《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 45: Healing Kay


Chapter 45: Healing Kay

“That’s impossible… There shouldn’t be anyone else in the second world that knows about magic.” Anne said.

“I never said that they were in the second world,” Evan replied.

“Then how…?” Anne asked.

“It has to do with how mana works. Remember how we talked about why I’m able to use magic even when I’m in this digital body? I have a feeling that some of the corrupted mana is finding a way to leak from our world to here. That’s why this “disease” is so rare and completely untreatable with your normal methods.” Evan said.

“Does that mean that there are people suffering from this disease on the other side, too?” Anne asked.

Evan nodded.

She widened her eyes.

“Wait, you just said that the corrupted mana is coming here from that side?! How? Why would there be corrupt mana on your side?!” Anne shouted.

“Tch. Long story. It seems the enemy got their hands on schematics for a gen 1 core prototype. I’m still not completely sure how, but I have a few leads that I’m going to be following up on later.” Evan said, clicking his tongue.

“So the corrupted mana is from…” Anne said.

“It’s from experimentation. More accurately, it’s coming from all of the subjects that died in the testing process. The people behind this… No, the creatures...” Evan said.

“Did… Did they succeed?” Anne asked.

“I’m not sure you can call it a success, but there’s a reason the people of the first world refer to them as gods. They can use a crude, basic form of magic. The strange thing is that the core isn’t attached to their mana pool, it’s actually made into an artificial heart. I’m not completely sure yet, but I don’t think they have any natural ability to manipulate magic. They can’t store mana. So to compensate for not having a mana pool, I think they might have actually transformed their entire body to physically store magic. I assume that any failed subject will explode, releasing corrupt mana. And if they’ve been at this for over 4 centuries…” Evan said.


“There’s probably a lot of corrupted mana. I’m surprised that this disease is so rare here.” Anne said.

“Well, considering how rarely mana crosses over, I’m actually not all that surprised. Speaking of the disease, I guess I should get to treating it now. We can talk about this later.” Evan said.

Anne nodded.

“You’re able to treat my mother? Really? She won’t die? Will she be alright?” Vera asked.

Evan grinned.

“I’m quite confident in my ability to control mana. All I need to do is settle it down and absorb it. She’ll be weak for a while afterward, but her life won’t be in any more danger.” Evan said.

Evan grabbed Kay by the wrist.

Purple flames exploded from her and rushed into Evan.

“I… see,” Evan said, sighing.

“Is something wrong? Is my mom okay now?” Vera asked.

“Kay should be fine, she's just unconscious now,” Evan said.

“Can… Can I go over to mom?” Vera asked.

“Of course. Oh. I’ll come back to check on you two later. But it’s time for me to take my leave. I’ll also see you later, Anne.” Evan said, vanishing.

Evan sighed and pulled off the goggles on his head.

“Is something wrong?” Lime asked.

“No, just a bit tired,” Evan said.

“Then let’s go home. Take a nap or something.” Lime said.

Evan shook his head.

“There’s still a lot that I have to do. Fixing the shields is the next task, right?” Evan asked.

“You really shouldn’t push yourself so much,” Lime said.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m more concerned with improving the city right now.” Evan said.

“You aren’t fine. Even you need to rest every once in a while.” Lime said.


“Fine, let me just fix up the shields first. And maybe check up on the sick. Then we can go home for today.” Evan said.

“If I weren’t here to stop you, I’m afraid you would be working yourself to death,” Lime muttered.

“Oh, come on. I’m not that bad, am I?” Evan asked.

“You are! The amount of work you do isn’t something a normal person should do alone.” Lime said.

“There’s nobody else that can do all of this, though. And I’m getting help from you.” Evan said.

“Still…” Lime said.

“I got it! If there isn’t anyone out there that can do it, why don’t I make someone who can?” Evan said.

“That… Isn’t actually all that bad of an idea. But a machine still can’t do everything you can, and they can’t use magic like you either.” Lime said.

“Then, why not give them an actual body? Anne was able to use magic after getting a body, so it should work again, right? The only question is how I should go about this.” Evan said.

“What about giving Lecca a body?” Lime asked.

“No, Lecca is a specialized AI made for Limetech Towers. Outside of that tower, she’s useless. She also isn’t the brightest person in the world.” Evan sighed.

“Then what about making a new AI?” Lime asked.

“That sounds like a better plan to me. But there’s an issue with that...” Evan said.

“An issue? What kind of issue?” Lime asked.

“Well, um... The way I make AI is somewhat unique. It also requires special technology and machines. Especially if I also want to make a body for them. I can actually make the physical body with magic, but there’s more to implanting an AI into a living body than just magic.” Evan said.

“And that’s an issue why, exactly?” Lime asked.

“The machines I need to make everything aren’t here,” Evan said.

“Then where are they?” Lime asked.

“It’s in… Oh. Well, that’s actually pretty convenient, now that I think about it. It’s at the base in China.” Evan said.

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