《Children of the Singularity (S4)》18. Baron: Search and rescue


18. Baron: Search and rescue

The day after the attack we found Sandworm unconscious on the roof and his weapon missing. With the addition of Flux missing Noah began reforming his plan as the three other pioneers from Flux's group demanded we search for their friend regardless of his actions. Noah quickly agreed without argument taking Marcus aside to speak with him while Line was inspecting his shattered goggles still shaken by the sudden attack.

“Hey, heeeeeeeey.” Line continued to stare at the goggles lost in thought. Clapping next to his head as loud as I could he jumped back tripping over.


“Jesus fuck bucket!” Line sat on the ground for a moment looking up confused by my intrusion. “...Did you need something?”

Smiling I simply waved. “Hi.”

Irritated Line brought himself back to his feet cursing throwing as many creative insults as he could manage while putting the goggles away. Convinced I’d dispelled any horror he was reminiscing over we made our way over to Marcus now Noah was done speaking to him. Once assembled I asked what the plan was before Marcus could start.

“What's the next move sarge, we bailing?” Looking over all of us with a sigh he proceeded with the plan.

“We’ve been given a second opportunity to escape. The pioneer who organized the defence has asked for me to accompany him deep into the zone for one last raid. He’s also looking for more bodies and promises to extract everyone who assists him.” Silence carried over for a moment as we all digested what he was saying before Havoc spoke up.

“So we just have to risk life and limb rather than prison. Is the employer at least reputable?”

“The employer is Noah, one of our previous targets.” Murmuring between us we wondered if we could trust the man we were ordered to kill. Cohesion wasn’t returned until Fledger provided another alternative in a hushed tone.

“What if we went through with the job. Killing him, we might be offered an extraction.” The notion was quickly dismissed by Marcus.

“They’ve abandoned us that's for certain. Killing him might see a drop of supplies but the pioneer community would be out for our blood. Besides the other mercenaries have already tried to kill us so another supply drop arriving is incredibly optimistic.” Standing silent for the moment Marcus summarized our options once more.

“Going for the border you’ll end up in a cell at best. Your more likely to be shot on sight though. With Noah it’ll be dangerous but we can trust he knows a method of escape. Choice is all yours.” Weighing up the value of our freedom and lives Skippy asked the final question

“So basically he’s asking for a favour to escape.” With Marcus nodding Skippy continued.

“Fuck it. Might as well help him out if he can extract us. For the boys right?”

Disheartened chuckles came from a few in our group while agreeing with the notion that our best chance of escape laid in Noah’s promise. Marcus then gave us our first objective. The 3 pioneers with Flux demanded they find their friend before moving on which Noah agreed to which we all found surprising, Line and Sandworm immediately protested reasoning that he was a psychopath. Regardless Noah made it clear that Flux was somehow critical to the plan without divulging why. Reluctantly we split into groups, myself walking west searching for any sign of Flux with Line, Sandworm, Duke and Havoc.


“Why are we searching for this crazy fuck. Did everyone already forget he almost cut my face off?” Sandworm followed Line’s displeased notion.

“Son of a bitch put me out as well and took my gun. I already miss that gun… never failed me.” Duke was doing notably worse regardless of not being confronted by Flux as he brought his rifle round to any sound emitted by the forest.

“This has to be an elaborate plan to wipe us out. Probably thought we’d be wiped out in the confusion I bet.” Line slapped him over the back of the head.

“We’d already be dead if that was the case. I almost had the dickhead finger painting with my brains and I’m less on edge than you.”

“Oh sorry having a psycho turn on you seemingly at random isn’t cause for alarm, my bad. Must’ve been a fetish you wanted explore with him trying to stab you in the face after getting so chummy- why the fuck aren’t you on edge?!” Havoc threw his head back making a painfully obvious groan.

“Thank god he attacked Line and not you Shic.” Stopping to face him Duke went red with frustration.

“Firstly that was your fault, secondly it was one time. 25% of veterans admit to- gah!” Two gunshots interrupted the conversation as Havoc fired past Duke’s head into one of the fallen stalking us ready to pounce. Gasping Duke stood back the blood now drained from his face.

“Your welcome.” Duke however just stood there for a moment groaning as I went to cover my nose.

“Ugh did you literally shoot the shit out of it? Smells disgusting.” Inspecting the body with a kick Line confirmed otherwise.

“Blew it’s chest out, whatever it is it’s not the corpse.” Looking back Duke’s mouth had developed an exaggerated frown as he shook his head before Havoc burst out laughing throwing his hands behind his head letting the shotgun rest on the sling.

“Nah. You didn’t.” With Duke walking into the bushes Havoc collapsed as I burst out laughing while Line ran his hands down his face. Celebrating Havoc stood up strafing about swinging his arm round.

“That’s two for two baby! Oh holy shit the spooky dooky strikes again!” Gasping for air as Duke screamed obscenities while cleaning himself up even Sandworm started snickering as Line just let his arms rest at his side.

