《The Third Netherworld[On Hold]》Chapter 3 - The Substitution


Chapter 3 - The Substitution

As I gotten closer my doubts started to surface. - ‘ How can I just approach him? What should I start the conversation with? ‘‘ It was really uncomfortable to just approach a stranger and to start talking with him, lack of social interactions in my life made me hesitant. -’ What if I do something and he will hate me, or...’ A dread thought surfaced. -’ What if I did something impolite without realizing and that’s why I got whipped earlier! ‘

I shifted awkwardly.

-” Whacha want, newt? “ The imp that I tried to approach opened the eye and looked at me threateningly. -” I m busy sleepin. “

-” Aiii, sorry! “ I bent forward, trying to bow, but it went really awkward due to my knees bending in opposite direction than usual. -” I wanted to ask questions about things here! “ I blurted out unwittingly. -’ Ack. I just did the very thing I shouldn’t! ‘ My heart sped up in angst caused by my shameless directness. -’ How could I just ask him that first, without any introductions! ‘

Imp opened the other eye and stood up, I realized that it was bigger than me… and that it had wickedly sharp claws instead of hooves… and that its mouth was really wide and full of needlelike teeth.

-” Aiii, I am sorry. “ I fallen to the ground to apologize, scared for my life. -” I didn’t want to offend you! “

-” Stand up, newt. “ Imp’s even but shrill voice had a calming note to it, taught by earlier whipping I didn’t trust it at all. -” You want explanations and I can give you some… for a price. “

I looked up in surprise, the imp didn’t look like it wanted to hurt me. Somehow, exposed rows of teeth seemed strangely similar to a smile.

-” What price? I have nothing! “ I exclaimed in desperation as I couldn’t even share a meal because we haven’t received any.

-” Hold on to this and I will answer some of your questions. “ Imp extended a clawed hand from which a pendant dangled on a silver chain.

-” Why? Is it cursed? How do I know that you will answer my questions? “ I asked warily, recent events made me extra careful.

-” Gah. “ Imp looked in annoyance. -” I guess I will give you a freebie, but for next ones you will need to pay. “ Imp raised its hand and pointed at an elaborate seal carved on the pendant. -” This is summoning seal for which you would need to work for a few weeks without eating… “


-” Then why are you giving it to me, if it’s so precious! I am not buying! “ My wariness seemed to be well warranted, the offer was certainly some sort of scam!

-” Listen! “ Imp exclaimed in annoyance and continued. -” This seal makes it possible for me to be summoned by the mage from another world… “

-” It means that you can escape from hell?! “ I asked in wonder.

-” No, stupid. “ The imp sighed. -” It means that he can summon you and make you his slave for some time. “ Before I had a chance to interrupt again imp raised its palm in front of my face. -” And what you get in return is a hefty amount of mana from a summoning ritual… though in this case I get the mana and you get your questions answered. “

The possibilities surged through my mind. -’ Getting summoned will definitely be a good thing! Getting out of Hell and frolicking in a world! “ I licked my face at the thought, it made me realize that my tongue was really long... -’ Though I am stuck as an imp... ‘ It served to bring my attention back to the situation I was in.

-” What is the mana that you mentioned? “ I asked.

-” Stop! “ The imp looked at me impatiently and raised its hand in a typical *talk to the hand* gesture. -” Work first, ask questions later. For each service, usually five minutes long, I will answer three of your questions. Deal? “

-” Yes! “ I answered enthusiastically in a shrill voice. -” Though, how will I know what I need to do? “ I asked, suddenly uncertain.

-” Don’t worry, summoner will make his requests and it will all come naturally. Just accept the summon.. “ Imp bursted out in a cackling laughter, and went back to sleep.

With nothing more to do and with excitement surging through my body I went back to my part of the chamber. I had a long, uneasy time falling asleep due to the countless scenarios that played through my mind. -’ What if a summoner turns out to be some sexy sorceress… “ An unwelcome image of the black haired girl came to mind just before I finally fell asleep...

