《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 42: The Neighborhood!


Chapter 42: The Neighborhood!

Evan and lime were lounging around in their room.

Lime was eating cookies and reading, Evan was playing video games and drinking sprite.

“Hey, lime. Don’t we have one of those neighborhood meeting things today?” Evan asked, snatching one of limes cookies sneakily.

“Yeah. No idea why we even have them. There aren’t many people who live here, and it’s the apocalypse. I just don’t get it.” Lime sighed.

“Aren’t we supposed to attend?” Evan asked.

“If you don’t want to go we can just tell Phil so he can take care of it.” Lime said.

“Well, I want to go. I think it would be rude to just not attend it. I’d like to get along with our neighbors. I haven’t properly introduced myself to them.” Evan said.

“.....I’m guessing you want me to come with you?” Lime asked.

“Yup!” Evan said.

Lime sighed.

“Lime, are you still worried about the noise?” Evan asked.

“Maybe. It’s a good idea to get to know everyone. So I’ll go. As you said, it isn’t a big deal.” Lime said.

“Uh. I’m ready to go, are you?” Evan asked.

“Do you even have to ask? Of course I am. I got ready before you woke up.” Lime said.

“Let’s go, then.” Evan said.

They stood in a large room which seemed to be decorated more like a party than a meeting.

“What…..is this? This is a neighborhood meeting?” Evan asked.

“This is Limetech Tower’s apartments. Only the super rich can afford to live here. What were you expecting?” Lime said.

“Wait, if only the super rich can afford to live here, why can y-“ Evan started.

“Evan!!! I’m glad to see you came!” Phil said.

“Phil? What the heck are you doing here? And what’s with the shady hood?” Evan asked.

“I live here. And the hood is a long story.” Phil said.

“Ah. That should have been obvious.” Evan said.

“Hm. Well, before anyone finds out I talked to you like this, I should go. Otherwise, you’ll be swarmed with questions.” Phil said.

“And that answered my question about the hood. Wait, no it didn’t. Why would we be swarmed by people if they found out you talked with us like this?” Evan asked.

“Well, in this case, it’s you who would be swarmed. They’re used to me talking to line. But the most influential person talking to the new guy like this? That’s going to raise flags.” Phil said.

“Used to…? Wait, did you just call yourself the most influential person?” Evan asked, doing a double-take.


“That’s what everybody else calls me. And it is a fact.” Phil said.

“Well, I’m here, aren’t I?” Evan asked.

“Oh. Right. I guess you are now. I’m going to have to get used to you being here again.” Phil said.

“I’ve been here for days already. It should be pretty easy.” Evan said.

“Yeah, but I’ve had four centuries of you being absent. Some habits are hard to kick.” Said Phil.

“True. I’m prone to having bad habits, so I get it.” Evan said.

“One habit you should try to kick is not thinking before you speak. Look, the people who are here are pretty important. Just try not to make a mess.” Phil pleaded.

“I’ll try. But I make no promises. If someone annoys me too much I’ll beat them up.” Evan said.

“That’s better than killing them, so I’ll take it. Thanks, also, I recommend letting lime talk on the issues of politics or whatever. Anyway, see ya!” Phil said, rushing off.

“For an old geezer, he’s pretty damn quick…..” Evan said.

“I always thought it was weird he’s so fit, but he works out a lot,” Lime said.

“He used to hate exercise. What did he mean by asking you to speak instead of me?” Evan asked.

“Well, the people you’ve seen are pretty good people, but some of the others aren’t. I’m going to guess that most of them think you’re here because I’m giving you special treatment. They might look down on you because of that.” Lime said.

“I’m not good looking enough to get here through those methods,” Evan said.

“I disagree.” Lime said.

A man in a fancy suit walked past Evan with an annoyed look on his face.

“See? He looked annoyed. I definitely don’t have those kinds of good looks…..wait. Is he wearing a suit?” Evan asked, his gaze snapping back at the man.

“He is wearing a suit! Crap, I didn’t think this was that kind of gathering. I don’t have a fancy suit like that!” Evan said.

“Just make one with-“ lime started.

“What are you, a country bumpkin or something? You don’t belong here. Go back to whatever farm you came from and stop being an eyesore.” A pudgy little man in a white suit said.

Evan looked over at the man.

