《Born From Evil》Chapter 5: Divine Body
Mother Nature had an apprehensive look on her face as she stared at Amare. The auras he released had already died down. However, the impact they left was something that would never die.
'Those auras... that golden aura seemed familiar but what was that red aura? It was horrifying!' Mother Earth's mind raced nearly as quick as her heart whilst remembering the scene from moments before.
Multa was also staring solemnly at Amare. 'This brat... his body holds a much bigger secret than I originally thought'
Amare, topic of their thoughts was completely ignorant of their feelings. He was completely engrossed in the feeling of having magic power course through his body. It felt warm and surprisingly intimate, making his whole body feel comfortable.
Eventually he found the will to free himself from this comfort and open his eyes. Flickering with excitement, his eyes told the story of how he was feeling right now. Who could blame him though? Awakening your magic power opened the doors to a limitless future.
Amare soon realised that he was receiving strange stares from the people around him. He used his hands to cover his body as if protecting himself. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you want to strip me aswell?"
""No way!""
Two loud shouts reverberated in the room towards Amare's question. No explanation was required for Multa. However, Mother Earth had never been accused of wanting to strip a young boy before, if anyone else heard this her reputation could be ruined.
Clearing her throat she regained her composure. "I apologise for raising my voice, however please do not accuse me of wanting to do something so... illegal"
"Illegal? Isn't it normal to want to strip someone you find attractive?" This time it was Multa's turn to put Mother Earth into a difficult position.
"Well yes but-"
"But what? Mother Earth, have you never wanted to strip someone before?"
"Well there was this one tim- Wait! What are you making me say? Enough of this topic, we have more pressing matters to attend to!"
Amare and Multa burst out laughing looking at the red shade that appeared on Mother Earth's face. A vein also popped up on her forehead as she thought. 'These two brats... just you wait'
"Amare do you mind telling me where you got those powers from?"
"What powers?"
"The red and golden auras you just released"
"I have no idea"
Morher Earth soon realised that there was no point in questioning him as he himself didn't know. Therefore, she changed her approach.
"Have you ever noticed these powers before?"
Amare pondered for a second before his eyes lit up. "My parents said that when I was born I nearly died, they were hopeless to save me. But then a miracle happened, a golden bird came along and turned into a tear, the golden tear merged with me and I was reborn. Since then I've had this small mark of a tree in the middle of my brows"
Mother Earth nodded as she suddenly thought of a potential scenario. 'That golden tear, could it be hers? But why would she give something so special?'
When Mother Earth thought to this point she shook her head and sighed. She believed that she had solved most of the puzzle regarding Amare's golden power but she still asked "That explains the golden power but what about that red aura you let off?"
Towards her question Amare hesitated for a moment. When you aren't conscious about something it's easy to brush it off. However, when you become conscious of it, you start to notice things which you never noticed before.
"When I think about it, I have noticed it that red aura a few times"
"Recently I've had some strange dreams. These dreams feel very realistic and in them I become someone else"
"What happens in those dreams?"
"I-I always seem to be on a battlefield slaughtering countless people, not all of them look human aswell and the power I use... it's very similar to the red one"
Multa was trying his best to keep up with the conversation, he listened intently but couldn't quite keep up. On the other hand Mother Earth had a grave look on her face, she was even leaning forward on her throne.
"The person who you became, do you know their name?" Mother Earth seemed to squeeze out this question. It was as if she both did and didn't want to know the answer.
"In one of my dreams I was addressed by what appeared to be a name"
"What did they call you?"
Mother Earth abruptly stood up from her throne. All previous composure she had was gone and her gentle face had contorted into a face full of shock. Her aura shot out of her body raging around, it was akin to an earthquake that made the whole hall fiercely vibrate.
'How could it be him?? He died countless years ago... wait died?' Mother Earth's aura was a mess as she tried to understand the truth which was placed before her.
'Died... Goelden tear... her bloodline'
Her eyes grew brighter and brighter as she started to piece more and more of the puzzle together. 'It's true that they had a close relationship but to think she would go so far. For the goddess of life to do this, it looks like his death wasn't so simple'
"What's wrong Mother Earth why did you suddenly lose control? Do you know who Malum is?"
Mother Earth saw the innocent look in Amare's eyes and sighed. "Yes, I know of him and I suspect those dreams you've had aren't really dreams"
Amare had a doubtful look in his eyes. "What are they then?"
Morher Earth paused for a moment, she knew that telling him too much wouldn't be acceptable but at the same time she couldn't let him be ignorant. She took a moment to contemplate what parts to share with him.
"They are likely memories"
"Memories? But how would I have someone else's memories?"
