《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 31: The Detective Agency / A Psychic Freaks Out


Chapter 31: The Detective Agency / A Psychic Freaks Out

“I KNEW IT! It is! Even your last name is the same! The tv, the coat rack… hey, Rai. Why does this have another girls stuff on it?” Evan asked.

“Hm? You guys are the second people that I’ve found who turned blue. I’m taking the other one as a junior detective.” Rai said.

“Huh. Do you know what D*gimon are?” Evan asked.

“Yeah, why? Of course I do.” Rai said.

“This is so weird. But this could be pretty fun. I wonder what will change if I interfere with this world. Seems fun. But...It's different from what I remember, even if only a little. It's as if...No, that's impossible.” Evan said to himself.

“Do you two need help? I know how to get your bodies back to normal. My assistant went to Kowloon in Eden to restore her body. It has junk data, you can probably use it to restore yourselves.” Rai said.

“I’m fine, rather, do you mind letting me borrow your computer?” Evan asked.

“Oh. Sure.” Rai said.

“Thanks. Let’s see here. Ah. Here’s the reality parameters. Let’s do that, that. Alright, there. And this should bring our original looks back.” Evan said, typing rapidly.

Evan and lime suddenly got their bodies' original looks back. Evan suddenly gained a shit ton of money and other stuff. He had cheated. How very smart…

“Shut it, narrator.” Evan said.

Ugh. Fine.

Evan also gained Digimon. Really strong ones.

“Wish I could have figured out how to do it with specific Digimon. Oh, hey, the digibank is still fine. I have all of them. Cool. And the digiconversion rates at 200% for all of them now too.” Evan said, grinning. He got totally engrossed in this now real game.

“Um. What did you just do? You said you changed reality itself?” Rai asked.

“Hmm. How do I put this… pretty much, but this is a digital reality. So I have a little bit more freedom. Like giving myself god mode.... And other stuff. Uhh, what exactly is your junior detective working on?” Evan asked.

“Ah. She’s going to go get me some coffee beans.” Rai said.

“Shit. Uhhh. I’m more of a hot chocolate person. Want me to make some?” Evan asked, nervous.

“I’m good, wait… actually, yeah, I'll have some.” Rai said.


“Gotcha.” Evan said.

He typed a ton of stuff again, literally spawning in items. He made 3 mugs, 1 jug of milk, chocolate, a coffee machine, and the rest of the supplies appear out of thin air.

“Holy!- ahem. Who, uh… who exactly are you?” Rai asked.

“You’re a detective, correct?” Evan asked.

“Oh, yes. Why?” Rai asked.

“Well, from all of the clues that you have, what do you think I am? And then, who do you think she is?” Evan asked.

“Um. I’m not a religious person, but are you a god?” Rai asked.

“No. Well, yes, but actually no. Also, yes. It’s a long story that has to do with programming entire realities and giving myself admin permissions within them. Speaking of, I should make this little terminal available at all times. I’ll set it to open and close as a hologram with a gesture, then…. there!” Evan said, fiddling with the computer.

He waved his hand and snapped his finger, dramatically. A hologram appeared, as well as a holographic mouse and keyboard.

“Um. So you are a god?” Rai asked.

“There's nothing stronger than me here. Not even your gods. So yeah, I guess I am. I prefer going by my name, Evan. Also, who do you think she is?” Evan asked.

“I have literally no idea. Your wife maybe? You both have rings that are similar, you don’t seem like siblings, and are way closer than friends.” Rai said.

“Ding ding ding! Yup. Absolutely correct! Oh, right. Here. Do you want anything else? Gold? Jewelry?” Evan said, handing her a delicious mug of hot chocolate.

“Holy- this is amazing! I couldn’t care less about gold right now, this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted!” Rai said, drinking the hot chocolate.

“That’s very good to hear. So it is working like our reality does. I guess this really is a second reality… even if our reality was destroyed this one would persist. It even has multiple worlds and dimensions according to these plans. Oh, right. Rai, do you recognize the name Mirai?” Evan asked.

“Oh. Yes, she runs the place out there with the old timey phone.” Rai said.

