《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 5: Evidence


The muscular man stared at them before opening his mouth, “He died because he is weak.” The voice didn’t have sadness as the usual father would have, such a cruel attitude makes those people feared this man.

“Tony, I’ll leave this matter to you.” The muscular man glance at Tony and the latter nodded his head, soon the muscular man walked out of the room making the tense atmosphere relax.

“As expected of the chief, he is cruel.”

“Even the death of his only son didn’t make him sad!”

The quiet people began to talk, Tony looked at the door and turned his head. “Follow me to the forest!” The people stopped and looked at Tony, in just a matter of seconds the people walked out of the room and their destination was the forest.

Even if the chief didn’t show sadness towards his son, it still needs to be buried. Tony knew this so he and the people gathered and headed towards the forest. And the start of this was Kevin who was walking in the tavern.

. . .

The tavern was one of the popular place in every village, this village also had one tavern. Kevin stepped inside and looked at the surroundings, he spotted an empty table and walked towards it. After sitting, he looked at the people who are entering the tavern.

“First is the hearing.” Kevin focused his attention to the sounds coming from the people, their heavy footsteps and their voices, Kevin turned his head and there are a big table that was three meters away from him.

Kevin again focused his attention to the voices but this time he had a specific direction, the people sitting beside the big table didn’t notice him. Kevin tried in different direction and distance and found that his hearing can extend in a few meters away.


If the distance is too far, the sound will not be clear. “Next is perception.” Kevin thought to himself and prepared himself only to felt a hand touching his shoulders, he turned his head and saw the guard from earlier.

Tony stared at Kevin who was sitting and glance at the table, he smiled and sat on the opposite of Kevin. Kevin also stared at him, why was he here? After a few seconds, Tony opened his mouth, “What is your name?”

“Kevin,” Kevin replied and plan to test his perception later, he was curious about why the guard would look for him. Tony slowly nodded his head, “My name is Tony, Kevin I want to hear the things that happened in the forest.”

Kevin stared at Tony, suddenly asking about the things that happened in the forest. Kevin fell into deep thought, “What do you mean?” Kevin replied, the things that happened to the forest are not simple and it is best if no one knows it.

“Kevin, I have evidence. Want to hear it?” Tony stared at Kevin and his smile was gone replaced by a serious face. It seemed this evidence is heavy and it is connected to the things that happened in the forest.

Kevin’s heart accelerated but his face were still calm, if Tony found something related to his werewolf form then it will be dangerous. This world is strange and there are even monsters, he didn’t doubt that if someone knows his werewolf form then his life will be in danger.

“Tell me the evidence, Mr. Tony.” Kevin said and his voice was cold, Tony didn’t notice this detail and instead looked around and after a few seconds he stared at Kevin and said, “The son of the chief was decapitated, I personally bury him so that everyone will not notice.”


After this voice faded, Tony still had his solemn face and stared at Kevin as though proud of his evidence! Kevin was surprise, he thought Tony would point out something related to his werewolf form but didn’t expect to be the tall man whom he beheaded.

Kevin’s mind worked in incredible speed, thinking of various counter measures and after a few seconds he replied, “I killed him because he angered the werewolf.” The atmosphere between the two was silent, Tony stared at Kevin and his eyebrows were raised.

This monster again, is it so special that if it’s angered one would face death? Tony was silent for a few minutes as though thinking something hard, finally the solemn face relaxed and Tony sighed.

“In the future, avoid causing trouble if you can,” Tony said and he seemed to grow older, Kevin looked carefully at Tony. Does the matter end like this? There is no threat or something? But still, Kevin was glad since he could evade trouble then why not evade it.

“Also, are you interested in the competition between the four villages?” Tony said casually and when saw Kevin’s face that seemed to be thinking about it, Tony stands up and walked to buy food. Kevin stared at the back of Tony and thought of what he said.

The competition between the four villages, Kevin only knew this village and there are actually three villages. But he was not interested since his current goal was to find those orbs and eat them so that he can further understand the strength of his werewolf form.

After a few minutes, Tony appeared and sat to the opposite of Kevin. This time there was a bread in his hands, Kevin just glance at it and said. “I am not interested in the competition.” Tony who was eating the bread looked at Kevin and his eyes shined as though he remembered something.

“Don’t decide too early,” Tony said and grabbed something inside his clothes, he put it at the table and said with a smug tone. “I remembered that the reward for the competition was this thing.” Kevin didn’t pay attention to Tony since he was captured by the paper on the table.

The paper was actually the paper where he draws the orb, Kevin raised his head and saw Tony who was eating the bread. “Okay, I am now interested. When will it began?” Kevin said and soon Tony replied, “Tomorrow.”

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