"They aren't someone else's, they are yours... from a past life"
Not only Amare was shocked at his revelation but even Multa was. He was watching from the side trying not to get involved but this was just too shocking. Having memories from a past life was an unimaginable concept to him.
Amare was also shocked but at the same time it cleared up his doubts. The truth can be scary but sometimes what is even scarier is being ignorant of it.
"I can't tell you everything but I can tell you about your powers"
Amare was very curious about the powers within him. "Please do"
"You have two bloodlines present inside of you. One was granted to you by someone else, likely through the golden tear that saved you at birth. It is a very pure bloodline which grants you the power of Life"
Mother Earth took a breathe and proceeded to talk "This power is currently sealing your other bloodline, that golden tree you see between your eyebrows is the seal"
"What is my other bloodline for it to be sealed?"
Mother Earth looked like she was hesitating to speak before she clenched her teeth and spoke. "This power is yours from your past life, it has taken the form of a bloodline inside you. It is a very ancient and scary power... the power of Evil!"
Amare thought he would be scared after hearing all this. His body was housing so many powers so he should have at least felt uncertainty. However, surprisingly he felt complete serenity.
Seeing they calm look on his face Mother Earth's mind went blank. "Are you not scared?"
Amare froze for a second before flashing an incredibly pure smile at her "I thought I would be but I'm not. Even if it was granted by someone or originated from a past life, these powers are still a part of me so why would I fear them? That would be the same as fearing myself"
Mother Earth replied in a panicking voice "No you don't understand, these powers are too strong for you, they can easily control you, even the ancient-"
"But I won't be controlled. I have awakened to Liber magical energy, the energy of freedom. To be free means to never be controlled!"
Mother Earth would normally be incredibly annoyed at being interrupted. However, this time was different, she couldn't muster up the will to get annoyed after listening to his words filled with conviction.
Looking into Amare's pure red eyes she could tell that he was speaking his thoughts. He honestly believed in his words. 'Lux, ironically it will be he who inherits your will. What is this if not fate'
At that moment a loud voice interrupted their conversation "Hahahahahah what a guy, that was well said even by a brat like you!"
Multa had been listening from the side and finally understood what was happening. He hadn't even been able to recover from shock and yet the person in question had. For the first time Multa felt genuine respect for Amare.
"I agree completely, fearing your powers is the same as fearing yourself. Also why we are on the topic of ourselves, can you tell me why I have reverted to a 10 year old?!"
Amare and Mother Earth felt the tense atmosphere crumbling as they made eye contact with eachother. Mother Earth quickly reverted to her previous gently smile and Amare felt slightly embarassed at being rude to her.
"Were you a different age previously?"
"Yes I was 14!"
Mother Earth sighed as she thought of something."As mentioned previously this world isn't bound by the laws of time and this can occasionally cause mishaps to occur. The transition caused by going from a world with the law of time to a world without it is the cause of your body getting younger. In other words your physical body's time has been reversed"
"Is there a way to go back to normal?"
Looking at Multa's face which was the picture of anxiety Mother Earth was about to tell him the solution. However, she suddenly remembered a few moments ago when he was teasing her and unfortunately for Multa she was a petty person.
She put on a face of pure grief and said "I'm so sorry but there is no way to revert what has been done"
"Hahahahah that's so perfect"
As Amare looked at Multa's face which was painted in despair he couldn't help but laughing out loud. The perfect example of schadenfreude.
Looking at the despair on Multa's face and Amare who was rolling on the ground laughing at him, Mother Earth couldn't help but feel slightly guilty.
"What bloodline do you have? As compensation I can give you something compatible with it"
Multa sighed whilst looking downcast. "I don't have a bloodline... I am the only one in my family without one"
Mother Earth looked confused for a second before walking up to him to check his body. "No bloodline? But I can clearly fee- OH MY GOD A DIVINE BODY!!"
Mid sentance Mother Earth suddenly shouted scaring both Amare and Multa. Even until now they had never seen such a big reaction from her.
"Divine body? What's that?"
"Unlike bloodlines, divine bodies are not passed down, they are bodies which have been blessed by the heavens. Each divine body is unique, they have an innate gift for a type of magic and unlike bloodlines this magic is 100% pure and compatible with them"
Although Amare was ignorant about most things due to his young age Multa was different. He had easy access to knowledge due to his family but even with all that, he had never heard anything about a divine body.
"I have never heard about divine bodies before?"
"It's not surprising, your world's magic power is currently in its infant stage and even if it wasn't divine bodies are incredibly rare. This reversal of time is a stroke of luck for you as it's reverted your body back to the time before you awakened. In other words your body has become pure again. There are strict requirements to awakening a divine body. If you awaken like a normal person you will never be able to use your innate gift!"
