《The Third Netherworld[On Hold]》Chapter 10 - The Acclimation


Chapter 10 - The Acclimation

With great effort, I was able to catch up with the wagon, but there was no time to celebrate that minor victory, because immediately after the merchant sped up even further, so much that even William and Kayden had to lengthen their strides and march.

I began to fall behind, though that had not gone unnoticed by the nerdmage. -” Ey, stop slacking and keep up, that’s an order! “ He commanded and an uncomfortable, gripping feeling seized my very soul. I sent a vengeful glare at the nerdmage, who somehow managed to squeeze on the wagon next to Lylah, and redoubled my efforts to keep up with the wagon.

Despite my small size and crushing weight on my back I was able to somehow keep up with the dreadful pace. As time progressed, I began to realize that something strange was happening. I began to panic, as the new sensation was identical to the feverish feeling of burning mana, which I had when overexerting myself in hell.

-’ That’s unfair! I will be forced to burn all the mana that I will receive from this summon! ‘ A tearful complaint appeared in my mind and feeling of helplessness, at the injustice, engulfed me.

But, after a time, I become aware of another thing. My strength was not dwindling, despite exertion, and I wasn’t getting hungry, like before, instead, there was something akin to an electric, tingling wind that slowly seeped into me. It replenished my mana reserves and made me keep going.

-” Ou?! “ A surprised yelp escaped my mouth when a conclusion finally dawned on me. My gaze darted in the direction from which the invisible wind was coming from, to the nerdmage. -’ I see! He can’t force me to spend my mana, and has to substitute his own! ‘

I have realized another thing, of which I was only marginally aware until then. -’ Imps can’t get tired, if I overexert myself I lose some mana, but that’s that… which means... ‘ My gaze yet again rested on the nerdmage, who was showing Lylah some book that he had pulled from somewhere.

Fact that she wasn’t paying any attention to the mage was a small consolation. -” Aiii! “ A tearful yiell made everyone look at me strangely, but I didn’t care, as I felt like crying. Everything that happened until then suddenly turned into a whole picture.

-’ The mana, that I earned in the laundry… after sooo much work… and then lost it all during digging… ‘ I stopped looking at the mage and hanged my head in defeat. -’ ...and he just casually spends that much to keep me going… how much one needs to work in hell to earn enough for anything?! ‘ I already had an idea what the answer to that question was.

-” Stop doing strange things! “ Nerdmage ordered and I followed, obediently, after the wagon. My spirit crushed.

To my miserable self time seemed to twist into a seamless loop of placing one leg in front of the other, and then repeating the action over and over, all the while a burden of the giant backpack weighed me down.

-” Where are you going? You stupid demon. “ My timeless ordeal was suddenly interrupted by an annoyed command of the nerdmage. -” We are staying here for the night. Come here and prepare my tent! “


In stupor, I looked around and discovered that the merchant’s wagon was stopped on the side of the road. Lylah gave me a curious glance as she retrieved a small cauldron from her baggage and took it to the campfire, which was being set by William.

Suddenly, a nauseating, invisible weight rested on my mind, forcing me to immediately approach the nerdmage. Before I comprehended what was happening I was carefully unpacking the baggage and preparing the tent.

-’ Grrr, damn nerd. Why is he bringing all this crap around… ‘ I complained in my mind, while rummaging for missing parts of the tent in the backpack.

I never went camping and it took me a long time to erect the tent correctly. In the meantime everyone else finished their preparations and gathered.

Left alone, in the coming nightfall, I wistfully looked at the scene of people gathering near the fire. Lylah was cooking, while Kayden and merchant sat together and talked about something quietly. A delicious smell, which was coming from the cauldron, reached me and I couldn’t help but drool, even though I wasn’t hungry.

-” Ha, judging by smell alone I bet it's going to be delicious. “ Kayden’s silvery voice suddenly resounded in a peaceful silence. -” Maybe I should have hired you as a cook instead of supporter… “ A bold declaration and roguish smile made Lylah blush, she quickly covered her embarrassment by handing the first bowl of goulash to the rogue.

-” Please, don’t… don’t joke like that. “ She stuttered cutely and quickly turned to the cauldron to prepare another bowl.

I was struck by Kayden’s duality, when everyone turned their attention to Lylah his smile froze and turned into an impassive mask. It was a really unsettling sight, and I couldn’t stop the shiver at seeing the cold calculation in a seemingly jovial and caring man.

Lylah started handing the bowls to others and I wanted to pull out my hair, from jealousy, upon seeing nerdmage’s shaking hands and flushed face when he accepted the bowl with a weak -” T-thank you! “

-” A truly splendid dish indeed, Miss. “ Merchant smiled broadly and exclaimed in a deep voice. -” Maybe I should hire you to accompany me on other routes? “

-” I should certainly ask madam Petunia about that. “ Lylah responded playfully and sat down with her own bowl.

-” Um, on second thought I think that maybe someone more manly… I mean versed in combat, would be more fitting. “ Merchant suddenly panicked and made vague gesture in the air. -” My wife certainly wouldn’t mind that! “ The group bursted into laughter, which was soon joined uncertainly by the nerdmage, who obviously haven’t grasped the point.