“Surrounded… by idiots…”

Looking up to meet a disappointed gaze I shrugged wiping my watery eyes as Duke returned pushing a giggling Havoc into a tree. Marching on we continued our search now we were focussed again, for the most part at least. Moving through the forest we ran into numerous pioneers though none of them even knew the name Flux or had seen a man carrying the equipment he had stolen. Going throughout the afternoon searching we came to the conclusion he’d disappeared without a trace or been killed. At our final observation point I gave a shrug and we returned to the outpost.

Arriving before the other search parties we watched the sun set while setting up a guard. Enjoying one of the last cigarettes Havoc joined my sentry asking for a lighter. Leaning against the wall next to the entrance we began to reminisce over the previous contracts we had, all the good times that fell in between them as well.


Chuckling over Duke’s predicament in the woods brought back memories of the original incident earning an irritated shout from the other side of the wall leaving us in a fit of laughter. Finishing the cigarette admiring the orange expanse of light over the grass listing lazily in the field we noticed some sheep with chromatic wool coming out from the forest taking me by surprise.

“What the fuck is that…” Havoc didn’t waste a moment grabbing at my rifle.

“Don’t know exactly but I love mutton, let me borrow that for a sec.”

“You’ll be sorely disappointed then.”

Jumping away from the sudden source of the voice a woman stood next to us leaning forward slightly with a grin. Opening her mouth she was pulled back by the hunter of the group who just muttered not today as the man covered in ballistic armor approached pointing to himself then the other two.

“Benedict, Valentine, Collette. We’re with Noah. You guys find any trace of the man they lost?” Shaking my head saw him give out a sigh before Havoc asked Collette some important questions.

“Why would I be disappointed? Is it toxic or something?”

“What? Oh the sheep. No we don’t think it is. Though they have a nasty habit of… detonating.” Both of us together went wide eyed speaking at the same time.

“No shit.” “That’s incredible.”

Chuckling Benedict turned to the other two pioneers. “See? Told you it wasn’t just me.”

In the distance another search party could be seen returning comprised of Marcus, Dragonfly, Yeti, Fledger and Skippy. Finding out they hadn’t found a trace of Flux either they entered the compound to eat and rest while we waited for the final group with Noah and other pioneers to return. Benedict stood guard beside us while Collette sat on the ground whistling bored out of her mind and Valentine went through his notebook filled with sketches of nightmares.

“Christ. What goes on in your head man?” Looking up to face me Valentine scoffed before explaining what the book was.

“Only if it was. This is the culmination of our efforts. A book filled with horrors, you’ll find most of the public bestiary was done by us in your PDA’s.” Sharing a look with Havoc we looked back to the pioneer without any idea as to what he was talking about.

“The bestiary? You guys have never seen the bestiary. Don’t you update your PDA’s?” Confused Havoc continued the conversation.

“Why the fuck would I be carrying a PDA in a survival situation or combat zone.” Benedict continued to fill us in.

“Pioneers have built up a network using whatever device that could be classed as a personal data assistant. The shared knowledge has saved more lives than we care to mention, also allows us to maintain some form of society. Hell you’ll see the result when we get to the cemetery docks at Chernobyl. That center would never have been formed without the coordination the network allowed.”

“That’s where Noah plans to begin the raid?” Collette picked up the conversation from this point on.

“Yep! Then it’s deep into the 10km exclusion zone. Just think of all the creatures we’ll discover in there! The never seen before atrocities to be documented-” Placing his hand on Collette’s shoulder Valentine interrupted her before she continued on ranting.

“And once we’re past them it’s out of the zone with Noah.” Looking directly at Collette he went on. “And that will be all we do.”

Going to argue but reluctantly agreeing Collette collected herself bobbing her head about with her eyes closed returning to sanity before getting up as Benedict went in to get some rest followed by Valentine. She paused and dug out an electrical device and tossed it at us.

“Just go to the bestiary tab. Better study hard kids, failing the zones test will see you as an observation under whatever kills you.”

With a solemn smile she walked round the corner calling out to her friends to wait up. Alone again the final group of pioneers with Noah, the Cerberus operative, Crusader and outlaw were spotted returning as we took a tone of grave seriousness going through the pages of documents describing countless horrifying creatures.

“I thought we saw some shit… look at that! A whole forest of trees that eat you.”

“What about this one. Just a floating blob… a jellyfish I guess? Fatal toxins, spurts out to 30 meters when you shoot it too. Crazy.”

Studying the reliquary of knowledge it only dawned on us now how unprepared we were for the zones horrors and how disposable our previous employer considered us with such ill preparation. Flicking further and further through the bestiary saw more and more of a break in between jokes as the last group walked through the entrance. Having seen enough we walked in disheartened with our chances after seeing so many previously unknown threats on the device. On our way back to return Collette’s PDA Skippy approached Duke who was sulking in the corner.

“You right mate? You look shitty.”

With a grunt of frustration Duke threw a punch straight into his stomach leaving Skippy winded and cursing before yelling back at him. Myself and Havoc found ourselves in another fit of laughter as we filled Skippy in on the day's events seeing him join in as well amused by his poor choice of words. Even knowing the threats that awaited us a hope burned if only dimly that we’d be able to escape with our minds intact. With friends like these, you couldn’t ever extinguish that flame no matter what tried to douse it.

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