《Born From Evil》Prologue 2: A tragic birth


"-Come little baby don't be shy. Open your eyes, I want to hear you cry.

-Hear my voice, let me hear yours too. Disturb my peace and let me hold you.

-Your mother is strong living a life full of strife. An enemies curse which takes my child's life🎵"

Tragedy often gives birth to the most beautiful of arts. A daunting sentence justified by just one verse of a song. A melody so beautiful a tear of joy will form in your right eye. A melody so beautiful a tear of sadness will form in your left eye.

Happiness from being able to witness such a piece of art, sadness from the message that lays within. Human's are complicated creatures because they have emotions. They cry in sadness at the pain from losing a loved one but there would be no sadness if there was not once happiness.

So what happens when there are no happy memories? A life lost before it began. The woman knew she was going to lose her child. Her and her child had not had the chance to create any happy memories together but the woman still felt sadness.

Everything in the world must have balance. There was no happiness from which this woman's sadness originated from. In that case something would have to originate from the sadness. This something was beauty.

A song so beautiful it became one with nature. The waves flowed to the sound of the woman's voice, the trees danced hand to hand with the wind like two lovers never to be separated.

Life was birthed within nature at this moment. The sadness of death had led to life being born in the surroundings. The woman had given birth in a sense but she would never know.

As the song ended the surroundings also became peaceful. Nature had fallen asleep, unable to break free from the natural laws which shackled it. However to fall asleep one has to be awake. Nature had been woken up for the first time but now it lay dormant waiting for the chance to wake up again. However this would be a story for the future.

The woman would never know of the miracle she caused. She only had eyes for her child. Maybe it was better for her to not know, if she was conscious of it no miracle would of occurred. Only through the purest of emotions can a miracle be born. If there are any other thoughts in your heart the emotion will no longer be pure.

A small wooden cabin surrounded by a myriad of flowers sat on a cliff. All different kinds of flowers bearing different colours were scattered around, however it was by no means messy. They gave off a natural and untainted beauty much like that of the woman who sat in the cabin.

The woman looked to be in her mid twenties. White hair fell messily down her shoulders but it did not look bad. Much like the flowers outside it gave off a feeling of natural beauty. She had Snow White skin that was so clear you could almost see a reflection of the flickering flames in the fire next to her. She looked forward showing her deep blue eyes which seemed to reflect the endless sea at the bottom of the cliff. A woman who's beauty seems to have been gifted ffrom the heavens. Not even the look of despair on her face could taint her, it only added a forbidden flavour.

The woman gently got up whilst being mindful of her bump and walked to the balcony. Each step was a chore but slowly and steadily she got there. Her eyes were full of reminiscence as she looked at the sun setting on the horizon.


"Little child did you know this is the place where I met your father? It is the fondest place in my heart. It reminds me of a time where me and your father could forget about worldly matters and just enjoy eachothers company"

Contrary to the look of despair on the woman's face the tone of voice she spoke with was very gentle. So gentle it felt like it would slip from your memory the second you lost focus. Every word was as precious as a gem.

"That was a time for just the two of us. I wanted to bring you here to create more memories. I wanted you to grow up to be tall and strong. I wanted to nag you and tell you off. I wanted to watch you fall in love and marry a beautiful wife. I wanted to watch you start your own family. I wanted..."

The sentence started off very gently before the woman spoke faster and faster, each word seemed to come out faster as each tear drop rolled down her face faster.

"... I just wanted you to live!"

The woman's voice exploded towards the heavens and thunder seemed to sound out. Her sentence was almost growled out between the gaps of her teeth. Even the most graceful of women would happily turn into a beast if it's for the sake of their child.

The woman shouted angrily at the heavens but her hand gently rubbed her bump. Such contradictory actions could only be performed by a mother.

"You cursed me! You cursed me! You cursed me! You cursed me! So why is my child the one who must suffer?! I wouldn't of cared if I died, just let my child live!"

At this moment a large hand gently pulled the woman. She fell into a large chest. A muscular and broad chest which she had leaned into so many times. A chest she'd used to rest her head on as she watched the sun set. A chest which was present in so many of her fondest memories.

"You wish to die? I won't let you die even if the one who wishes to kill you is yourself!"