I sat down and watched as everyone lively enjoyed their time in front of the fire. I was struck by a deep sadness and regret upon remembering my previous life, where I didn’t have any friends either. -’ Just like that nerd… ‘ I thought while looking at the mage, but my animosity had lost it edge. Somehow, it felt like I was the loser, just like him.

Abruptly, my self depreciating meditation was interrupted, by Lylah. -” Shouldn’t we feed your demon too? “ She asked innocently, and I was struck by her kindness.


-” Nonsense. It’s a demon, they don’t need to eat.. “ Mage started the speech, in his usual haughty manner, but before he could make his point I decided to take my own action.

I didn’t care about my pride as I jumped forward and let out a low whine. -” Uiiiu… “ I looked directly at Lylah while scratching the cauldron with my dull claws.

-” Aww, isn’t it adorable… “ Lylah started, but before she could finish I felt an alien will upon myself. Without warning, mage’s compulsion forced me to run away. -” W-wai… Why did it run away… “ She asked slowly and suddenly noticed the pale faced mage. -” It was you! Wasn’t it? What did you do? “

Mage lost his concentration and I stopped several meters away from the camp. I could see him desperately trying to explain the situation, but with the charisma he had there were no chances to recover after being seen through. I grew jubilant when Lylah motioned to the mage to be silent and get away from her.

I returned to the campfire while Lylah prepared a bowl for me. Feeling grateful, I approached her and hugged her leg, rubbing my face against her knee. I marvelled at the feeling of a smooth and soft surface under the leather, and a flowery scent mixed with something else. Abruptly, a bowl was placed next to me and I realized what I was doing. Ashamed by my actions I grabbed the bowl and escaped into the night.

-’ Argh! Why I had to become all pervy out of a sudden! ‘ I despaired silently, while barely stopping myself from bashing my head against a nearest tree. I anxiously looked back and noticed uncertain, but not hateful, look on Lylah’s face. -’ Ah, she didn’t realize. ‘ I wanted to cry in relief.

Lylah stopped looking after me and lowered a hand, which was raised in an uncertain gesture. I watched silently as she went back to her place near the fire. My gaze darted curiously in a direction of the nerdmage, who was sulking a distance away from fire.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked around, animosity vividly painted on his face. At that moment I realized that he was trying to find me and that I still had Lylah’s bowl of goulash. As an urgent call, issued by the Master, descended on me I desperately gripped the bowl and poured its contents into my mouth - satisfied that its width allowed me to complete the task swiftly.

Unfortunately, I had little time to savour the thick, spicy broth. As I swallowed the goulash an unbearable pressure forced me to run to the Master, who gave me a hateful glare. -” What have you done with Lady Lylah’s meal, you stupid beast!? “ He asked in insistent whisper.

Obligated to obey, I pointed at my belly, what brought sigh of desperation from the nerdmage. -” How could you! To desecrate lovely Lylah’s… Spit it out! I won’t allow you to… “ The moment ambiguous command was issued I used it as an excuse to spit on his boots. -” How dare you, you mesly demon! I will… “ I was elated by the small success, but simultaneously scared by the murderous intent that suddenly flashed in mage’s eyes.

-” Reed? You good? “ William’s concerned question resounded strongly, making me realize that agitated nerd had raised his voice.

-” Umm, y-yes please don’t be c-concerned. “ Nerdmage responded in a surprised voice, momentarily losing his scary qualities.

-” Try to avoid getting too far from the camp, who knows what monsters can roam nearby. “ William sat back down and seemed to lose interest upon hearing the response.

-” I-i will be right back! “ Nerdmage said unnecessarily and gave me another scary look. -” This is not over, you fiend! “ He whispered hatefully as he turned his back on me and headed to the campfire.

I sighed a breath of relief and wandered back to collect my bowl. The moment I picked it a strange thought appeared in my mind. I quickly looked around and located other bowls.

As the time passed and everyone began to fall asleep, apart from William who was on watch, I sneaked in close and patiently retrieved all of the bowls while making sure I was not seen. Then, using the nightvision of which I become aware after the nightfall, I started looking for a place where I could clean up the bowls. My gaming sense told me that there surely should be a source of water nearby.

After locating a small brook I washed the bowls, then I sneaked back to the camp and placed them nearby, on a blanket. I smiled to myself with pride and got struck with a thought that it was a first time that I had done anything for anyone, in my previous life I had never even washed my own dishes.

A bit upset by my thoughts I laid down and tried to fall asleep, eventually falling into an uneasy dream of continuous digging while imp, which looked just like a Soul Keeper, waved a disembodied arm to encourage me, the scariest part was that she didn’t wave her own arm but somebody’s, and she took a bite out of it from time to time.

Suddenly I was woken up by an alarmed voice. -” Everyone! Wake up, something's coming. Get Ready! “ I looked around groggily, noticing William's gigantic silhouette which was readying a big sword. And then I heard a sound of something loudly approaching through the underbrush… and I was sure that it wasn’t alone...

[Meanwhile in Hell]



Hey~, Author's Here~

I hope you liked today's chapter, as promised we have prepared a bit of Mini Comic, if you passed over it the link is just above equation marks.

Also, I have organized whole Art repository and now you can browse all of currently released pictures. (Link is below in my signature [Art(with Owlbear General]). Big thanks to Owlbear General who drafted and colorized all of the CG art and also decided to immortalize the scene in a form of a comic.



Chapter 11

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