《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 15: Kane’s Bubbly Personality


Chapter 14: Kane’s Bubbly Personality

“What a mess.” Evan said

{“well, I think he liked it.”} Anne said

“He does look clean.” Evan admitted

“Damnit, Evan! I thought it would be enjoyable. You never told me it was a goddamn bath!” Kane yelled

“Yeah, I thought that making it a misunderstanding would be funny.” Said Evan

“You literally said she had a sex drive!” Kane yelled

“First, she does. Technically. She was made to be for all intents and purposes a human. Like us. Which is why she has an entire body that is anatomically accurate, although digital, and an entire world behind that screen like ours that can accommodate it. Kinda. Second, why do you sound so disappointed?” Evan asked, grinning.

“Damn...you. I’m stuck in here all day, you think it’s easy for me to get a girlfriend?!?” Kane yelled, crying

“Even if you weren’t it wouldn’t be.” Said Evan

“Why you little-“ Kane started

{“Why would you say that about him? I think there would be plenty of people interested in him.”} Anne said

“Oh, right. By the way. Kane. I forgot to mention that Anne was the one who asked to be installed here. I think I get why, now.” Evan said

{“Well, similar to Kane, even though I have a body I have very little freedom. It’s pretty hard to go and get myself someone, too. Therefore, I thought, why not wallow in our misery together! I would get a drinking buddy for when you aren’t around.”} Anne said

“Yeah, but… I don’t drink.” Evan said

{“That’s why I didn’t say 'another' drinking buddy. I don't have anyone else who could be one, either. Actually, I think kane is the only other person I’ve met. Well there’s Phil and the scientists, but.... I meant around my age.”} Anne said


“Well, there’s not much I can do about that, unfortunately, I apologize for that Anne. Though, if there’s anyone who can do something it’s Kane. You guys can work on that together. I’ll come by tomorrow to show you how the machine I had you make earlier works. I got a call from Phil, so I gotta go for today.” Evan said, leaving again.

“Damnit. That was your goal all along, wasn’t it. How do I keep getting played?!” Kane asked

{“well you are kinda naive, showing all your emotions on your sleeve.”} Anne said

“Well, I agree with the drinking buddy part.” Kane said, pulling a soda out of the fridge

{“That’s… soda…”} Anne said

“I’m underage. I can’t drink yet. On that note, you're our age, too, or at least programmed that way. How the hell would you… wait....program…?.” Said Kane. He dropped his soda.

He ran up to the holographic console and typed some stuff in.

“Hot damn! I was right! You aren’t a 2d person on a screen, you exist in a virtual three dimensional world! God, no wonder it took Evan ages to set this up!” Kane said

{“what do you mean?”} Anne asked

“This!” Kane pressed enter

“Woah! My voice!” Anne said

“That’s not all, here, what do you like?” Kane asked

“What? What do you mean by that? Don’t tell me you got excited over actually having a drinking buddy?” Anne asked

“Nope, I have a suggestion. Try to jump, as your avatar in that digital space” Kane said

“Woah! I have weight now? Everything seems different the more I think about it. It feels like I have an actual body!” Anne said jumping.

Kane got another small nosebleed

“Bouncyyyy…” Kane said

“Hmm.” Said Anne. She jumped again


Kane’s nose bled more.

She did this until he passed out.

He woke up and went back to the computer, saying nothing about what had just occurred

Kane finished typing the next command. He pressed enter.

“What the?” Anne asked, a can of soda appearing in her hand

“Try it.” Kane said, grinning

“Damn, that’s good! That’s soda? No wonder you guys like it!” Anne said, popping the lid and taking a drink

“Huh. I see, most people seem surprised by carbonation the first time.” Kane said

“You mean the fizziness? Where it bubbles?” Anne asked

“Oh, so it is carbonated properly. That’s good” said Kane, relieved

“But…. how?” Anne asked

“Well, Evan programmed a shit ton of stuff in here like…..skipping this page….. Ah! Uh, here.” Said Kane, writing multiple commands at once. He pressed enter.

“Oooooh!” Anne said. She was on the beach of a tropical island, the sand a perfect mix of color and softness. The water was clear and turquoise. She could see fish in the distance. There were multiple things in the area that seemed interesting. Floats in the water, a hammock between two palm trees, a drink bar, an entire hotel, and a beach chair with a table. There was warmth from the sun as though it were real, and a breeze seemingly impossible to have been recreated so perfectly in a simulation. She didn’t know what to do first. She wondered why this was here, as well. But that didn’t last long, the excitement and curiosity of this new world winning over her question about why Evan had put this here. She went to the hotel lobby. She had felt the water already, but wanted to know more about this world. When she walked in, a holographic bracelet appeared around her wrist. It showed multiple different settings, like npcs, her room, animals, and quite a large list of things. She saw things that weren’t supposed to be in this part of the world on the list of animals, too. None of them said they were nearby. She had one very large question in her mind. How big was this world, how many secrets did it hold? She went to a cliff looking out over the ocean, the sun had started to set, throwing a beautiful orange glow across the world around her.

“Yeah, here, I’ll give you access to this thingy, lemme just create a menu interface which you can use properly.” Said Kane.

“Kane, this is the ocean, right?” Anne asked

“Yeah. That’s the ocean. Pretty, isn’t it?” Kane asked

“Very! I wish I could go and see it normally.... I wish I was like you.” Said Anne, no longer smiling

“I’m…. I'm going to go talk to Evan for a second. I gave you access to the menu, just say menu and it will pop up.” Said Kane, running to Evans office.

“Kane! Wait!” Anne called to him

He was gone, already out of where her voice could reach. She felt, however, that her voice couldn’t reach anywhere. She felt trapped, living in another world that was seperated by only a glass screen, with everyone else on the other side. She felt alone, not for the first time, but for the worst time. The earlier breeze that was balanced by the suns warmth became chilly. Cold, with no light from the sun to warm her, the breeze seemed to chill her to what she only assumed were bones.

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