《The hitman summoned as a hero》Chapter 10: The Darkness-old


Long-time later after our encounter, we went to find Melia and Cenrea and we find them walking on the streets. We were lucky this time, we found them quicker than expected. When we were together I, fast, introduced Cenrea and Melia to Rodelia, Fio, Bluenisa and Annie. With the introduction made we decided to leave the town. Our equipment wasn't bad for a long travel and they had their abilities to fight, also I could fight with my fists so I thought that we weren't going to have problems during our travel. We left the town behind and we started walking to reach the supposed darkness. I started questioning if that existed, I never saw. Anyway, in this world, all sort of things can happen.

After three days travelling, camping, eat what we found near and talking. They discovered that I have had sex with Melia and that Cenrea was close to be my wife. Also, Melia and Cenrea discovered that I have had sex with Bluenisa, Fio and Annie. First I didn't know but later I discovered it. Rodelia started acting mad and mean with me, Fio wasn't playing me, even more, she was staying away from me. Annie started calling me lecherous, idiot and other things. Bluenisa was ignoring me, Cenrea was always trying to kick me and Melia was telling me to suffer and die. I was in a bad situation. I didn't know how to resolve this problem until Melia told me: "You scumbag if you have told us the truth the first time nothing of this would have happened. You should die tortured" After she left me alone but I knew what I needed to do. I needed to spend the days with them and try to gain they trust and love. Perhaps it was going to be useless but at least it was better than keeping the silence and do nothing. After ten days travelling I finally succeeded to gather them and I made peace. To gather them I had sex with Fio and Bluenisa, I promised that I wasn't going to keep anymore secrets to Rodelia, I had a date with Cenrea and I let Melia and Annie play S&M with me, they told me that I needed to do it in order to make peace with them, from then I learnt one thing. To stay away from the S&M. The good part about all is that we made peace, even if they still had their doubts they were less mean and every thing came back to normal.


Perhaps to have some friends isn't that bad sometimes. We travelled during a month, fighting monsters, wild demi-humans, the undead and horrible tentacle monsters, we arrived at a huge kingdom and I discovered the meaning of darkness. A huge kingdom, covered by a dark sky and grey clouds, with many different houses, some seemed abandoned while from the other you could hear people screaming and see lights, and it had a big castle which guarded by skeletal dragons. The land was divided into different parts, like if the land has been broken by someone into different parts of ground. Some of them even were floating. The good thing is that the different grounds were united by bridges, some of steel and some of wood. Inside, the place had some dead trees and creepy old lamppost. Also some strange caverns, I have seen other caverns before but I never saw caverns with the entrance on a floating rock. This place was leaving me out of breath. We crossed the bridges, in direction to the castle, they were scared, I could see it looking at their eyes and their moves. I told them that they were going to be fine and that I was protecting them so nothing was going to happen, hearing that they calmed a bit but they were still scared. I was trembling too. Maybe it was fear, maybe it was the emotion of the moment or the place. All the things could be and nobody has ever reached this far. Monsters were around the place, living their lives normal, like if it was a normal city but what would happen they found a human among them. I wasn't staying there to find that. The good thing is that I and Rodelia were disguised with clothes that were covering us and thanks to the spells of Annie we could easily disguise our human energy from them. Also, we disguised our smell thanks to Fio.


When we reached the castle, we saw half-humans guarding the big doors of the castle. Cenrea told me that they were Dullahans. Knights without heads, they were good fighting, their skills could easily surpass a trained warrior and their intelligence was high. It was better to not attack them and avoid them. The problem is that we needed to enter in the castle. At least we needed to try. We approached to the castle and the two dullahans closed our path with their swords and asked us: "Who are you?" I was going to respond: "We are half-humans that want to talk with the angel" but Melia interrupted me and she answered: "We are here to see our highness, we have brought our saviour with us" "Then you shall pass" and the dullahans let us pass while opening the doors. Something fishy was going on.

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