period of service the family fell into a precarious state. Worried for their well being the boy whos eyes I saw through went in search of the criminal underworld.

With an almost lethal encounter saved if only by the innocence of young age a man offered a job. No one suspected children and they made perfect smugglers if taught well. With a brief stint of training after school I found my meals to be improving if not laced with concern. That run to school more arduous than carefree to drop small packages out of sight along my way. The lessons from school promised less of a future than what I was offered. Returning home to see tired faces, concerned faces, questions arose asking why I was out for so long but the procurement of much needed money silenced any reprimanding action.


With whatever spare time I had left I’d spend planning in the shared room next to my sister who watched like a hawk. She threw pencils whenever I broke one drawing out a route and even bought sweets for the amount of effort I put in for the family. Whenever I came home with cuts or bruises from whatever injuries I’d gained on more treacherous areas of my route or fights with the other gang children she tended to me without question with the same look on her face from more innocent times. Catching another glance of her face my eyes snapped open.

These were no dreams. They were memories. The same forgotten memories I pieced together so many times before. I kept forgetting only to remember to forget again and again. The packages. Fumbling with the packages again I let open the flood gates of my mind trying to remember every bittersweet detail.

In my teenage years my work with the syndicate became more and more involved. The man who threw me a rope treated me like a relative. Work got dirty occasionally, even deadly at times as the rare but eventual gunfight broke out. In a moment of absolute adrenaline I remembered the trail of my own blood and his cold dead eyes, the first time I was forced to kill. Patched up and consoled by my boss I returned home to find my sister deathly ill.

I stared at the address on the packages as shouting from down the hall disrupted my thoughts. My life became fuzzy once more as it fell into the mist of amnesia. Why did I have these packages. Why did I always carry them round, why was I noting phenomena and catching every mutated insect I came across. I wasn’t a scientist, if anything I was a criminal. I abandoned everything even though I made enough to save her life and support my family. Could it have been as simple as greed? Even then my findings were incredibly meager.

Wracking my mind saw no result. Letting my head sink again I looked back to the package and read the front again. The address. I sent all the packages there. No matter how much I forgot I knew I would find why at that location. No matter what this place did to me it couldn’t affect me outside of it, surely. While I drew breath and still possessed these packages there was still hope and that hope burnt well and alive within Noah.

Hearing feet dragging through the corridor I looked up to find Duke rounding the corner distraught. With a gentle smile as I steeled myself from my own inner turmoil he slumped against the wall at the sight of me. With the wounds in my throat mostly healed I tried to recall all the english I could to inquire what was wrong.

“Something the matter?”

He looked up just barely showing his watery eyes from folded arms over his knees. Though I was only nineteen Duke looked to be younger still. Why the mercenaries had him tag along was unknown but the stresses of this place were taking a toll on his underdone mind. Shuffling over towards him I sat beside him as he kept his head down. Rummaging through my backpack I found a book to lend him to try get his mind off whatever was tormenting him later on. Looking for a moment he scoffed at the offer before raising his head properly to disclose what had him so distressed.

“Noah’s dead. It’s all over…”

That hope that burned just a moment ago became smothered in an instant as a heated argument continued on echoing into the corridor. Taking in what he just said saw my heart drown once again as the idea of escape became impossible. I still had the address though, no matter how impossible it seemed I had a destination to reach. Shaking loose the urge to fall apart alongside him I tried to strike a conversation with Duke.


“Why are you with them?” Looking up confirming that I was talking about the mercenaries he took the opportunity to distract himself.

“Nowhere else to go. A shit family with a shit education and shit opportunities, I took what I could get. Treat me like a kid and push me round but they keep me safe. It’s better than things were.”

He went on to describe the combat he’d seen and how he built himself to be more than he was. Listening to him it was obvious no matter how hard he tried he wasn’t proud of himself nor content with his position. He spoke ill of his comrades but you could see he respected every single one of them. Analyzing him as he went on he was simply a child who wasn’t given the environment needed to grow as a man. Looking past him saw Yeti with a smile listening in on the unsuspecting Duke as I asked another question.

“How did you end up being called Duke?” Duke face flushed red as he went to answer the question with a stutter interrupted with Yeti’s chuckle filling in for him.

“First engagement he shat himself. Duke sat better than shit himself in combat.” Furious Duke stood up yelling at Yeti for divulging such sensitive information.

“Why do you treat me like such a joke? Even veterans do that! I’ll show you one day I’ll be better than all of you I’ll-” Pushing him back with his hand in Duke's face he whipped him round down the corridor.

“Sure, one day. If the zone proves something it’s that anything's possible.” Looking towards Duke with a sarcastic smile saw him storm down the hall muttering to himself. Turning over back to me he extended his hand helping me off the ground.

“Stupid bastard just want’s to play soldier all day every day. C’mon, we’re having a meeting over what to do now Noah’s gone. Everyone should be apart of it.”

Walking into the room where everyone had gathered Strider shook Flux trying to dispel his grogginess while Bishop and Hazard looked towards Flux concerned. Marcus sat still absorbing the news of Noah’s death now he’d calmed down and stopped abusing Strider and the others for losing him. A new man who introduced himself as Robinc said little more than that and waited to listen to our argument unfold.

