《The hitman summoned as a hero》Chapter 11: The Angel and The truth-old


Inside the angel was waiting was. A strange angel with six wings sitting on a throne behind some veils that only let me see her form. Suddenly all prostrate themselves in front of her. I was the only one standing up, I wasn't going to prostrate myself in front of anyone. Even Rodelia was prostrating herself. In that moment I realized that Rodelia wasn't human.

A short time later the angel said: "I heard that you have come with our saviour. Is it true?"

The strange thing is that Fio responded with such a long sentence: "Yes, highness here is the one that will save us and will destroy humans making us great again" She didn't use talk. I thought that she couldn't talk.

"Angel, highness, whatever you are, I'm not here to save anyone, I came here for a price and to destroy you. That's what they told me"

She started laughing loud after hearing me. I knew this moment, this moment in which I discover that I have been betrayed and all the things I knew were a lie. Of course, I knew that they have lied and I have been attracted to this place by them. I wasn't that stupid, raped and loved by half-humans, an adventure in which I met half-human girls and monsters that were easy to kill, like the anglerfish, sex with demons and more things like that. First I had my doubts but the succubus confirmed them. I have been having sex with them because maybe they have been training my resistance and my skills. I came here to serve an angel, already as a warrior. All of a sudden, the creed what my mother made me learn passed through my mind. A hitman mustn't have feelings, mustn't have pity or fear. Those who have fear, feelings or pity have lost their way. It came to my mind because broke it since I came to this world. It was remembering me how stupid I have been. Perhaps I should have followed it. Anyway now it was too late.


Looking around me I found myself in the worst the situation possible, without escapes, surrounded by possible enemies, at bare hands and unknowing the place. I only had one option, to accept their task. Before that, I needed to confirm if they have discovered that I have been acting like a fool so I asked her: "If I haven't come here to destroy you, why I have come here?"

"You have come here guided by us. You rejected the humans. We have been waiting years for that to happen"

They didn't know it. I only asked one more thing before accepting: "What is Rodelia?"

I was curious to know it. The angel told me: "She is a mimic, a monster that can copy the form of those which she eats. Do need to know something more?"

"No, it was just my curiosity. I will accept to help you but I will be useless without powers and skills"

"Don't worry about that. We have trained you enough and you will have new powers"

"What do you mean with new powers?"

"You will know tomorrow, for now, you shall leave and rest"After she ordered to a

After she ordered to a dullahan to escort me to my room. A big room in the castle, with a balcony, a bathroom and all it needed to be comfortable. I didn't know if it was day or night but I was tired so I decided to take a short nap. Today I became the servant of the angel and I haven't seen even her face.

The short nap became a long nap and when I woke up, the angel was sleeping next to me. I never saw an angel with two black wings, two white and two red and short horns. She was more like a demon than an angel. Also, she had strange tattoos coming from her lower back and ending doing circles on her breasts. I was confused why she was naked, why she was even next to me. I went slowly to not to wake her up and leave. I opened the door and I saw the dullahans talking with Cenrea and Rodelia. They saw me and they asked me where was the highness, they were trying to find her. I told them that I didn't know, I could be in troubles if they saw her naked sleeping on my bed. They trusted me until she woke up asking where I was. Then fast they moved me away, opened the door and saw her naked. After they closed the door and they ran trying to catch me while asking me how I could have done it with her. Cenrea was faster than me and she was close to catch me but I felt through a big hole on the hall and I escaped.


I crossed it without knowing where I was going. All in a rush while I was trying to escape. I wasn't in the castle anymore, I was in some sort of tunnels lighted up by torches. All tunnels have an exit so I need simply to find it. I was still unknowing where I was but it couldn't be that bad. Some tunnels lighted up with torches, all I need to do is to follow the torches.

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