A voice filled with conviction entered her ears and the woman looked up. Looking down at her was a man who looked like he'd been sculpted from gods. He had long blonde hair which looked to shimmer gold when the setting sun hit it. But what stood out the most were his bright red eyes. They didn't stand out because of the colour but because they seemed to contain stars, it looked like all the words knowledge was contained in his eyes.

However that was not the case as much to the man's helplessness he could not get rid of the curse which plagued his wife.

"Ilya why did you run and why did you not tell me you were pregnant? Why do you insist on hurting yourself like this? Were the first two times not enough?"

The man bombarded Ilya with questions. He was normally a calm man but after seeing the run down look on his wife's face he could no longer contain himself. It is not wrong for a man to show emotion, especially when it's for someone you care for.

"I-I didn't want to give up but I also didn't want to hurt you... so I ran"

A short sentence but the man knew his wife well enough to know she wasn't lying. He'd known she wanted a child and was crushed by the fact she couldn't have one. He'd known all of this but he'd underestimated his wife's feelings. He'd expected her to be able to get over it and move on. Although it sounds insensitive, when you see someone you care about in pain you always wish for them to move on.


"Luckily I thought you may have come here. I will be here to share whatever you go through, be it pain or joy. That is what a husband is for... as well as a father"

Ilya looked up at him and saw his gentle look. It reminded her of why she chose him out of all her suitors. His unwavering conviction, his gentleness and his strength. She fell in love with it all.

Neither of them said anymore or should I say there was nothing left to say. They'd known eachother long enough to guess what was in the other's heart.

"Leo... what about your responsibilities?"

The man who was named Leo scratched his head awkwardly. Although the question Ilya asked was ambiguous he knew exactly what she meant.

"...I'm sure it will work out"

Ilya turned to look at him but he didn't make eye contact. His gaze was always unwavering and he would never lose focus, that was just the type of man he was. Im sure the red glow on his cheeks was because of the sunset... I'm sure.

"When is the baby due by the way?"

"Two days ago"

"I see..."


"Wait what?"

Leo took a few moments to comprehend her words. Who could blame him though, it was too shocking. He looked down at his wife and thought about all the mental strain she'd endured. Her glow used to be so blinding but currently she was like a flame which would extinguish with one blow.

Just as the sun was about to dissapear over the horizon, a splash different to the ones caused by the waves was heard. Ilya abruptly hunched over and groaned.

Leo had experienced this situation two times with her already so he knew what to do. He carried her over to the bed which had already been prepared for this moment.

"So you were going to try and deliver the baby by yourself? I'm your husband, share your pain with me!"

He was a man that had experienced many hardships. He'd even been stabbed multiple times however no psysical wound could compare to what he felt right now. Thinking about the helplessness his wife must be feeling made him feel like a knife was being jammed through his heart. His guilt of not being there for her when she needed it the most made him feel disgust for himself.

He thought to himself 'What does it matter if I'm above millions of people when I can't even be there for my wife? What kind of man did I want to be? Was this it? No!'

Ilya's screams intensified as her contractions got worse and worse. She started sweating and her body was exhausted however her eyes were bright. She would not give up this easily, she was going to bring this baby into this world no matter what. Nothing could stop her.

Leo had never delivered a baby before but he had seen it done before. Seeing it done once was enough for him to learn how to do it. However even for a man like him who was unfazed by most things, delivering his own child made his legs feel weak.

"Ilya you've got to push harder! I can see the baby's feet"


Ilya shouted as loud as she could. With each shout she felt strength in her body, she felt courage to keep going. Every time she shouted a bang of thunder could be heard in the sky. It felt like even the heavens were cheering her on.

Under Leo's supervision and Ilya's superhuman pushes, more and more of the baby came out. Leo felt life coming from the baby and was overjoyed.

"The baby's breathing! The baby's breathing! Ilya push!"

Ilya pushed as hard as she could and the baby was finally out. It was a baby boy. Leo carefully carried him in his arms.

"Leo pass him to me I want to see my child"

Leo gently passed the baby over to her and she looked down at him. She didn't know how to describe the emotion she was feeling right now. All she knew was that the tears falling down her face unstoppablly were no longer from sadness.

