《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 7: The start of the competition!


“The power to decide my fate.” Kevin softly muttered and by the time the two were talking, the four people came back with a wild deer in their hands. They gathered some wood and make a fire then after a few minutes, the group began to eat.

The four people were eating with gusto, Kevin turned his head and saw Tony was still eating his bread, he recalled what Tony said and a thought popped on his head.

“Then do I have an orb?” Kevin was intrigued since he was a monster then he will surely have an orb, but how will he find it? The night deepened and the group prepared to sleep.

. . .

The sun rose and the group began to walk through the forest, this time there is no shortcut and after a few hours, the group arrived at their destination. Kevin stared ahead and saw a big platform, besides these platform was people with different age.

“The Green Leaf Village is here.” A middle-aged man who wore chain armor said, the people beside the platform turned their heads and stared at Tony and his group.

Tony bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry we are late.” Tony walked forward and the group behind him naturally followed. Kevin stared at the people in front of him and likewise, the people on the other side were staring at them.

Then a man who are covered from head to toe walked forward, the eyes were penetrating and the people beside the platform turned their heads to this man.

In their gaze, one would see awe and respect. The man saw that their attention was on him, a thick voice came from him. “I am the envoy sent by the 12th Guardian, I hereby announce that start of this competition between the four villages!”


“The four villages will be divided into two, those two will fight with each other. “The first round will be the green leaf village and the mountain village.”

“The village that wins two fights will proceed to the finals!”

After this voice faded, Tony looked at the man who wore chain armor and said. “Good luck!” Soon the people made some space and Tony turned his head and stared at his group.

The solemn face made the four people understand the seriousness of this competition, like the normal competition. No weapons were allowed and killing is strictly prohibited, they use this competition to hone the martial arts of the people who are regarded as seed in every village.

“Who wants to fight first?” Tony stared at the group and after a few seconds, a plump man timidly raised his hands. “Are you sure?” Tony said and stared at this plump man, maybe the voice is too sudden the plump man paled before gathering his courage.

“Who is scared, I am strong come on!” The plump man leaves this sentence and walked to the platform. The three people stared at the back of the plump man and admired his courage.

Kevin stared at the plump man before staring at his opponent, the opponent of the plump man is a boy whose hair almost blocked his eyes. Yet the hair can’t block that contempt that was vividly displayed. The envoy raised his hand and shouted, “Fight!”

The plump man raised his arms and his eyes were glued to his opponent, I have to say that the people in the mountain village are unique. As the plump man raised his hands, the opponent leaped towards him and swung his legs!

One would see the muscles on those legs, boom! The leg connected to the forearm of the plump man and he was blown away by the force. The plump man almost fell off, he stands up and glances behind him.


If you are outside the platform, it was a defeat so this time it could be said that he was lucky. His weight also played a role since if a thin man takes the attack of the opponent, I am afraid he would be thrown off outside the platform.

“I am strong, for my mother and my father!” The plump man steeled his mind and charge towards the opponent, the opponent saw the plump man’s move and the contempt in his eyes grew. Before the plump man reaches the opponent, the latter made raised his legs and strikes the leg of the plump man.

Like a whip, the moment it hit the plump man’s leg. The pain made the plump man shout in pain, he checked his leg and saw a red mark. As he was about to raise his head, he saw a foot that was getting larger.

Bang! The foot hits the head of the plump man and blood flowed from his nose, this impact made the three people beside Tony pale in fear. How ruthless are the people from the mountain village! The plump man rest on the platform and the envoy rushed in and checked the plump man.

“He is alive but he had an injury to his head.” After this was said, Tony rushed to the platform and saw the small lump on the plump man’s head. Tony glared at the opponent of the plump man and the latter stepped backward.

“Injury is common in the competition, what do you expect?” The middle-aged man who wore chain armor said and his voice was filled with mockery. “You!” Tony glared at the middle-aged man but the envoy raised his hands and shouted.

“The mountain village wins, one more win and you will advance to the finals. “The green leaf village lost and needs two wins to advance in the finals!”

Tony accompanied the plump man and walked to a nearby tree, he stared at his group and was wondering who wants to fight. The three people already lost their fighting spirit then the only option was Kevin.

Kevin saw the eyes of Tony that were staring at him, he knew what he meant, and without saying a word he walked towards the platform. Under the contempt of the mountain village, A red light-filled with violence flashed in Kevin’s eyes!

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