《Children of the Singularity (S4)》17. Sparrow: Contingency


17. Sparrow: Contingency

Coming to the edge of the forest with the city of Chernobyl in sight the endless conflict was reinvigorating. The city was plagued by war between Cerberus and Crusader forces day and night week after month after year of the factions founding. The decaying ships and island on the other side however remained a ceasefire zone due to the pioneer base leading both factions to centralize their command there in the dock graveyard.

Ironically the constant proxy war of never ending conflict supported by outside parties made the it much safer. Forces immediately eliminated any mutants that wandered into the area. If they simply packed up and left the city would be the beating heart for pioneers of the zone, maybe even reclaimed by the government if the border could be erected up to this point. The war continued though with neither side achieving any major objective over the other. Usually the sounds and sight were a reminder of the failings of humanity but today it was sensory hope.

“(See? The ships are just ahead. We can chat when we get there. Flux?...)”

With no response I looked down to see him barely standing losing consciousness catching him as he collapsed. Cursing I lifted him over my shoulders and began to run through the fields to the outskirts of the city. While I had the means to treat him we weren’t safe until we were hidden amongst the conflict.

The long run left me exhausted but we reached the outskirts of the city. Bringing him down as the firefight raged around I managed to stop the bleeding though it probably wouldn’t be enough. He needed serious medical treatment to pull through. Doing what I could I looked at the last syringe in the metal case and wondered if he’d be able to take another dose. Coming to the conclusion that he was less likely to survive without it I administered it as I did before.

“(I hope you’re tougher than you look.)”

Dragging him over my shoulders once more I ran through the devastation of the streets. Though the destruction was impressive most buildings still stood due to the lack of artillery or regular supply of explosives. Running through behind Crusader lines soldiers could be seen rapidly relocating to sudden flashpoints, running supplies or carrying stretchers laden with wounded still crying out or struggling for breath.

Finding a team with an empty stretcher I waved them down getting their immediate attention. Quickly analysing him they agreed he wasn’t long for this world and ran the stretcher towards the ships with me in tow. Getting to the boardwalk of the hospital ship Unity Flux was carried into the emergency section of the ship filled with other critical cases of mostly Cerberus and Crusader soldiers. As a Cerberus medic came in to assess Flux his assistant inquired about payment.

“(He looks absolutely shattered. I’m not sure you’ll be able to afford the treatment and if that’s the case you’ll both own service to whoever brought him in for-)”

“(I know how the system works. You’ll be paid provided he survives.)”

Irritated with being interrupted he proceeded with other duties aboard the ship. The medic quickly moved an IV stand into position to administer precious blood followed by saline. Treatment would probably cost a fortune but this man saved my life for no apparent reason so I could do the same. With the loss of my team I needed someone to fight alongside as well. The situation was dire and without help I'd most likely end up dead by the end of the month.


Walking down the concrete pier on the other side of the river from the conflict the only people who dared to walk or more often at least jog risking to catch a stray round from the firefight were Cerberus or Crusader medics heading to the hospital. The wall of sandbags offered cover enough from any real risk though caution was still best practiced. Heading in between the buildings further in with the sounds of war still raging through the air the shouts of pioneers from stalls somewhat masked the chaos from the other shoreline.

A grand bazaar had formed out of the warehouses in the middle of the island where pioneers looking to risk it all came to plan deep raids as the south was the most accessible route into the 10km exclusion zone where all the zones true horrors and treasures could be found. Pioneers arrived to buy high end equipment and supplies and sold precious artifacts never seen before if they returned. Buildings not occupied by markets or wares were repurposed into crude facilities such as barracks consisting simply of rooms with ruined mattresses thrown into them. One building was even repurposed as an almost luxurious restaurant serving food from outside the zone.

If the zone had a beating heart for the people who lived here this island had seen more pioneers than any other location in this hellhole. Apart from the constant war echoing through the streets you could almost forget where you were in the world. Today though the safety of the streets offered no support, even with the bridges onto the island being guarded by heavy machine guns safety seemed to be incredibly fleeting. With the mission compromised still having to reach an extraction point regardless of my losses with only one other person to rely on for the moment anxiety was began to set in.

Trudging through the door of an apartment complex housing the more permanent residents of the area I made my way to my apartment clomping slowly up the stairs as I removed my helmet. Unlocking and opening the door Fusion sprung up from his restless wait to greet me in the room with space only for a small mattress and desk.

“Sparrow! You were out for a day longer than you said you’d be, had me worried sick.”

“What did I say about picking the lock on my door…”

“Sorry. Was just here to leave you a surprise for when you got back.”

Procuring some canned peaches he placed them on the desk, they would’ve cost a small fortune. I looked towards the can with gratitude but a smile refused to form. Physically and emotionally exhausted I leant against the wall not wanting to spend energy on the conversation. Rolling my head over the wall saw Fusion with a look of concern.

“Something happened this time didn’t.” Staring at the ground I summoned the strength to speak up.

“Everyone’s dead Fusion. Fucking, everyone.” Knowing what that kind of loss felt like Fusion stayed silent as I continued staring at the ground with only a sniff breaking the silence. Eventually he walked over trying to offer a hug which found itself quickly rejected.

