《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 46: Places To Go, People To See!


Chapter 46: Places To Go, People To See!

“Wow. That really is convenient. So we’re going to go to the party with Phil?” Lime asked.

“Party?” Evan wondered.

“Yeah. Phil got an invitation to meet at our China branch the other day. Wait, if that’s not what you meant, why did you say it was convenient?” Lime asked.

“Oh, there’s someone there that I want to meet.” Evan said.

“I see… So we won’t be going to the party, then.” Lime said, pouting.

“You look sad, I thought you hated going to parties.” Evan said.

“Well, I hate the parties we have here, yes. But this party was organized by my friend, Ling. I was excited to see her since we haven’t talked in a while.” Lime said.

“In that case, we should just go. I see no reason why we can’t attend.” Evan said.

“Is that really fine? Don’t we have a lot of work we have to do there?” Lime asked.

“That doesn’t mean that we can’t have a little bit of fun. Besides, it’s something you want to do, right?” Evan asked.

Lime nodded.

“Then that settles it. We're going to the party. When do we leave? Wait, how are we even going to get there?” Evan asked.

“I’ll teleport you. You can thank me later!” Teacher said, popping into the room.

Evan spun around.

“When did you?! No, wai-” Evan started.

Teacher laughed, snapping her finger. Evan glowed white and disappeared into thin air.

“You’re welcome… Wait, did you not get teleported there with him, Lime? I could have sworn… Alright, just stay still and I’ll try this again.” Teacher said.

Lime raised her arms into the air in front of her and waved them frantically.


“Nonono! I’m fine! You don’t need to. I’ll just go there with Phil.” Lime said.

Teacher paused.

“Oh. Is that so? That’s disappointing.” Teacher said, frowning.

“Y-Yeah. I’ll be fine. Besides, we'll get a bit more time to talk to each other on the way there, now, right?” Lime asked.

“Well, I guess that’s true. It's probably better this way. While I did upgrade the teleporter to not give nausea, it seems to destroy clothing. Oh... Now that I think about it, I wonder what’s happening to my brother.” Teacher said.

“What?! You’re the one who recklessly teleported him out of nowhere! Now you worry?!” Lime shouted.

Teacher laughed, grinning.

“Worry? About him? There’s no need. I can guarantee he’s fine. I just wonder what kind of situation he’s in, considering where I teleported him.” Teacher said.


“-t! Gah! Who are-OW!” Evan shouted.

“Y-You dare?! Who are you?! How did you get in here?! How did you just appear out of thin air!?” A girl shouted, slapping Evan.

“Tss. Jeez. That’s one strong slap. Oh. Is this a bath?...Hm.” Evan asked, rubbing his cheek.

“W-What, what are you staring at?! A-Answer me, you!” She yelled.

“Who are you? Also, why do you look so annoyed-oh. I’m trespassing, aren’t I… And in a woman's bath, no less. I swear, Sis does this on purpose, doesn’t she? Anyway, I should probably introduce myself. But…” Evan said, looking away.

“But what?!” the girl asked.

“Maybe it would be better to save the introductions for after we’re both decent. Oh, right. Do you have any clothes, by chance? Mine are all ruined for some reason...” Evan asked, wringing out his now ripped up shirt and heading towards the door.

“A-Are you trying to get away?! Don’t walk away from me!” She yelled.


“I literally just said… Hm. Actually, wait. I recognize this bath entrance. This is the China branch of Limetech, right? Well, at least my sister got the general location right… Anyway, if I remember correctly there should be a lounge just outside, right? I’ll wait for you there so I can explain that I’m not a pervert and clear up the misunderstanding.” Evan said

“O-Oh. Um. Alright, I’ll meet you there in a bit…” She said.

Evan paused.

“I’m going to guess you don’t have any clothes I can change into, then? I can’t really wear these ripped up, soggy clothes… Oh, whatever. Girl, you can keep a secret, right?” Evan asked.

She nodded.

“Sweet.” Evan said.

He patted his chest, immediately fixing and drying his clothes with magic.

The girl stared at him with wide eyes.

“You can… You can use magic? You’re able to manipulate mana?!” She exclaimed.

Evan smiled.

“As I said, I’ll clear everything up when we talk. I’ll be heading to the lounge first.” Evan said.

Evan laid down on a large sofa and yawned.

“I think I’m getting a little bit more used to teleportation. But I’m still kinda tired…” Evan said.

He sat up straight, alerted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

“You came out pretty quickly.” Evan said.

“Well, this is rather important to me. No, to the entirety of Limetech. If you really are able to use magic… If you really can understand it... Wait, no. Before that, I should introduce myself. My name is Ling, manager of Limetech’s China branch, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ling said, bowing.

“Ling, huh? Oh! So you’re Lime’s friend?” Evan asked.

Ling raised an eyebrow.

“Lime?” Ling asked.

“Oh. You probably call her Line.” Evan said.

“You know Line?!” Ling asked.

“She’s my wife.” Evan said proudly.

“Huh..? What?! Wife?! Hers?!! Ho-wait, no. I’m getting off track. Ahem. That’s not why I wanted to talk to you. I’d like for you to come and meet my father.” Ling said, clearing her throat.

Evan nodded.

“Sure. I’m Evan, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” Evan said.

“Evan? Hm. I thought that the name of the savior is only given to those who are found worthy by the church. By any chance, are you with the church? Oh, right, this way please.” Ling asked, turning a corner.

They arrived in front of a large mahogany door with golden handles inlaid with large jewels.

“I’m not with the church. Besides, it’s just a name. It’s not that big of a deal. Don’t think too much about it.” Evan sighed.

“I won’t, the people here don’t really put too much importance on the name. We value the person who saved us, not just the name. So it probably won’t raise too many questions here, unlike the Japanese, American, or the Russian branches. Or any of the others like them.” Ling said.

“Well, that’s a relief. By the way, this is the door to your fathers office, right? Didn’t you want me to talk with him?” Evan asked.

“Y-Yes, why? What’s the issue?” Ling asked.

“You seem reluctant to open the door. I can’t exactly talk with him like this.” Evan said.

“Oh, sorry! One second, I’ll be right back out.” Ling said, heading into the office.

After a few seconds, she opened the door again.

“Alright, come on in.” Ling said.

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