《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 30: The Digital World Once More


Chapter 30: The Digital World Once More

“-mnit! Oh, god that’s dizzying. I feel nauseous.” Evan said

“I feel sick. What happened? What did she do? Where a..r.e we…..” lime passed out on the floor

“Damnit. Why does she always do that now. She used to be so calm. I guess that’s when I was around 8, though. Wait, this is the workshop. Oh. Now I get what she meant, goggles, goggles.. ah! Here we are. Huh. These are in near perfect condition. How little did they trust my inventions to have stuck this place in stasis almost immediately.” Evan asked

“Well.. lime passed out from that. God, Kane was right. Teleportation tech isn’t the best idea. I regret it now. I guess that sis was the one that fixed it up and made it work, though. It did help her in her research, I must admit.” Evan said, thinking

An hour passed.

“Gah! Where the heck- oh. This is the second time I’ve woken up on this fuzzy couch. This is the lounge, right? So... we’re in Kane’s workshop?” Lime asked

“Yeah, but we’re also going to meet him today. Here.” Evan said

He handed her a pair of goggles

“A dig*vice? Reminds me of cyb*r sleuth.” Lime said

“I know, right? He didn’t even know the game existed when he made these. They work like normal goggles.” Evan said, laughing

“You sure he didn’t play that game? This is like, from what I remember, at least, an exact replica of how the one in the game looks.” Lime said

“Yeah, put them on.” Evan said

“Ok, but what are these?” Lime asked

“Oh. The only way to visit the second world without a bit of tampering on my part would be to use these. Not that anyone but me and Kane knew. I guess teacher did, though. Apparently.” Evan said


“Huh? Wait, so the second world they talk about in school? We’re going there?” Lime asked, excited.

“Err. Kinda. Kane actually made these so he could visit Anne. So they can’t actually transfer our bodies inside. Just our minds.” Evan said

“Well, I guess I’ll get the rest of the info on the way, let’s just go!” Lime said, jumping on a beanbag chair, and putting on the goggles

Evan did the same.

“Uhh, it was. Goggles, activate, both, 3 second timer.” Evan said

“Evan recognized. Trying to translate his unintelligible words. Hmm.” A machines voice said

“Hi Evan. Wassup.” The goggles said in kane's voice

“Who is that?” Lime asked

“An Idio-ahem. It’s Kane.” Evan said

“Oi. I dunno what you said, but assuming it came from Evan, it was probably mean. But, fine. You want to transfer, right? I’ll activate the goggles.” A recording of Kane said

The goggles activated

Their bodies went slack and they saw a bright blue light

They appeared in the middle of an intersection staring up at the clear blue sky and bright yellow sun, white fluffy clouds passing by over time.

“Oh. This place. Wait...” Evan said

“Woaaaah! This place looks awesome! The sky's so weird!” Lime exclaimed

“Oh. No, this is a normal sky. The sky in the real world looks like that because of a lot of reasons. One of the biggest ones is because of the bombardments effect on our.. sky I guess. Atmosphere, whatever you know. It blew up the sky pretty much. The machines I made fixed the sky almost immediately every time it was damaged, but some after effects still persist. One is a sky that looks dead. It doesn’t affect much though, luckily.” Evan said


“What’s that yellow thingy? And those white puffs?” Lime asked

“Oh. Right. You can’t see the sun, either. I forgot about that. Yeah, that really should affect us more than it actually does, now that I think about it. Odd. Oh. Lime, the yellow thing is called the sun. It’s a star. The white puffs are called clouds.” Evan said

“Clouds look gross, though! How are those clouds!” Lime asked, a wide grin on her face and sparkles in her eyes

“Wait, lime. I just realized. There are a ton of people around us, aren’t there. Is this an intersection? Oh god, this is like the scene from cyb*r sleuth, too! What next? A car comes Barreling towards us? We become a glitchy weird…. blue….. fuck. We are.” Evan said, staring at his hands and at lime

As he predicted, a car was coming towards them.

“Huh. No annoying cop this time. That’s good. Oh god, this is weird. Lime, are you ok?” Evan asked

Lime had passed out, tired.

“Hey, you two get in.” A lady said, throwing open the car door as it screeched to a halt right in front of them.

“Dang it. Fine. Give me a sec, I gotta get her in with me, she is a little shocked. Sorry. What’s your name, by the way?” Evan asked

“Rai. My name is Rai. It’s a pleasure to meet you…. you seem to already know what’s going on. You seem…. to recognize me too, but what’s confusing you?” Rai asked

“That's not the name I remember.” Evan remarked

“What? Oh, close the door, let's go already. We can talk at my office.” Rai said

“Fuck. I'm so getting a copyright claim for this!” Evan said

“What?” Rai asked

“Huh… now that I think about it, it doesn't really matter, does it? What would that even do to me, anyhow. Nevermind. I guess it’s fine no matter what happens, actually. Not like I can get cancelled by this.” Evan said

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s interesting though. Ah. Road, right.” Said Rai, the car swerving horridly

They got to the detectives office a few minutes later

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