《Children of the Singularity (S4)》22. Flux: Influence


22. Flux: Influence

Another, another and another. The floor was slick with gore. Together you fall. Let them sing. Let them sing! Energy flowed from so many vessels, falling like so many dominoes. Some fought desperately, some went to capture me, some offered themselves to me.

The voices came together in such harmony as the smg screamed and the halls lit up sporadically. The last of them all panting, both of us panting. The collective lost itself in the ecstasy of the moment as did I. Bringing the knife down our pulses became slower. Slower now with him ebbing away into the singularity, released from the safety his vessel provided him.

The empty body now resting in my hands I felt nothing but content for the moment, then confusion and then absolute terror. With a cry I pushed it away hands sliding desperately over the wet floor. Blood, there was so much blood. Bringing my hands to my head rocking I didn’t remember yet but I knew what happened. The voices drove me forward to offer a sacrifice of untold proportion. The blood became slightly diluted by tears that fell

“What… what do you possibly have to gain?...” The walls offered no response as neither did the orchestra in my head. Standing up throwing my arms in frustration spinning round looking for some form of avatar or creature with the answers I craved.

“What was it for?! What purpose does this serve?!” The singing got louder but continued on incoherently driving absolute madness through my mind pacing around the room like a cornered animal. Eventually I found myself over one of the bodies holding it by the head shaking it demanding some revelation.

“Tell me!!”

Like the walls and floor the cold dead eyes of the corpse offered no respite. Breaking down into manic sobbing with hands over my ears the singing concluded for the moment leaving me alone in the dark. That loss of control was the breaking point. The final display that I’d lost any sense of ownership over my own body and mind. There was no hope. I would be the death of so many in this place and ravage what remained. Everyone would die and there would be no stopping it while I drew breath.


Looking down to my UMP I checked the chamber forming a shattered smile to see it was still loaded. With a broken giggle my hand wrapped around the handle trying to draw the gun closer while the other pushed it away. Regardless of how decimated my mind was it still fought on refusing death. Threatening to damage the weapon I threw it away with another howl falling onto my back accepting the desolation I was yet to experience as the singularity tore at my mind. Looking over to the gun on the floor saw the futility of my efforts overwhelm me.

“I can’t… I can’t even… I…”

Panicked shallow breaths were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Not another, I can’t see another die. The singing came back as I pleaded it not to drive me to harvest more for its ambition. Curled up in a ball quietly rambling I couldn’t do it again the lone pioneer stood over me crouching down without fear or concern for the scene. Pulling together enough strength to look up to the man I saw Robinc inspecting me with calm eyes as if he were looting a body.

“Please… you have to kill me it can’t happen again…” Robinc ignored the plea and continued evaluating my state jamming a probe into my arm as well as inspecting my eyes. With a beep from his PDA I heard him speak for the first time.

“My god… there is a way after all.” Quickly containing his shock he reached for his backpack and began searching for something.

“...What… what are you doing?” Pulling out a small strong box he opened it up displaying a vial and syringe.

“I’m going to give you a blessing pioneer. You'll be freed from this memory and prepared for assimilation. This will have never happened.” Drawing the fluid and preparing the syringe his words registered setting off complete hysteria.


“No! I can’t forget! They’ll come back! The voices! They won’t stop until everyone is dead!”

Pinning my flailing arms with his legs he used his free hand to drive my head into the ground exposing the side of my neck. Struggling free for a moment swinging at the syringe saw him slam my head into the ground dazing me. Pinning my arms again maintaining his blank expression a slight pain could be felt in the side of my neck as he stood up returning the syringe to the strong box while I layed there distraught.

“Why are you doing this?” Taking a knee his face maintained the same blank expression.

“This final effort will see through the greater good. We will save the world.” He went on rambling an oath as the world became dark.

“Though the burden we bear condemns us to darkness we will preserve the light. With our sacrifice the flame with never be smothered…” His words began to fade out as they lulled the memories to be locked away. Content I was no longer conscious I felt him throw me over his shoulders hiking back as the lone survivor of the assault while I felt my very being disintegrate as the gentle rumbling in the air characteristic before a scream soothed an eternal sleep.

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