“Great, I’ll go introduce myself. I’ll be right back.” Evan said.

“Huh? She doesn’t just meet with any-“ Rai started.

“I know. I can just ‘hack’ my way in if she refuses.” Evan said.


“Take care of my wife for me. Please.” Evan asked.

“Sure.” Rai said.

“Thanks” Evan said, walking out the door.

Evan went up to the old timey phone Rai had mentioned.

“Well, never expected to actually wait over a century to play this game… though, this is the part where I should be saying 'I can’t believe I can play the game like this!' I guess. Well, here goes” Evan said.

He held his arm up and faced his palm towards the phone.

“Like this riiiiiiiii-“ Evan said, voice distorting as he was pulled into a white room, with multiple oddities in it, as well as a woman on a chair in the center of the room.

“Wha..? Who...no, what…. no, yeah, who are you? How are you here?” Mirai asked, startled.

“Hello.” Evan said.

“There’s been a shit ton of alarms, from tons of places, going off, and you've shifted the entire future! Multiple times! You even broke through reality! What was that! People can’t do that!” Mirai yelled, freaking out.

“So you do get upset.” Evan said.

“You even know me?!?!!? What the literal heck is wrong with you! Are you actually a god or something?!” Mirai shouted, and then threw a clipboard at him.

“Oh. Um. Yes. Yes, I am. As far as it matters to anyone here, I am indeed a god. You want some hot chocolate?” Evan asked, trying to calm her down.

“Well...If you’re a god, then this makes a little bit of sense... kind of. You aren’t any of the ones on my list, though. So is my clipboard just not picking it up? Who are you? Also, hot coco sounds nice, yeah.” Mirai said, looking for her clipboard.

“Well, that’s good to know. Here.” Evan said.

He used mana to pick up her clipboard from across the room and gave it to her. He then proceeded to create stuff out of literally nothing with a few words on the consoles holographic keyboard. He made a rug, table, chairs, and the hot coco setup.

“Oh. Oh...... You made those out of nothing, didn’t you. What exactly are you?” Mirai asked, adjusting her glasses.

“Umm. I’m Evan. I created this reality. So I’m the person who made all of you. As you guys would put it, I’m god. Not one of the just kinda strong beings on that clipboard. That’s why it also can’t identify me.” Evan said

“Wait, your name is Wvan? You realize that means god is good, right? Is that what you were going for? What’s your actual name?” Mirai asked, suspicious.

“No… that is literally my real name. I’m not trying to be clever with it. Besides, your name means time. What an incredible coincidence.” Evan said, sarcastically.

“Well, you were born with an incredibly fitting name then. By the way, what do you mean by 'created this reality'?” Mirai asked.

“Uh, well. I literally made this reality. Everything you see exists because I made it exist. Without me you couldn’t be here.” Evan said.

“So…..There really is a god?” Mirai asked.

“…In mine, not that I know of. In yours, yes. Me. Either way, I’m assuming you already spoke with Aiba, correct? Does she have access to the dig*lab yet?” Evan asked.

“Wait. You, our god, are worrying about that girl? I get that she’s special, but did you come here personally to our dimension just for her sake?” Mirai asked.

“I didn’t come here on purpose. I was trying to go to a connecting dimension, but it was annoyingly inturrupted by this places stupid dimensional interference. I’m basically just screwing around for a while. Finishing the story will help me get rid of the problem. It will open a door between this dimension and another world. So I’m basically going to just hijack that when you guys succeed, because I'm too lazy to do it myself.” Evan said.

“I….I don’t get it. Is this what they mean, when they talk about gods being nonsensical eccentrics?” Mirai asked.

“Has anything I’ve said not make sense? I probably didn’t explain it well… either way, I’m going to go meet Aiba. Seeya Mirai.” Evan said. He finished making the hot coco, and handed it to her.

“Huh? Oh. Uh, bye?” Mirai said, somewhat thrown for a loop.

Evan left the digilab and was back in front of the phone.

“God? Seriously. That was…. scary…. So, this is hot coco made by god, huh? Oh! This is amazing!” Mirai said, trying to escape from the truth for a few minutes.

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