Multa broke out into a cold sweat as he listened to this. Although it was no ones fault that he never awakened his divine body, it doesn't change the fact that if it wasn't for a mad coincidence he would never have known about it. He would of lost his gift.
"So how can I awaken my divine body?"
"Normally it would be very difficult and only those who run into something which triggers their innate gift will be able to awaken. However, with Amare here it will be much easier"
Amare was doubtful. "With me?"
Mother Earth flashed him a cheeky smile and said "I will give you a little hint on how to use your life bloodline"
The next moment all three of them left the underwater hall and stood by the lake. Mother Earth made Multi sit down and meditate before turning towards Amare.
"I will provide support to you with my magic power but you will be the one who will awaken Multa's divine body"
Amare was nervous as he had never used magic before. "How do I use my life bloodline?"
"Fufufufu don't worry so much. Feel your bloodline and try to understand it's potential. This power belongs to you, so you should be able to control it how you wish" Morher Earth was very lighthearted about the situation.
Amare cursed in his head when he heard this but he had to admit that her words made sense. He took a couple of deep breaths to bring his mental state to optimal condition. "I'm ready"
"Then we shall begin"
Mother Earth went behind him and released a small fraction of her power into Amare's body. Well it was a small amount for her but for Amare it was like trying to fit an ocean into a swimming pool. He quickly felt her mana soar up to the middle of his brows.
"Now imagine the power of you bloodline. Try to remember the feeling you felt when it activated earlier. It belongs to you, so you should be able to call upon it"
Amare did what she said. He tried to imagine that golden power. A power so gentle it didn't seem like it could hurt a fly. However, it was a power so prideful that even his tyrannical bloodline of evil was suppressed by it.
As he imagined this he felt a gentle power slowly change the properties of Mother Earth's mana. Her magical power was still there but it now held the power of life.
Amare then thought to himself 'I know nothing about the power of life but I do know what it has done for me. It gave me life when I was on the verge of dying. But is it really so simple?'
He then thought aloud "To give life, is it really limited to humans?"
Mother Earth replied happily "Correct, why would it only be limited to humans? When it comes to magic only your breadth of mind can limit you"
Amare looked like he'd been enlightened "Humans are alive, plants and trees are alive and magic... when we create magic does it also become alive? Do we give it life?"
"Fufufufu correct correct correct, now go and give life" Mother Earth looked extremely happy that Amare had been able to comprehend so much with so little advice.
Amare places his hand on Multa's forehead and Mother Earth controlled his power to go into Multa's body. She was in charge of guiding the mana and Amare was in charge of invoking the power of life.
Amare's forehead started sweating as he thought to himself. 'This is so difficult! Without Mother Earth's help I would have already failed'
Nevertheless, Amare only found it hard, he didn't believe it was impossible.
Amare had no idea how to give life to something. None at all. He couldn't imagine what Multa's power would be, therefore he couldn't give the power life. But Amare didn't give up, instead he took different approach.
Amare decided to create life in Multa's body by imagining something he was familiar with. He imagined a seed, aswell as fertile soil to plant the seed and water to nourish it. Then he imagined this seed slowly sprouting.
At this moment the skies above their heads suddenly darkened as swirling clouds gathered. These clouds were different to the ones surrounding this world of fog. They were dark and gloomy, it was like they were trying to shroud the ground in darkness.
Amare carried on imagining. A little stalk poked out of the soil and slowly became a small tree. At the same time multiple little lights started flickering within the clouds.
The tree got bigger and bigger, a thick trunk which stood proudly. Long branches decorated with leaves accessorised the trunk. Eventually, the tree stopped growing... it was complete.
At that moment Amare pulled his hand away from Multa and Mother Earth swiftly pulled him away. As if on cue the power held within the clouds burst forth. Lightning rained down from the heavens like a descending calamity.
Each strike of lightning was different to the one before. Every time the lightning struck down the skies would shine with a different colour. A total of nine strikes struck Multa. The different types of lightning all held an earth shattering power but Multa was unscathed.
Once the lightning strikes had finished the clouds quickly dissipated as if they had never existed. Amare and even Mother Earth were shocked at the scene from just now. Mother Earth had seen a lot of strong powers in her lifetime but the power of the lightning just then filled her with trepidation.
Multa sat in a meditating position with his eyes closed. Every breathe he took was long and deep. Looking at him you would never have expected him to be the cause of the previous commotion.
Slowly his eyes opened and Amare had to shut his eyes. His irises contained 9 different colours which blended together. Lightning snakes rippled along his body as a fierce aura gushed out.
He felt a name pop into his head. It was a name he had never heard before. It was the name of his divine body, the magical gift that had been bestowed to him by the heavens. He opened his mouth to speak the name of the magic which had never appeared before. It was a magic that only belonged to him.
"Multi-Lightning Divine Body"
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