《The Devil's Tears》Chapter 7 - The Siege at Gleyon Fort


The Rebels had invaded Gleyon city in pursuit to kill the Sinnet noble family. The rebels had killed about every citizen and torched and looted their house.

The Sinnet nobles took shelter in the Gleyon city’s fort along with its 120 soldiers under their command.

Now the 120 guard soldiers in the fort were engaged with the 500 000 strong rebels that laid a siege around the fort.

“Sir, they brought another siege ladder. The northern wall needs a little hand over here.” informed one of the soldiers.

The rebels brought siege ladders that were tall ladders that easily scaled about 20 meters. The ladder had a sharp claw-like end which easily attaches itself to the walls.

“Alright, Maron! Take your men and secure the northern side,” ordered Brian, the captain of the soldiers.

Maron lead three of his men and engaged the rebels.

The captain then went at the center point to relay commands at all the four sides of the walls.

It was quite a chaos of the place, as stray arrows from the enemy come every few seconds. There was blood and injured soldiers everywhere.

Then a soldier approached the captain.

“Give me a status report.” commanded the captain.

“Sir, we are low on ammunition. At this speed, our arrow ammo will run out in another 30 minutes at best. Even if we try to conserve and scavenge enemy arrows, it still won’t give us a lot of time.” said the soldier.

The captain glanced at the soldier and kept his hand on his shoulder,

“That would be more than enough. If it comes to worse, try to dislodge the interior fort walls and use it throw over our enemy.” advised the captain.

“But sir, what about the ladders? It’s made of iron bars and cannot be cut easily. Also whenever we try to approach near the ladders, the enemy fires a volley of arrows. We already lost four of our best soldiers who tried that.”

The captain’s had a tense look, but he relaxed his facial expression,

“Alright, bring out the boiling oil. Pour it on top of approaching rebels coming through the ladders. That would at least slow down them. Although use them very conservatively.” advised the captain as he patted him in the back, “Don’t stop losing hope. We must buy enough time until the reinforcements arrive. Stay sharp.”

“Roger sir!”

Brian Dusky, the captain of the soldiers that swore their fealty to the Sinnet noble house. Despite being outnumbered and cornered at the fort, the soldiers managed to defend the fort until now. The soldiers were quite brave and their morale was quite high, thanks to their captain.

Although, Brain himself was quite tense as he knew how grim their situation was.

‘If this keeps up, I don’t think we could last till the reinforcements arrive. But I must do everything and hope that we could make out of this alive.’ he thought to himself.

Brian was scared as the rest of his soldier but he still kept a brave face. If the captain himself succumbs to fear then the men under his command were doomed anyway. Brian was a great leader and the bond between his soldiers was quite strong. Hence, the captain acted scared then it would even be a severe blow to their morale.

But soon the captain’s worst fears came true.

At the southern wall, the soldiers poured boiling oil that kept the rebels from not reaching the top of the walls. But suddenly they spotted a huge man with a battle axe on his back climbing like any other rebel.


“What the hell! Didn’t we just pour oil a minute ago?” asked the puzzled soldier.

“Nevermind. The rocks should do the tricks.” answered his fellow comrade.

The southern soldiers started throwing boulders on this giant rebel. The boulders were about the size of a fully grown pig. The big boulder landed on the giant Rebels back and crumbled on impact. Although, the giant didn’t even budge as he continued to climb without any trouble.

They threw more rocks about the same size, they hit his shoulders, arms even his head but the giant continued to climb the ladder.

“What the hell! Is he even human?! He didn’t even flinch!” shrieked out one of the soldiers.

“He ain’t human! He’s a monster. Bring a batch of hot oil at once!” ordered the soldier, “Let’s see how long he could keep at it.”

Two soldiers brought a fresh piping hot oil filled in a cauldron. They were wearing thick leather gloves to avoid burning their own hand.

They gently placed it on top where the ladder was located.

“Pour everything down!” ordered the soldier.

They tilted the cauldron and hot boiling oil came gushing down at the rebel giant. The piping hot oil could easily melt human skin that even the bones won’t even survive. Despite the brute strength that giant rebel possessed but he was no match for a boiling pot of hot oil.

“Aaaarghhh!” a big roar of a scream shrieked out the giant as soon as he came to contact with the oil.

The sound was so loud that the soldiers watching fell on their feet.

“What the hell was that!” said the soldiers who were puzzled by the scream.

“What will it take to knock that guy down.” said the astonished soldier.

The rebel giant didn’t falter and continued to climb.

“Ah, shit! Bring one more pot of oil!” cried out the shocked soldier.

They brought another pot of oil and poured it again.

This time the giant cowered at the ladders and hide his head under his arms.

