《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 2: Artificial cores? / Phil!


Chapter 2: Artificial cores? / Phil!

Hm. A creation core, huh. It can make things out of the energy flowing from the golden core.... I have no idea how it’s producing so much energy, but if I’m understanding this right…” Evan murmured, heading over to his workbench and shuffling around a bunch of papers and various materials.

“Not here… Not here, either… Ah, here we go.” Evan said, holding up a small blue orb the size of a bead.

“As I thought, it seems to be similar in nature to mana. I knew I recognized this. In that case, if I make a few adjustments to….” Evan muttered, trailing off as he immersed himself in his work.

After a few hours, he put everything down and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes.

“Haa... I can make something that can replicate the ability to control mana, finally. But it’s a lot weaker than I would have liked.” Evan sighed, holding up a strange black and red spiral shaped sphere roughly the size of a softball.

“It’s a bit big… and I’m not sure how a normal person can even use this thing unless it’s pumping mana into your body directly. It doesn’t seem to be able to create things out of mana, either. But the first generation is finished, I guess. I should write this down so I can remember it.” Evan said, head nodding and eyes heavy.

He drew up a sketch of the schematics for the artificial prototype core. His pen fell to the floor the instant he made the final diagram.

“Alright, gen-1 cores are done. I’ll start gen-2 research and development after I take a quick…. nap.” Evan said, collapsing onto the desk.

“Evan, I brought the paperwork from the meet- Oh. You’re sleeping. Um. Where in the world should I put this, then…?” Phil muttered, looking around for an empty space in a room where schematics and tools littered every surface.

“Just put it in the trash. I don’t care about the meetings.” Evan yawned, sitting up groggily.

“I usually would, but we discussed a few important matters that you might have interest in. Also, good morning.” Phil said.

“Morning? Ah, whatever. Give me them, I’m interested to see what can make the head of Limetech’s board of directors worry.” Evan said, putting out his hand.


“Here.” Phil replied, passing over a small folder.

Evan read over the document and squinted.

“....Isn’t this good? Why would you worry about this?” Evan asked, scratching his head.

“I never said I was worried. Only that it might interest you. Also, you’re drooling.” Phil Said, pointing to the corner of his mouth.

“Ah. Oops.” Evan said, wiping his mouth.

“It’s only times like this when you even remotely resemble your age.” Phil sighed.

He noticed the black orb on the table and picked it up.

“What’s this thing? It looks new. Is it a potential Limetech product?” Phil asked.

“I thought Kane told you that it was a bad idea to pick up anything I make without asking. Some of the stuff I work on is highly volatile without proper handling, remember?” Evan said.

“....What is it then? Doesn’t seem dangerous according to the materials on that schematic. Though there’s a few I don’t recognize and that isn’t really my best subject, so I might be mistaken.” Phil wondered, turning it over in his hand and inspecting it.

“It’s called a gen-1 core, and it’s safe. I think…” Evan said.

“gen-1 core? I’m guessing it’s not a product for the public with a name like that. Is it some kind of weapon?” Phil asked.

“Depends on who’s using it, but I’m not sure if there’s anyone who can actually use that thing. It’s working as intended, but it’s not usable in its current state. I need to figure out how I can make one that people can use. Not to mention, it’s a lot weaker than expected.” Evan frowned.

“So… what does it do?” Phil asked.

“Oh. Well, it allows you to use mana. Generation one artificial mana core prototype. It’s probably somewhat usable if you’re holding it, but I’m not sure what the limits are. You can try it out if you want. Just hold the spiral so its tip is touching your wrist and it should work.” Evan guessed.

“Mana?” Phil blinked.

“It’s like magic. See, look.” Evan said, conjuring small elemental balls above his outstretched hand.

Phil stared blankly for around a minute straight with wide eyes.

“Phil?” Evan asked, waving a hand in front of his face.


Phil jumped, startled. Shaking it off, he composed himself once again.

“YOU MADE MAGIC REAL?!?!” Phil shouted.

“Ow, My ears. And yes.” Evan flinched.

“I’m going to go get Kane. I need someone to explain this to me in more than just short descriptions. I’ll be right back. Stay there.” Phil groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“As I thought, that’s what was missing. So the creation core seems to have some kind of… circuit? Whatever it is, it’s conducting mana. I don’t think I can recreate that, but it might work if I make actual mana circuits. I can’t really... Nevermind, got it." Evan said, a loud bang going off.

Original below, new above.

Fiction is currently undergoing a complete edit.

To any random stranger who has found this and is for some ungodly reason still reading it, please have patience. The originals will be left until the rewrite is completed. Estimated time of completion: I have no idea this story is freaking massive. Complete rewrite means a COMPLETE rewrite. Not just the stuff I have posted on here. That, and I'm aiming to at least get to the bit I really loved writing. So it's going to be a while. Also, for some reason I started doing this on chapter 2... sorry. Chapter one will get its rewrite in a bit, especially considering the fact that it's not good at all whatsoever.

Evan studied closely what the cores that were inside his body were actually made of, and how they worked. He drew up a sketch of the schematics for an artificial prototype core. He called it a gen 1 artificial core.

The only thing he could see it having a use for is allowing normal people to have control over mana.

As he almost finished building it, Phil walked into his office.

“Morning Evan,” said Phil, smiling and holding a cup of joe

“Morning? Oh. Uh, right…. Wait, Phil.” Evan asked

“Mm. Yes?” Phil asked with a bright smile.

“I thought I asked you not to bother me while I’m working. If I lose focus on some of my inventions, it could cause a huge accident.” Evan said, pulling a pair of safety goggles from his eyes to his forehead. He swiveled to face Phil.

“Oh! Right. Sorry, I just wanted to say good morning. I’ll leave the briefing from the meeting on the desk. Plans for the war are going well. What is that, by the way?” Asked Phil, pointing to the odd machine on Evan's desk, and the weird schematics that littered the floor.

“I discovered magic, so I’m studying it and experimenting with it. I’m looking at something I chose to call mana circuits.” Evan said, holding up a tool that zapped with electricity whenever he pressed its button.

“I see. Impressive, as always! I'll be off then.” Phil said, turning to leave.

He froze,

“WAIT, HOLD ON! DID YOU JUST SAY MAGIC?!” Yelled Phil, pivoting towards Evan almost instantly.

Evan unplugged his tools and took off his gloves.

He put a hand on his head.

“Well, I discovered it from a form of exotic matter, and it isn’t necessarily magic, but it seems to have the exact same qualities as it does in a lot of the manga and comics I read. Things like creating or moving stuff with your mind, setting things on fire, moving the earth, and such. So it’s close enough I guess.” Said Evan, nodding.

Evan pointed to a corner.

It had a test dummy that Evan used to test his new inventions on. It had been built to automatically repair itself. And, other than stuff that he could make, it was nearly indestructible.

Yet there it was, on the floor. Ripped to shreds and burnt, and it didn’t seem to be repairing itself.

“I know we call you a technological wizard, but I never expected you to take it seriously!” Yelled Phil.

Evan sighed.

“Oh, right," Evan said.

"Phil, could you get Kane and bring him here for me, please?” Evan asked.

“Sure thing.” Said Phil.

He left, heading to the workshop.

"It's hard to believe that dude's the head director of limetech sometimes," Evan said, facing back towards his desk.

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