《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 6: The Orbs


After saying this, Tony puts the last bread to his mouth and stands up. “I’ll wait for you tomorrow at the gate of the village, don’t be late.” Kevin glance at Tony’s back as he walked out of the tavern, Kevin waited for a few minutes before walking outside.

Kevin raised his head and saw the black clouds, it was night. As he walked towards his house, there are no kids in sight and for some reason his heart was calm.

Opening the door to his house, Kevin locked the door and swept the surroundings. The house is really small, the table almost occupied the entire house. “I should try the werewolf form.” Kevin thought to himself and began to imagine himself transforming into a werewolf.


“I should go to sleep and prepare myself tomorrow.” Kevin dived into the bed and closed his eyes, as for transforming into a werewolf. It didn’t work so he prepared himself to sleep.

. . .

The sun was early as always and Kevin opened his eyes, feeling full of energy. He remembered that today is a special day since he was going for the reward! Yes, that orb is what Kevin needed to further strengthen his werewolf form.

After preparing himself, Kevin walked towards the weaponry. There are not many people inside, Kevin walked forward and saw the weapon that he was looking for. It was an axe, Kevin grabbed the axe and swings it a few times.

Suddenly he recalled the tragic axe that he used when he fought the skeleton, the materials in creating the weapons here are not the best. But since it is a village then this weapons are already considered good.

Soon Kevin reached the gate of the city and saw five people standing there as though waiting, “You are late.” Tony said while staring at Kevin, he had a bitter smile on his face. Kevin didn’t bothered with him and said, “I’m here.”


Kevin glance at the four people, their age were more or less similar to him. About 16 years old, Tony looked at them and stared at Kevin. “Where is your leather bag?” Kevin’s eyebrows were raised, he looked at the four people and found out that they have leather bags on their back.

“I don’t have one,” Kevin replied, the four people glance at Kevin. Their eyes had a trace of curiosity, Kevin can be considered popular and the cause of all this was his unordinary strength, the old people said that he had a divine strength.

Tony put his palm to his face, then he grabbed the leather bag on his back and throws it to Kevin. “That leather bag belongs to us, so keep it.” Kevin caught the leather bag and put it on his back, the four people beside him were surprise.

The leather bag is heavy but they can carry it, but easily catching it with one hand is a hard task. Look at Kevin casually did it with no change in his face. It seemed the rumoured divine strength is true.

Soon the group walked forward, along the way Tony opened his mouth and kept talking so that the atmosphere in the group was relaxed. Tony led them into different routes and the four people beside Kevin were naturally curious.

“Are you curious?” Tony casually said while walking through the forest, the four people behind Kevin nodded their head so Tony opened his mouth. “The destination this time is far away, so we can only take shortcuts.”

“The four villages will participate in the competition, all four villages will send their best people who are good at fighting. The place where you kids will fight is in the middle of this forest.”


Tony added while walking, the four people beside Kevin were even more curious so the group kept talking and Kevin was listening. “It seemed Mr Tony knows a lot.” Kevin thought and as they walked the time gradually moved forward.

It was now night, and the group stopped to take a rest. The four people volunteered to hunt wild animals for food and Tony told them to be careful before agreeing. “Give me the leather bag.” Tony opened his palm and Kevin handed the leather bag.

The leather bag was opened and it revealed the brown and only bread. Tony began to eat and looked at Kevin, “Do you want this?” Kevin looked at the bread and shakes his head, Tony nodded and again opened his mouth.

“Why you didn’t follow them, you kids like to show your strength.” Kevin shakes his head and replied, “It is best to preserve energy in times of emergency.” Actually Kevin likes to go alone, those kids will only make the process longer.

Then as if remembering something, Kevin said. “What do you know about monsters?” Tony still eating the bread was silent before staring at Kevin. “Monsters are cruel, why do you want to know about them?”

“Just curious,” Kevin replied and Tony nodded his head, after a while he opened his mouth. “My knowledge about them is small, the chief said that monsters are divided into classes. What separates them is their bloodline.”

“Bloodline?” Kevin said and Tony again nodded his head, “Yes, if the bloodline are strong then the monster will be naturally strong. Those orbs that you draw are their essence.” Tony paused before continuing.

“According to what the chief said, orbs have number on them, 1 to 10 and each level is a big difference if a level 1 wants to fight a level 2 it is equivalent to earth challenging heaven!”

Kevin was surprised, the words that Tony said is foreign to him. He thought all monsters are like those skeleton, now his understanding of the monsters widened. As he was deep in thought, Tony again said something that attracted him.

“However, humans relied on wisdom and found a way to repel those monsters that harass humans. If you defeat a monster and absorb the orb then you will have the power to decide your fate!”

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