《The True Jack of all Trades》Rematch


“Who said they were gonna help you?” Riz asked, “After all, we just met you.”

Dean scratched his head, “Yeah, you right. I mean, it’s up to you guys if you wanna leave.”

“What do you mean by that?” Rei asked.

“What I mean is that there is no way you are getting past that thing without me.”

“Why are you so confident in yourself?” Stella asked.

Dean was now tired of putting on an act, so he went back to normal. “How long did I stay here again?” Dean glared at Stella, almost making her piss herself.

She gulped, “Six months?”

“Exactly, now do you think I know less than you?”

“Not at all.”

“Correct, so please shut the fuck up and follow me if you wanna get out of here.” Dean patted Stella’s shoulder and started to walk away, the group following.

Rei caught up to Dean, “Does it have any weaknesses?”

“None, but it doesn’t have many resistances either.”

“You’ve only tried your magic, not mine. How would you know?”

“Trust me.” Dean pushed his way through the brush and saw the minotaur standing by the gate, “There he is.”

“What is the plan?” John asked.

“You guys are going to run towards the gate and distract it while I come up behind it and get a good blow in.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah, I’ll handle the rest.” Dean raised his hand and the group began to run, catching the attention of the minotaur. It started to chase them and turned its back completely towards Dean, it was the perfect moment. Dean grabbed his sword and ran towards the minotaur, covering his blade with the black magic. This time, he was killing the weakness of the blade, making it stronger. Dean ran through the ankle-deep snow and ran up behind the minotaur.


The minotaur noticed this and turned around, but it was too late. Dean was already in the air and was coming down on the minotaur. Dean plunged his sword into the back of the minotaur and ran his blade along its back as he slid downward.

“Resorting to petty tricks now huh?” The minotaur said.

“Now you see a problem with it after surprise attacking me many times?”

“I’m going to kill you this time!” The minotaur swung its ax, colliding with Dean’s blade. Dean parried the attack and flipped his blade into a reverse-grip and stabbed the minotaur’s leg. The minotaur kicked Dean, sending him across the field. It threw its ax, and Dena rolled, dodging it. Dean ran towards the minotaur and shot magic at it, restricting its movement. The minotaur broke through the bindings, but not before Dean ran his sword through its hand, severing it. The minotaur screamed in pain and threw a punch at Dean, Dean rolled out of the way again. The minotaur fell to its knees. Dean climbed on top of the minotaur and started to cut away at its neck. He cut and he cut, blood flying at his laughing face. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying killing the big beast after being trapped here for so long. Eventually, Dean got to the muscle and his sword grew bigger with the black magic as he did one last swing. Dean reared back his sword and brought it down on the sword on the minotaur's neck, decapitating it. The head fell to the ground with a loud “THUD”. Dean hopped down from the minotaur’s body before it fell to the ground as well. Dean walked over to the minotaur’s head and cut off one of the horns.

“Ahhh, I’ll take this as a trophy,” He said as he walked towards the portal. The group stared at Dean as he walked past them.

“What are you guys doing,” Dean said, “Let’s go!” Dean walked through the portal, ready for his new adventure, but the future that awaited Dean is not what he’s expecting.

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