The boiling oil fell over his body and he once again screamed.

“AAaaargh!” wailed the giant in agony.

Although, he continued to climb the ladder.

The soldiers were terrified with the howling of the giant rebel who was approaching the walls slowly.

“Captain! We need assistance!” cried out one of the soldiers.

Brian rushed to the spot to his men’s aid. The soldiers notified about the giant approaching rebel.

“Leave it to me. I’ll handle this giant.” said the Captain.

Brian unsheathed his sword and stood at the ledge of the wall.

He held a shield in his one hand and sword in the other.

As soon as the enemy spotted the captain, they released a volley of arrows at him. But captain tucked himself behind his shield and evaded getting any fatal blow.

The captain then glanced at the approaching rebel giant who was just a few meters away from the wall’s reach. The giant was keeping his head low and slowly steadily climbing the ladder.

“You are a tough guy, you’ve my respects. Surviving the boiling oil twice is a great feat.” complimented the captain.

Although, the giant didn’t respond and continued to climb the ladder while still shielding his head with his arms.

The captain raised his arm and his sword started glowing,

“Alright, this is the end.”

The sword soon caught fire and burned brightly.

Brian was relic wielder and his sword high-class relic.

But just when a lance came flying at the captain and it even managed to pierce through his shield and hit him right at the shoulder.


The impact was so strong that the captain went flying backward.

“Captain!!” shrieked out his men at the shock.

Meanwhile down the ground, there stood the preparator who threw that lance at the captain. He was smiling as he watched from the ground below,

“Well, that guy must be their captain!” he said out loud.

“Sir that was an excellent throw” praised his fellow rebels.

“Haha! The praises never get old. But still, that guy quite witty. I had actually aimed for the head but he beforehand noticed that and decided to sacrifice his arm instead.” said the preparator.

This guy was one of the lieutenants, high ranking officer under the rebel commander. He was equipped with a pair of enchanted gloves that provided immense strength to his hands. He’s throw was powerful enough that it penetrated the shield and hit the captain at the shoulder.

The soldiers rushed to the captain’s aid.

“STOP! I am fine!” shouted the captain, “Get back at your posts at once.”

He quickly got up with the lance still stuck in his shoulder. He pulled the lance and threw it aside. His arm quickly covered with blood.

‘Damn, this arm is useless now.’ thought the captain as he checked his injured arm.

Just when the giant rebel finally climbed on top of the walls.

The soldiers were ready with long spears and surrounded him.

“Die!” screamed the soldiers as they jabbed their spears to his chest.

Although, the spearhead with impact just broke when it touched the giant’s armor.

The soldiers were in quite a shock.

“Ha! Puny spears.” said the giant as he quickly reached out for his axe and swung it with full might.

The men posted on the southern wall were cut in half as their upper torso went flying. Blood started spilling all over the place as the dying soldiers wailed in terror.

The soldiers froze at their place as they saw their comrades’ bodies laying at the ground cut in half. The giant stood tall as he started walking inside to hunt for more soldiers. Fellow rebels had followed the giant and started attacking the soldiers.

The captain quickly picked his sword,

“Lord of the sun, heed my call. Bestow me your power to destroy my enemies.” chanted the captain as his sword once again caught fire.

The giant rebel noticed the approaching captain, he reached quickly readied his axe and swung at the captain with all his might.

But the captain was quick to duck and avoid the swing and closed in.

“Incidinary Luminous!” shouted the captain as he jabbed his sword right at the giant’s heart.

The captain managed to give powerful mana charged attack that could penetrate any armor. The blow was powerful that it created a big blast of fire, knocking nearby soldiers and rebels alike.

The soldiers watched their captain in action brought back their morale.

“Let’s kill those rebels!” screamed the soldiers.

The rebels, on the other hand, were shocked to see their giant comrade receiving a devastating blow at such a close range. His end was certain, at least that’s what everyone thought.

The smoke cleared up and the giant was still standing tall.

The captain was surprised as the giant was looking down at him with a smile. His attack didn’t even put a dent at the giant’s armor.

“Ha! That tickled old man.” mocked the giant as he grinned.

“How could that be possible…” muttered the captain as he started at the spot where he struck his sword.

“Haha! The lieutenant is fine!” rejoiced one of the rebels.

The captain and the soldiers were surprised to know that the giant was a lieutenant, one of the highest ranks after the commander.

The captain turned to the giant,

“So you are a lieutenant, that means this armor…”

The giant chuckled and grabbed the captain by his neck,

“Hehe! Yeah, my enchanted armor is a Silver class relic, unlike your puny relic.”

The soldiers rushed to their captain’s aid but the rebels intervened and stopped them.