However this happiness did not last for long. The first time she tried for a baby, the baby had died in her womb. The second baby had died moments before she was able to push it out. This child had managed to come out healthy but had the curse dissapeared?


Leo watched in fear as the baby started crumbling in Ilya's hands. It was a very slow process which started from the tips of his toes and gradually spread along his body. It was like a poison was slowly corroding the baby's body.

Ilya noticed aswell and her mind went blank. What kind of curse slowly gets worse and worse each time? Slowly pushing Ilya closer and closer towards the depths of despair. This time it even gave her hope, it let her hold her baby just for her to be able to see him slowly crumble before her eyes.

"No no no no no no no no no no, my baby... my baby! Leo do something Leo please!! Save my child!"

Leo looked at his wife's lifeless eyes. He knew that this was the final blow to her. Even the last two times she'd always had hope but now she's given up. His wife had fallen into despair. He would never forget the look on his wife's face right now, not even in death.

He felt his cheeks and noticed they were wet. He couldn't remember the last time he cried as it was probably very early into his childhood. However the scene in front of him was too much for his heart to handle. That was his child too!! And he was crumbling away.

"Whoever cursed my wife and made her suffer like this... I will find you and I will make you taste hell... you shall suffer for eternity"

The tone Leo used was strangely calm as he said this. He hadn't simply cursed in revenge. He said it like as a fact, he said it like it was inevitable.

Soon everything was silent. Leo stood tall, unmoving and absolutely powerless. Ilya sat there staring down at her arms. Her baby which had been staring up at her innocently slowly crumbled away right under her eyes. She wasn't able to do anything, she wasn't able to save her baby who was now just a pile of ash on her legs.

However at this moment a bird entered the wooden cabin. A bird which had flown thousands and thousands of miles. A bird which was attracted here by a beautiful song.

The bird was completely golden and when it saw the pile of ashes on Ilya's legs it froze for a second before shining with a blinding radiance.

The bird had been roaming around endlessly under its masters orders, it's master wanted to give her child a second chance at life. That was the birds mission. However right at this moment it's mission was finally completed.

Ilya and Leo both watched as the bird transformed into a drop of gold which resembled a tear. The golden tear then flew and landed in the ash. In the ash a small stem sprouted before very quickly growing into a small tree.

Leo quickly pulled Ilya away as they watched the small tree grow larger and larger. Quickly breaking a hole out of the wooden cabin and soaring into the sky. After a few moments the tree stopped growing. It was hundreds of feet tall, standing there imposingly.

"Take me to the top of the tree"



Under Ilya's urgent request Leo carried her to the top of the tree. When they reached the top the saw a massive flower. It had golden petals and remained closed.

Ilya frantically ran to the flower and gently touched the petals. When she did the flower reacted. Slowly the petals unwinded as the flower blossomed. The flower was incredibly beautiful but Ilya only had eyes for what was in the middle of the flower.

In the middle lied a baby boy with white hair. With trembling hands she picked the child up, she treated him like he was the most precious treasure in the world as she pulled him towards her bosom. The baby boy slowly opened his eyes to look at her, looking at the bright red eyes staring at her, Ilya was choked for words. She felt like she'd regained a part of her lost soul.

"My child... my child! Leo this is our child!"

Leo walked over and pulled her into his embrace. Gently supporting her and the child. He looked at the baby which had inherited his wife's white hair and his red eyes. He had a golden mark shaped like a tree in the middle of his eyebrows. Even his eyes and hair seemed to glimmer in gold every now and then. Leo felt his eyes mist up as he thought to himself 'I've cried for the first time in decades and not just once but twice'

"What shall we name him?"

Ilya had regained her previous glow. Having gained a new lease on life and moving past the curse which had plagued her for years, she had finally broken free from her despair. She looked down at the baby again and felt boundless love well in her heart.

"Amare... his name is Amare"

"Amare meaning love, a beautiful name"

The song that was written by Ilya in her despair was also what brought her hope. A strange contradiction but also surprisingly balanced.

Both Ilya and the goddess of life had experienced their son dying infront of them. Both their love had connected and their wish for their child to have another chance at life had resonated. This child was a boy reborn from their love. He is the child of love Amare.

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