“Damn. You look like a mob boss, which is probably a bigger eyesore than a dude in a regular shirt. I don’t think you’re one to talk. You’re worse than I am!” Evan said.

Lime sighed, knowing what would happen next.


The man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Evan.

“Apologize, and cut off a hand or something. Otherwise, I’ll shoot you.” The man said.

“That just makes you seem even more like a mob boss.” Evan laughed.

“I am one. Try laughing now. You’re in some deep shit if you don’t apologize.” The guy said.

Evan sighed.

“I’m getting bored of this. Lime, why is this guy being so cocky?” Evan asked.

“Most of the people who live here have never been forced to listen to the word ‘no’. They get their way with almost anyone.” Lime said.

“Lime? I’ve never heard of someone named lime….working….fuck.” The man said, turning his head to look at lime.

“You finally recognized me? Hello, Trau. How are you today?” Lime asked with a small giggle.

“Ah...sorry!” Trau said, lowering the gun.

“Why is he putting away the gun? Hey, Trau, take it back out.” Evan said.

Lime looked at Trau.

“You heard hi-wait, what? Evan, what the heck are you saying?” Lime asked.

Trau adorned a ferocious scowl upon his face.

“Hold on. Line. You just called this boy with the savior's name. No matter how high your authority goes, that’s unforgivable.” Trau said.

“What are you gonna do about it?” Evan asked.

Trau shot Evan in response, not even uttering a single word.

A metallic clang sound rang out when the bullet collided with the passive mana barrier that was always surrounding Evan.

“Ow. That totally hurt. How many times is this cliche ‘random dude tries to hurt me and gets surprised’ thing gonna happen?” Evan asked.

Trau looked at Evan, who was clearly unharmed, then checked his gun frantically.

He somehow managed to accidentally shoot himself in the foot while he was fumbling with the gun.

Evan laughed as he watched the man hop around and clutch his foot in pain.

“Don’t people normally fall over from this kind of injury?” Lime asked.

“I’m making sure he can’t fall over with magic. It’s funny to watch idiots hop around like this.” Evan said.

“.....this kind of reminds me of the guard you nearly killed that day for annoying you.” Lime said.

“I’ve changed. I wasn’t planning on killing this guy. Honestly, I wasn’t planning on hurting him either, but he fucking shot himself like an idiot. That reminds me, I should heal that.” Evan said, pointing at Trau.

The pain disappeared, and Trau watched as the wound knitted itself back together. He fell to the floor, released from Evans grasp.

“I actually like this part of this. Let me reintroduce myself. I’m Evan. Your savior.” Evan said, extending his hand.

Trau shook his hand, and tried to speak.

“Why are you crying so much?” Evan asked, wiping snot off of his hand.

A few minutes passed before Trau could properly speak complete sentences.

“Sorry. Sorry for all of that. I feel awful for doing that.” Trau said.

“Okay…. I guess I forgive you? Until I understand why you care about me so much, I can’t really say anything.” Evan said.

“....you saved my daughter’s life.” Trau said.

Lime scowled.

“You don’t have a daughter,” Lime said.

“Well…. she is technically my biological daughter, even if we aren’t family in the normal sense. Regardless, she’s still my daughter.” Trau said.

“Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never heard of you having a daughter.” Lime said.

“Then I’m at least doing something right. I’m keeping her far away from this world. You really think the daughter of the largest crime boss in the world would just be left alone?” Trau asked

“Largest crime boss my ass. Why not just bring them under your direct protection?” Lime asked

“I want to give her as normal a life as I possibly can in a world like this. I also want to respect what her mother wants.” Trau said.

“Family drama? A horrible break up or something?” Lime asked.

“No. We very much still like each other. But our worlds, our lives….they’re too different for it to work.” Trau said.

“What did you mean when you said that I saved her?” Evan asked.

“That’s a long story, but I’ll tell you the short version. The technology that you made over 4 centuries ago is the only thing that’s keeping her alive. Before that, I never really cared about you one way or another, but….. we all need something to believe in. You saved my family. You’re our savior. It sounded perfect. It felt right. I’ve never heard a title more fitting.” Trau said.

Evan sighed.

“It’s good to know that my tech is still saving people’s lives, even in an apocalyptic world over 4 centuries after its creation. It’s a bit personal, but...Thanks. You may have shot me, but I value knowledge like that. I’ll let it go this time.” Evan said.

There was a loud crash and the sound of shattering glass from behind them.

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