“Sucks to be you.” said the giant rebel as he ready to give the captain a finishing blow.

Just when a feminine voice interrupts,

“Oh, so this is a silver class armor relic, huh?” asked this mysterious girl.

The giant rebel turned back to notice a girl standing behind him that appeared out of nowhere. She was wearing an armor set but it was different from the rest of the soldiers. She had a black silky hair that swayed in the air. She had a red scarf that she used to covered her face.

The girl tapped the giant’s armor,

“Oh! This looks quite a sturdy relic empowered with strong mana that helps you heal as well. It’s really good armor.”

The giant looked a bit angry,

“You’ve death wish. Let me teach you-”

Just when the girl unsheathed her short sword and struck at the giant’s abdomen.

Her sword penetrated his armor with one swing. The blade pierced the giant from his abdomen till it stuck in the center. Blood starts gushing from the cut drenching the armor and spilling all over.

“Aaargh! You bitch!” screamed the giant.

He let go of the captain and turned towards the girl.

“Ah! I thought I could be able to cut you in half with one swing. Dammit!” complained the girl as she tried to pull her sword out.

But it seemed to be stuck in the giant rebel's stomach.

The giant grabbed the girl’s neck,

“You are going to pay-”

“Don’t touch me.” mumbled the girl as she glared back at him with an intense look.

Just when the giant’s very same arm separated from his shoulder and fell on the ground.

Once again blood gushed out from his shoulder.

“What!!!!” squealed the giant in surprise.

Then he noticed that the girl had another short sword in her other hand.

The giant didn’t even see her swing her sword. She wielded twin sword relics which easily let her cut his armor. The giant had finally met his match.

“Shit! My arm!!” wailed the giant in pain.

The girl closed in and swung her both her arms aimed at the other side of the giant’s abdomen. The giant used his other arm to defend but the blades cut his arm like melon slicing through a knife. The two blades pierced his armor and then his abdomen until it met on the other side.

The giant was split in two, separating his torso from his lower body.

The rebels quivered in fear seeing their lieutenant giant dying in a horrible way.

“Hey, rebels! Get outta here before you meet the same end as your lieutenant here.” said the girl as she glared at the rebels.

The captain got up on his feet,

“Soldiers, get back into formation!” he commanded.

The captain had already lost half of his men. But the mysterious girl seemed to be siding with the soldiers for some reason.

The soldiers once again engaged with the rebels trying to push them down.

The captain then approached the girl,

“Miss, I am grateful for defeating that rebel lieutenant. So I assume that you’re an ally?”

The girl uncovered her face and readjusted her scarf.

“Sorry for the late introduction.”

The captain noticed the scarf which had an insignia of a lion embedded on it.

“That scarf? Are you a magic knight from the Rublor kingdom?” asked the captain.

The girl stood upright and pressed her hand at her heart,

“Yes. I am Amelda Nevarthalises, a magic knight from Rublor kingdom, here to assist you.”

Just when a soldier interrupts,

“Sir! We lost our men at the western and the northern walls. The rebels are led by another lieutenant who is slaughtering our men.” informed the soldier.

The injured captain rushed over the sight,

“Men reform your formation, we need to push the rebels back at any cost.” he shouted out loud, “Our reinforcements are already around the corner.”

The soldier's morale was restored thanks to the captain's words.

They got back in formation.

Amelda marched on ahead,

“Leave their lieutenant up to me. You guys just try to not let any of those rebels inside the fort at any cost.”

The rebels' morale was restored once their new lieutenant made an appearance.

Amelda marched towards the lieutenant and his men casually wielding her twin swords in her hands.

The rebels were a bit skeptical to attack as they knew the former lieutenant was killed mercilessly.

“Leave her to me.” said a tall man wielding a double-sided lance in his hand. The lance soaked in the blood of the dead soldiers that tried to kill him.

Amelda stood in front of the lieutenant boldly as if she was waiting for him to make the first move.

“I see. So you were the one defeated Hegor? Seeing his condition you managed to cut his armor in two, that’s some skill you got there.” said the lieutenant.

“Yeah, he was acting all cocky. Anyway, you don’t seem to be surprised at all, are you?” asked Amelda curiously.

“Ha! He was a fool. He had a muscle for a brain, I knew he was going to end up dead anyway.”

“Oh, it seems you are more skilled than your dead comrade there.”

“I am more capable than he could ever be. Don’t worry, I’ll plunge a hole in your brain and give you a quick death. I don’t like to bully girls, anyway.”

“Ha! Well, this is interesting. I hope you could back your words.”

The rebels and the soldiers kept their distance as the two relic wielders were going all out.

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