“Sorry I thought maybe… you need some time to yourself. You know I’m just down the hall. Come round if you need anything.”

Leaving quickly and quietly shutting the door behind him I dropped my field pack next to the desk and eyed off the can of peaches. Stomach pains brought me to realize how long it’d been since I’d eaten anything and the sight of the can was mouth watering. It’d been months since I’d had peaches.


As much as I loved them I could never validate buying such an expensive commodity so as a gift it was absolutely heart warming. Pulling out a knife I prepared to puncture and open the can interrupted by thinking of Fusion leaving. I didn’t even thank him. With a sigh I put the knife away and carried the large can down the hall to Fusion’s door knocking gently. Opening up I met him with a struggled half smile and held the can up to shoulder height. Moments later we both sat on the edge of the ruined mattress in his room sharing the can even though I was devouring most of it.

“If you're still hungry I’ve got a can of beef. Business was pretty good today so don’t feel bad about taking what you need.” Waving a hand let him know the peaches were enough, I had my own stockpile.

“So… I know it’s not the best time to ask but what are you going to do now?” Taking a moment from the can of peaches with a sigh I let the plastic fork spin round in the can.

“Probably try to leave. Without the rest of the team it’s suicide. I’ll take my radio to the antenna to the west and try to get a signal out for extraction.”

“You know that’s not going to work. Radio signals get scrambled to bits.”

“It’ll work, trust me.” Looking down not to argue further Fusion let me have what he thought was false hope. Looking at the can and to him I went on.

“When I get it sorted you should leave with me. The outside world isn’t as horrible as you think.” Fusion scoffed.

“I’m sure you hate this place after watching everyone you cared for die. You should understand why I don’t want to go back.”

“You’ll die here as well though, you know that.”

“Maybe that’s better than living with what’s out there.” Staring back down into the can tears began to well in my eyes again.

“Don’t make me leave someone else then...” Fusion let out a slow sigh in response to my despair.


“Fine I’ll… I’ll think about it. I don’t think I’d survive in that world though. I keep waking up to that… shattered body and all the blood…” His head low I gave my friend a moment to dispel the overwhelming PTSD before he continued on.

“Every night I used to see that, but after coming here? All I worry about is staying alive.” Letting my head sink the realisation sunk with it that it was probably best to leave him behind away from his demons.

“So if I left too you better be there to get me through the day. If we can agree on that, hell maybe I can even go back to an ordinary life.” He turned with a smile as I wiped my eyes with relief that I could save him at least. Standing up he sat at his desk going over his repair logs while I drank the remaining juice in the can.

“Anyway enough of that depressing shit. How’d you get back alive by yourself? The wildlands are pretty unforgiving.”

“A pioneer stepped in and saved my life believe it or not. At first I thought he was going to shoot me then he just waved me on and shot the bastards chasing me.” Fusions eyebrows raised in disbelief.

“The odds of that. Sounds like I need to buy this man a meal and a drink. Where can I find him?”

“He got shot on our way through. Don’t worry he’s alive receiving treatment at Unity hospital after I carried him out. I think he can help me get out as well, didn’t seem to have any idea what he was doing.” Nodding Fusion went back over his repair logs.

“That’s good he survived. Well at least you saved someone's life today so that’s something to feel good about…” Fusions voice trailed off for a moment as he smacked his forehead and reached into his backpack.

“Shit I almost forgot. This is what one of the pioneers paid me for fixing his shooter.” Fusion quickly rummaged around to procure a block of chocolate from the mess of tools inside.

“Holy shit is that actual chocolate? Why the hell did you accept that as payment?”

“Poor bastard was down to his last rubles and his gun was in tatters. Wasn’t a hard fix so I agreed that this was payment enough. Have half, I don’t need the whole thing and you need it way more than I do.”

Breaking the block in half he handed it over to me as I stood up. Turning round in the chair to face the desk he reached into the cupboard pulling out a defective rifle and began to analyzing the weapon to catch up on his backlog of work. Thanking him for everything he waved away my gratitude and reminded me that his door was always open to me. Leaving him to his work I walked back down the corridor to get out of the sealed combat suit and perform much needed maintenance on it’s filters.

While the past days had been incredibly testing the end was in sight, even without my colleagues. There would be time to mourn once I was safe. Trying to avoid the thought of what the consequences were for failing the operation I thought rather of being able to at least enjoy a few days of safety and comfort once out of the zone. Once done with the suit I went over a quick check of my MP5 to find the SMG in perfect working order.

Giving it a quick clean I placed it in a corner of the room with the rest of my combat gear. Collapsing onto the mattress wearing only the undersuit clothes that hadn’t been washed in months I slowly ate the block of chocolate. Once finished I found a comfortable position on the lumpy mattress and spent a few minutes staring out a gap in the barricaded window into the overcast sky periodically lighting up with forks of lightning. Deeply satisfied with the comfort foods I was given I slowly drifted off to sleep without worry at least for today even with the sounds of the conflict still raging in the distance.

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