《Children of the Singularity (S4)》7. Noah: Learn you a zone


7. Noah: Learn you a zone

Handing a flask to Flux once he was done eating a meal of what could almost be considered mystery meat with the level of mutation present I indicated for him to pass it to Bishop, Hazard and Strider after drinking a mouthful. Unscrewing the metal cap and taking a swig I couldn’t help but laugh as he recoiled wincing trying to swallow the local brew, his dissatisfaction present in his scrunched face.

“There a reason to drink this poison Noah?”

“Purges the system. Just about everything here is contaminated with something and this’ll flush it out. If the food doesn’t kill you though that just might.”

Flux passed the flask to Strider next whole drank without complaint, goading Flux with his lack of reaction to the strength of the alcohol earning a scowl. Hazard and Bishop followed through with the same ease in downing the alcohol resulting in a mumble of frustration from Flux. This proved to be a mistake on Flux’s part as the other three continued with childish torment ending up with Flux tackling Strider in a tantrum.

With Strider pinned he simply said ‘spag treatment’ and let a strand of saliva hang from his mouth above Strider’s face struggling in his iron grip protesting in an aggravated manner much to Hazard and Bishop’s amusement. Hazard then walked over to break the two apart ripping Flux back causing the strand to break, landing directly in Strider’s mouth.

With Strider spitting vigorously in disgust amongst Bishop’s bellowing laughter Flux sat back down satisfied he’d acquired appropriate vengeance if only out of spite. Grown men acting like children. Those who had been here for months, years even, looked over shaking their heads or resting in their hands at the immature display. The scars they earned brought them to believe this an act of stupidity and nothing more. For me though it was heartwarming. So much that it almost brought me back to another time so much simpler to what today was even though it was so distant in the past.

Those days were long gone however and any hope of returning to such blissful simplicity would never be achievable. I’d seen the depths of this place and knew the inevitabilities it would bring. All I could do now was teach what I discovered throughout years of surviving in this pocket of hell. Letting the reminiscent smile fade I called for their attention and they responded almost instantly. All that military training no doubt, big man speaks you pay attention. While it was advantageous that they knew how to fight they didn’t know how to survive, not here at least, and all that training would come into conflict with what I tried to teach them. A cup already full must be emptied first or some shit like that.


Beginning with what they had already seen I explained what the deific deer was that tore through the omnipresent wild dogs in the area. Much to their relief the deer was incredibly unique in that it was the only one but that relief was shattered when I brought to their attention the sheer abundance of what we called atrocities. Each was unique onto itself, with horrific capabilities that guaranteed death for the unprepared or the ignorant though hope was offered by the vast encyclopedia of atrocities put together by those who dared to simply observe these creatures once tracked down or spotted by chance.

Strider finding the information in his PDA began turning through the countless electronic pages of demons trying to soak in as much information as he could while the others continued to listen. A few new faces began to flock around sheepishly hoping to eavesdrop on the life saving facts I might shed light on throughout my lecture.

Noticing them and eagerly inviting them over now holding the attention of a considerable portion of the makeshift bar the man at the counter scoffed and walked over to provide me with metal mug of water so that I could comfortably continue my long lecture. Taking only a moment to thank him which he dismissed with a wave I went on describing the more common threats of the area other than the mutated animals.

The husks of the lost who wandered aimlessly, dead eyed, their souls torn from the fabric of known reality and replaced with purpose anew granting only the most basic of functions before their bodies gave out. Dying with their weapons in their hands retaining only a vague memory of how to operate their guns and while their indiscriminate fire was startling these husks were a godsend compared to those without weapons.

Those without weapons were determined ill equipped by the forces that controlled their flesh for the purpose it sought to complete. Instead the unarmed or maimed were subjected to madness and mutation transforming into one of the fallen. Jagged bone tearing through the skin of their arms to form numerous irregular blades and an unquenchable rage only doused by the eventual decay of the body. The physical prowess of the fallen pushed the very boundaries of what were thought to be the limits of the human condition though there were examples that broke those limits.

The blades would become buried under mountains of muscle rippling along elongated limbs to form a beast twice the size of a man, talons growing unregulated from the bone of fingers, the abominations. The fallen that found success in consuming enough material grew uncontrollably during a scream. The terrible psionic force acting as a catalyst propelled their metabolism into an incredible rate. Some say they even hear the screams over that terrible storm as the body rips itself asunder to make way for the enhancement.


