《Death Galaxy》Difficulty


Welcome to Death Galaxy, Wanderer.

Please select your Difficulty:


For player’s new to the TDAG Genre.

-Higher HP, Lower XP gain, No Pain.


For veteran players of the TDAG genre.

-Normal HP, Regular XP gain, Low Pain.


For veteran’s looking for a challenge.

-Higher Enemy HP, Higher XP Gain, Moderate Pain


For the true professional TDAG player.

-Survival System Activated, Higher Enemy Level’s, Lower XP Requirement’s, Sub-Realistic Pain.


For those who want to live another life.

-Full Integration System Activated, All Enemies have Lore appropriate Levels, Realistic Pain. Lower XP Requirement’s, Higher XP Gain.

*Recommended for those experienced with other Traveler® Games, Premium Account required.

**For those unsatisfied with their current life or those incapacitated in some form and unable to interact with their life fully. Selecting this Difficulty automatically turns you into a Traveler employee. Premium Account not required.

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