* * *

-” Azah Kzanth Blirght Argham. “ The commanding words resounded, they were guttural and alien, but, at the same time seemed strangely familiar. -” With the force of a Covenant and a sacrifice, I bind you through the seal of Obedience. From Hell unto world of light, I command! Raumugounahr, appear before me and serve! “


I felt drowsiness draining from me, while some unknown force seemed to suck and twist my very existence. Sensation, much similar to being slurped by a straw, wasn’t painful but it was vividly unpleasant nonetheless.

Before I had a time to gather my bearings I found myself in some kind of forest. A green and extremely ugly face was towering me.

-” Aieeee! “

-” Waghhh”

We both exclaimed, surprised. Before I had a chance to do anything a club swung by the green brute hit me, throwing me backwards.

I did not understand the situation, but three green monsters looked like orcs and I didn’t need much encouragement to run when they came at me, axes and clubs swinging.

-” Ai. Ai. Ai. Ai. “ I exclaimed as I dashed around, barely dodging the onslaught. The group of orcs followed relentlessly.

-” Hey, what are you doing?! Stop running and attack them! “ A seemingly young voice came from the side and I risked a quick glance around. There stood a thin, freckled guy with a wand.

I had no time to notice more as my escape was abruptly stopped by some unknown will and a swinging axe hit my shoulder. -” Aiiiiiieeee! “ A shrill cry of pain came out unwittingly as I tumbled, my shoulder burning with pain.

-” Shut up! I can’t concentrate. “ Nerdy guy seemed annoyed by my screams of pain and his commands seemed to have an immense effect on me.

I looked up, a gigantic orc was standing over me with his axe held high. With last ditch effort I jumped at him when he swung down the axe. Rusty metal whizzed past me as I ran between his legs.

I tried to lash at him with my claws, but they were too small, a thick hide armor prevented me from doing anything more than a scratch. I was happy to notice that the wound on my shoulder started closing, caked in a black, tar like substance.

-” What’s with you today?! “ An annoyed voice chastised, I was beginning to hate it, especially the overabundance of question/exclamation marks. -” Get the one that’s coming for me! “

There was an orc charging at the hateful nerd and I would be all too glad to leave him to die, but some force made me run at the orc. I jumped on its back and started clawing away, deep lacerations appeared on the orc’s neck.

-” Warrgfdgff! “ With a bloodcurdling cry the orc started to jump around wildly and tried to get me with its hands, but it was too hunchbacked, due to overabundance of muscles, to reach me.

-” WAGGHHHHH! “ Other orc charged and swung its club at me. I let go of my orc and fell to the ground, the club smashed into the back of monster’s head. With a sharp crack the club shattered and my orc fell forward, stunned.

-” Ey! What are you doing?! “ The hateful voice was back. -” Get the one with the axe! “

Obediently, I rushed at the monster, which was closing on the summoner. It was as if it realized who was the most annoying guy there and ignored my weak scratching at its legs.

-” Ey! Ey! “ The condescending voice bore signs of fear. -” What are you doing! I told you to stop it! Now! “

As instructed I vehemently scratched at the orc’s hide armor, but it had little effect. Somehow the idea of an orc smashing this annoying guy with a rusty axe seemed wickedly good.

The summoner seemed to not like the idea and grew pale, though that did stop him from screaming at me with accusing voice. -” Stop it! Somehow, I command you… “

The orc was only a step away and was raising its axe…

-’ Yeeessss! ‘ I thought in satisfaction.

-” Nooooooo! “ The mage screamed. -” The jules! Go for the jules! “

Compelled by the overwhelming force I could not stop...


-’ Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! ‘


Me and the orc both screamed in anguish. I did not want to register what I was biting, while the orc tried to loosen my jaws with its bulky hands.

-” Good! Keep it busy. I am almost done with the spell! “

Suddenly I noticed that other orcs were rushing past me. I really hopped that they would get that son of a…

-” Ignist Foculus. “ With urgency in his voice the mage chanted an invocation, . -” From water to flame, Incaendium! “

-” AIIIIIIII! “ A wave of napalm engulfed everything, burning me to the core. Pain of agonizing death blissfully washed away most of the details of my recent ordeal, and my consciousness drained back into the pits of Hell…


Hey~, Author's Here~

Today's chapter was slightly delayed due to hectic monday and sunday. At least its longer to compensate :P

I hope you liked it, I do wonder what will happen back in hell...




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