《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 4: Curiosity


"The monster left me alive because it wants to send a message for the village,” Kevin replied and the guard fell into deep thought, this monster again. Even so, the guard still believes and said. “Okay, I’ll believe you for now so what’s the message?”

Kevin thought of an idea and it will only work if the guard in front of him believes him, seeing the latter’s question the first step has been completed. “Get me a paper and a quill,” Kevin said and the guard stared at him for a few seconds before opening his mouth.

“I’ll give it to you but first tell me where your group is.” The guard said while putting the sword back to the scabbard, Kevin nodded his head and mentioned the guard to follow him. As they walked in the forest the corpses of the tall man and his group appeared.

The guard was shocked, that tall man is the son of the chief! But to make sure, he still ran to the corpse and took a closer look. That face with a mole on his right cheek, it is indeed the son of the chief. The guard glance at the other corpses and his face was ugly.

These corpses were naked, maybe the wild animals break their clothes. The guard turned his head and saw Kevin standing not far from him, he remembered that this kid said that they encountered a monster.

If the enemy was a wild monster even if it’s a lion they could escape, but if it’s a monster then it’s a different outcome. The guard stared at the corpses for a whole minute and his eyebrows were close to each other.

He stands up and stared at Kevin and said, “Let’s go back to the village.” Soon the two left the forest and within a few hours they arrived at the gate of the village, the two parted and Kevin walked towards his home while the guard stared at his back before leaving.


. . .

In the house, Kevin dived into the bed and fell asleep. He didn’t sleep last night but with the help of the werewolf form the sleepiness was gone. Now that he was in human form the sleepiness that was gone appeared and directly made him sleep.

He woke up at noon and suddenly felt that his mind was clear compared to last night, Kevin’s curiosity about the power of werewolf expands. “I am curious about the power of my werewolf form, to know I must first test what is available.”

Kevin summoned his status.

Host: Kevin

Strength: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Speed: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Perception: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Vitality: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Stamina: 10 ( 8 for normal people )

Soul Force: 0 ( 8 for normal people )

Available points: 0

Kevin stared at his attributes and found that it was 10, in his werewolf form the stats were 26. The increase is 16 such a huge boost made his heart leap in joy, the strength was tested and speed then perception and others are still needed to be tested.

Since he can transform into a werewolf, he must first understand what a werewolf is really. Kevin sat on the bed and thought of the information about the werewolf, Kevin stared in the distance while squinting his eyes.

The first thing he knew about a werewolf was that they are insanely strong, they have incredible regeneration, and are said to be immortal. In the movies that he watched in his world, werewolves were a human who was cursed.

The second is that werewolf has weaknesses, one of them is a silver bullet. Many people argued about this and it can never be tested because the werewolf is only a legend.


“Am I curse?” Kevin thought to himself, then his ears move as he heard footsteps coming outside. His senses were indeed stronger compared to normal people, soon there was a knocking sound and Kevin opened the door.

A thin man was standing there with a paper and quill in his hands, he stared at Kevin and said. “This is the paper and the quill, the ink will be delivered later.” After handing out the materials, the thin man walked out and soon disappeared.

Kevin closed the door and glance at the materials in his hand, he smiled finally the second step has been completed. He put the paper and the quill on the table beside the bed and continued to think about the werewolf.

“Can I transform at will?” Kevin’s heart started to beat faster when he thought of this, the power of the werewolf form makes him intoxicated. But soon this was dispelled because it was not night and he was in the village.

After a few minutes the thin man knocked on the door and gave him the ink, closing the door Kevin sat on a wooden chair and put the quill into the ink, and began to write.

Kevin only needs a few minutes and the content of the paper was not alphabets or words, rather it was a grey orb with number one on it. That’s right Kevin needs this orb so he thought that he could use his werewolf form to make a demand.

Don’t know if the people here know this orb, But Kevin is sure that this orb will help him understand more about the true power of his werewolf form. After finishing a few strokes, Kevin opened the door and gave the paper to the thin man.

After closing the door, Kevin glance at the surroundings and fell into deep thought. “A tavern is a good place to hone my senses.”

. . .

In a room a muscular man is standing, his fierce eyes swept the people standing behind him and finally fell on Tony. “Did you found my son?” The voice was loud and filled with power, the people in the room were silent and Tony took a breath before opening his mouth.

“Yes, but he was dead when I found him.” After the voice faded, the atmosphere was tense as though a wild beast stared at them. The people around felt their hearts beating faster and Tony didn’t dare stare at the eyes of the muscular man.

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