Lewis came over to inform me that Tarasov was lost while Benedict sat alone without the company of Valentine or Collette. Finally another new woman and man stood by Flux inspecting his condition who went by Sparrow and Fusion respectively. With all of us assembled the argument began once again. Marcus immediately brought his focus to trying to escape which the rest of the mercenaries, Benedict, Lewis and myself agreed to. Flux, Strider, Hazard and Bishop stood undecided while Sparrow was highly opposed to which Marcus immediately disregarded.

“We don’t even know who you are girl. Why should we listen to any reason you have for us to stay.” Collecting herself Sparrow attempted to persuade Marcus otherwise.

“Look he was obsessed with reaching the pillar. There must be a reason for that. A reason more important than any of us.”

“That obsession or reason saw him killed. We’ve seen enough of this place to know it’ll be the death of us. We’re making for the border to try find a breach. Anyone is welcome to follow.” Disheartened Sparrow continued her desperate plea.

“You don’t understand the gravity of the situation. A pioneer of his renown wouldn’t of blindly followed obsession to his death.” Growling under his breath Marcus offered his final words to Sparrow.

“I don’t care as to how important his purpose for reaching the pillar was. I will not risk my men further in this hell if it doesn’t mean escape. Either way if it could break Noah then what chance would we have, tell me.” Trying to find some foothold on the argument Fusion placed a hand on her shoulder trying to get across that it was a lost fight before Robinc spoke up properly for the first time.

“If he was trying to reach the pillar the only reason would be that it offered some form of escape. Ask Flux, he knows.” All heads turned to Flux as Marcus pressed on over how ridiculous the statement was until he too looked into Flux’s fractured eyes.

“What the fuck is wrong with him…”

“He know’s things he shouldn’t. The pillar is fighting back against him. It doesn’t want him to leave. He can get you out.” Staying quiet for a moment Flux opened his mouth trying to speak as Strider gave him some space.

“The complex… it goes for miles… underground tunnels that lead outside the zone. I see them… I see it all…” Beginning to mutter to himself Strider sat him down trying to get him to drink from a canteen while Marcus looked unimpressed.

“You’re asking us to go on the word of a broken man. What kind of promise is that.”

“It’s better than what you had. If you go to the border you’ll be shot dead. If you try survive here you’ll go mad. Noah promised escape by going to the pillar first. You’d think you were smart enough to see the objective was connected to escape.” Looking up towards Robinc Marcus took a deep breath trying to analyse all of their options.

“And if we can’t escape through there what then.”

“Then we die. This way is just a little faster.” Looking deep into Robinc’s eyes for any deceit he found none leaving him to emit a sigh as Sparrow drove the deal home.

“Look this way you have three more veteran pioneers to help that know the area. We can get you there mostly unharmed. This is the best chance we all have at leaving, we don’t have a reason to lie to you.”

Looking up to the side shaking his head Marcus looked disgusted with himself at putting his men through more danger. Putting himself at ease he looked around to see the rest of the mercenaries nodding and went on.

“Right. Fine. One last raid as requested by Noah. Plan goes on as before without him. When do we march?”

Sparrow immediately stepped forward to provide a briefing. She brought to light the equipment we would require from the scientists in the area to protect from the intense psi emissions present at the pillars location assigning Fusion and Benedict's group to the job. Going over our weaponry she noted a vast upgrade was required. Robinc brought to light a dangerous but lucrative opportunity for some wet work had just come up that he’d been running a plan for to acquire the necessary funds.

Explaining it would require a team to hold an entry point while another infiltrated to kill a high value target the mercenaries and Robinc agreed to form a front line while Flux's group went in for the kill. Leaving myself and Lewis she asked we assist her with planning and reconnaissance as Valentine burst through the door alerting Benedict with a panicked statement.

“She’s gone.”

Benedict's eyes went wide for a moment digesting the weight of what Valentine just said.

“What do you mean she's gone where did she go?”

“I don’t fucking know do I she’s gone! She just left a note about her arm.” Looking over Robinc added a tidbit of seemingly useless information.

“We recently wiped out a collective outpost.” Both Benedict and Valentine went pale looking towards Robinc in unison.


Giving the location the two immediately ran out of the building leaving the rest of us as Sparrow groaned with the disappearance of the two pioneers.

“Fusion are you fine reaching the scientists yourself?” With a shrug he returned a smile.

“This old bird is tougher than he looks. It’s not far anyway. Worst case scenario I make two trips.” Nodding Sparrow went back to address all of us again.

“Alright it’s settled. We all have our objectives. Get plenty of rest. Tomorrow we begin working towards our claim history as the first to reach the pillar.”

Uninterested with everything except the idea of escaping most disregarded her attempt at inspiring the group. Though derailed it seemed Noah’s plan was still going into effect. Looking down at one of the envelopes I carried I tried to burn the address into my mind so I would never forget. If there was any hope of escape near the pillar it was at least worth trying to reclaim the past I lost no matter the danger. I kept saying it to myself over and over throughout the day so I might not forget again so this nightmare might finally end.

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