《The hitman summoned as a hero》Chapter 12: The cow girl Part 3-old


When we finished doing it, we continued our way and a long time we found a trap. It seemed one thing, that this was the right way. But I didn't know if it was the right way to leave or to go somewhere else. The trap was easy to see for a person with good sight. The ground was different. I took a stone and I threw it to the trap's floor. Nothing happened, I pressed it with my feet and I moved off. Then the seven flowers started growing faster than a normal plant. Then they started moving trying to eat us. More monster, however, they were simply plants. Even if they were carnivorous, I didn't use the axe. I used my bare hands to tear apart them. They didn't make a scratch on me.

Anyway, I wasn't arrogant, this trap was nothing but the next trap could be the last. I had to be aware. More time later we found other traps and as I thought the traps were getting worse. They were more hid and dangerous. We had a hard time trying to pass them but we did it. In the end, we arrived at a strange room and not at the exit. A small room decorated with stripes, signs and a picture on the walls. Also a chest in the middle of the room. An old chest, without locks, perhaps the chest has been there for ages, guessing by the look of the chest. Later I checked the picture on the wall and the signs. I couldn't understand them and I couldn't ask the cow girl. And the picture wasn't really showing too much, only a half-human or a monster. I didn't know how to call it. I never imagined something like that, a human form but instead of hands, it had claws penetrating what it seems a person. Maybe a soldier or a fighter. He was surrounded by dead bodies forming a pile around him. The picture as the signs and the stripes had some cracks and I couldn't see the entire picture.


Nobody has been in this place for a long time. After checking the picture, the signs and the stripes, the only thing left was to open the chest. The chest could be a trap, as the false floor traps, the arrow traps and many more traps that we passed. However, I didn't come here avoiding all these traps, fighting monsters, like the scorpion and the lion with four heads, all that to give up and return empty handed. I opened it with extreme caution. Nothing happened. I felt relief until I saw the content of the chest. A heart made of crystal, a small box and a black hand armour with an actual hand on it.

Someone lost his arm there. Anyway, what attracted me the most was the heart. I touched it and suddenly I heard the cow girl screaming. Immediately I released it and if she was good. She was feeling good, she didn't have any wound or illness. Then why she screamed I was asking myself. Anyway, I left her and I grabbed the heart again. Once I had it on my hands the girl fainted on the ground. In that moment I discovered that the heart was connected somehow to her. She was feeling everything that the heart was feeling. I released it with caution. However, she didn't wake up. I took out his helmet and I saw her beautiful face. She was attractive. A short red hair, with big horns coming from his head, long brown ears and a necklace. I didn't see her face until now, even if she sucked my dick. She did it without taking off his helmet. I only saw that she had a tanned skin because she did it with her breasts too.

I checked if she was breathing and she wasn't. I quickly gave a mouth to mouth to reanimate her. She woke up but now she was afraid of me while hiding her face. This time it was real, she wasn't pretending. I wasn't a bad guy so I gave her his helmet and I told her why I gave a mouth to mouth to her. She calmed and she put on her helmet. Then I told her to wait and I came back to the chest. I didn't touch the heart anymore. I wanted to see what the box and the hand armour was. I grabbed the box and nothing happened. I even threw it in the air and nothing. After I took the hand armour and nothing. Only a heavy hand armour with a hand inside. I felt disappointed. Anyway, I made a new girlfriend or friend. I started thinking and I took the box again. I showed it to her and she was scared. She wanted to stay as far as possible from it. First I didn't know why. After I understood her fear. The box opened and a black liquid started falling on the ground. On the ground, the black liquid tried to attack the cow girl but I put myself in the middle and I told to the girl to run. The black liquid was absorbing all my strength and even my body. I needed to gave her time so I stayed strong until the black liquid absorbed me. It hurt a lot. My mind was like going to explode, my body was gone as my feelings. All I was feeling that moment was an indescribable pain. At least I saved the little girl and if I was going to die. I was going to do it with my conscience clean.

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