《Werewolf In Cultivation World》Chapter 3: The first werewolf?


Running around the forest is no easy task, the forest is big and there are areas that Kevin hasn’t explored. This made him thought of what is the end of this forest? Kevin paused and raised his head, the clouds blocked the blood moon so that the whole forest was black.

In this darkness, Kevin’s eyes glowed. The night vision he had was filled with green colours, the red lights belong to the creatures. “I am hungry.” Kevin looked around and remembered the corpses that he left behind.

He turned his head and ran, his figure was like a phantom. In just a few minutes, he reached the place where he fought the skeleton. Due to his speed, the familiarity of the forest was getting better. He walked slowly while staring at the small hill composed of corpses.

The blood was dried and the corpses were cold. Picking up a deer’s corpse and feeling the texture in his hands. “Is this delicious?” Kevin said while staring at the corpse, he could feel the hunger in his stomach. He closed his eyes and put the corpse close to his mouth.

Crunch! The sharp fangs pierced the corpse and the meat was swallowed. Kevin opened his eyes and there were stars in it. The eating speed increased and the corpse was reduced to bones, Kevin was in a trance as if remembering the taste.

“It seemed my taste change.” Since it was good to eat, Kevin looked at the corpses and started to eat. Occasionally there were wild animals that passed by, but even with their bloodthirsty state. Just one look at Kevin and their legs would tremble.

This is the powerhouse, when the gap in strength was huge the aura alone could make them tremble. The small hill were gone and Kevin licked his lips and his tail was swinging, after a few minutes a familiar pain struck him!


“This pain!” Kevin gritted his teeth as he prepares himself, the familiar pain indeed happened and this time Kevin could endure it without screaming, the process ends within 50 minutes. I saw that his body reverted to human form, the sharp nails behaved and the tail disappeared.

What remain was a naked human, Kevin’s eyes were wide and he stared at himself before cursing. “Tsk, as expected.” In his werewolf form the body was bigger, his clothes couldn’t bear that so when he was in human form. The outcome was this present scene.

Kevin unconsciously put his hands to cover his lower, looked around, and saw those big leaves. Shakes his head and suddenly remembers the corpse of the tall man and his group. Kevin ran while covering his jewel.

The corpses of the group was close and he arrived within a few seconds, but after staring at the corpses he found that the clothes were torn. The culprit must be the wild animals who eat these corpses, Kevin walked forward and gathered the clothes, after fixing some large holes he wore them and looked at the light coming from the rising sun.

This made him thought of the pain he suffered, when blood moon rises he would transform into a werewolf. If the sun rises he would transform into a human, while thinking he notices something. A vague shout rang from time to time, Kevin squinted his eyes and hides behind a tree.

. . .

Tony was a guard from the village, after waking up he received the orders from the chief. The content was simple yet difficult. His son disappeared after going in the forest, this matter quickly spread and the reward for finding his son was large.

But his son goes into the forest and the blood moon also appeared at that time, so the chief’s son will likely be a corpse now. “These kids, they never listen to the old,” Tony muttered under his breath and while walking he saw a youth standing in front of him.


The clothes were rags and dirty, some blood could be seen on them. Tony raised his vigilance while staring at the eyes of this youth, he was surprised because those eyes were cold. “Who are you!?” Tony put his hands to his scabbard and his raised voice echoed.

The youth that was standing in front of him was Kevin, while he was hiding he saw this guard who warned him earlier. He was grateful for warning him so he showed up, hearing the guard’s raised voice Kevin raised his head and said in a quick tone. “I’m glad you are here, help me!”

Kevin ran towards the guard yet the guard raise his sword and pointed it at him, then he heard the guard’s cold voice. “Why should I help you? Who are you!?” Kevin replied, “Don’t you remember me? The entrance of the village.” The guard paused and recalled something then his eyes widen.

“You are that kid with an axe!” The guard shouted and immediately continued, “Where is your axe?” Kevin stared at the guard, so many questions! “It’s gone because of that monster!” Kevin said and his eyes changed as though he saw the devil himself.

“What!? Tell me what’s going on!” The guard replied but his tense shoulders were relaxed. This kid without a weapon is no threat, Kevin slowly walked to the guard and said. “The leader of our group was about to head back into the village, but a werewolf blocked our way and it began to slaughter us!”

Kevin said and he was one meter away from the guard, but in the next moment the guard said something that made him stopped. “What? Kid are you joking, what is a werewolf?” Kevin stared at the guard and felt that he had overlooked something.

He thought that werewolf were common in this world, but didn’t except that the guard would not know what a werewolf is? Is he the only werewolf in this world?

While he was in thought, the guard tighten his grip on the sword and said. “I don’t know what a werewolf is, but if you kids encountered a monster why are you alive?” The guard’s cold eyes pulled Kevin into the present moment and the atmosphere began to change.

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