The last creature of a notably human origin were the abyss jaegers. Should the metabolic catalyst fail the psionic energy would simply pool within the creature rendering it’s body incredibly flexible, gelatinous almost. Nearly throwing it out of our plane of existence it would seem the beings disappear as if into thin air cloaking perfectly when alerted so that the light passes through them almost entirely. Present in two realities at once, our own and another not visible they lurk amongst us in the dark with perfect perception. Returning primarily to our plane only to strike or wrap abominable appendages and maw around an unsuspecting pioneers throat from behind. While the creatures have to shed their camouflage to strike it would only be for a moment, a moment the lone pioneer often didn’t survive.

While these abominable creatures at least held some resemblance to human origin the atrocities took upon creation of their own. The human mind and soul tore apart from each other with ease but the human condition always remained in some form. It’s weaknesses well known no matter how distorted or defiled. Atrocities, the deer encountered being a minor form, held terrible secret powers to be unleashed upon the individual. There were far worse creatures though. Some made of both flesh and metal wrought into terrifying creatures integrating electronics, machines and weapons perfected for their task into the adaptability of biological systems. The worst of the atrocities was an entity of cataclysmic potential resting deep in the zone as it’s corrupt heart continually pumped out putrid energy which flowed scorching the land it enveloped.

The creatures of this place were not the only threat. Tears opened by the terrible forces created tremendous fluctuations in the form of heat, gravity, chemical and even reality in pockets where the forces consolidated. Stagnant water would be turned into pools of deadly acid, metallic materials would be rendered into psionic emitters blocking access until they ran out of energy. Some pockets becoming so concentrated and focussed they would only be the size of a small car but any interruption would see the entirety of it’s energy expelled upon it often being immediately lethal or maiming those who survived.

The expressions of the gathered group were notably dismal. The information of our mutual enemy demoralizing even those who resided at the tables knowing most of the facts I’d covered. With disgruntled murmurs throughout the crowd growing louder with mentions of trying to escape and questioning themselves as to why they chose to break into the area it was time to remind them of why they decided to come here. Bringing the now empty metal mug onto the table with a clang returning their attention to my lecture a slight smile crept across my face as I began anew.

The artifacts, the treasures, the relics. The terrible forces of this place absorbed and contained by formations created by the heinous screams. The storms we’d never be able to forget or the screams that would roll over the hills accompanied by its wave of terrible force. Through compressing, smashing, ricocheting and melting materials together they could take on some of the forces from the tears they formed in. Glowing rocks that blew away bullets, damp sponges that felt as if to be living oozing liquid that would neutralize the harshest acid or base, orbs that contained fire which held a steady temperature in the pocket they emitted irradiating a never ceasing light.

Wonder was quickly replaced with skepticism from most of the men in the room, only the most elite in the bar stood unswayed by my words. Bringing forward my backpack and dragging Flux to the table I retrieved a metal container. Undoing the latch allowed a sickly green glow became visible from under the lid. With a pair of industrial tongs to flip the container open and retrieve the deformed jade green formation of granite bubbles fused together I held the artifact over Fluxs chest next to the wound he’d recently sustained.

With a choke he lifted his shirt quickly to investigate his wound revealing his flesh knitting itself back together to the crowd. Within a few minutes the healing was done as Flux fell gently to the ground exhausted, the crowd stunned with the miraculous regenerative abilities the artifact provided. With the light gone from the artifact it was quickly placed back into it’s container to regenerate its properties. Returning the container to the pack I brought out the metal flask again for Flux to flush the toxins instilled by the artifact. Taking another swig brought back the same wince as before much to Strider’s amusement earning a punch thrown in his direction as Flux groggily helped himself up.

Leaving them to their fight I returned to further plan deep raids into the zone to try reclaim what I’d lost, maybe also to finally find someone willing to help me in my desperate strife while still capable of battling the worst of what this place had conjured. Looking back over my shoulder revealed Hazard holding back an infuriated Flux while Strider continued to goad him as members of the crowd chuckled dissipating throughout the building and bar. It seemed the recent wave of pioneers this year still held onto the memories of what was before this place, what there was while there was still hope. Maybe they would end up being exactly what I needed. Only time would tell.

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