《Syria Girl》Three words


It was another four days before I saw anyone. In that time, I had twelve meals, did 384 push ups, countless lunges, and worried like crazy.

Sunday arrived, and sure enough, I was able to visit the chapel.

Kneeling in front of the cross reminded me of Graeme and Briancon. I thought about waiting at the church there and how I always seemed to be waiting for Ayamin.

I felt a faint breeze on the back of my neck as the chapel door opened. It’s my guard, I thought and kept staring up at the cross, trying to prolong my time away from the cell.

The footsteps stopped beside me… They didn’t sound like the guard’s boots.

‘I’ve been looking for you.’

A familiar voice shocked me to my feet. When I spun it was Donna.

The former Red Cross leader seemed to have shrunk since I’d seen her last. She had dark patches around her eyes, and her skin seemed pale.

‘So…’ she said, her tone hard, bordering on bitter, ‘You were coming back to England all along.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I backed away a step, ‘I shouldn’t have left – at least not the way I did.’

‘We looked for you for months Danny, the police forces of five countries helped search for you.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I repeated, ‘I wish it had been different.’

‘You left for some girl,’ she held her hands in the air, ‘For love??’

I watched as her mouth moved into a smile.

‘I was more worried than angry Danny.’ She shook her head, ‘You’re young. You did something stupid for a good reason.’

From her pocket, she pulled out a small black box and flipped it open. Inside was a diamond ring that seemed to shine in the chapel light.


I shifted my gaze from the ring to Donna, and back to the ring again.

‘It’s mine,’ Donna whispered, ‘It’s been ten years since my hubby passed away,’ she pulled the ring from its box, and studied it, ‘This lump of metal hasn’t seen the light very much since then… but in ten minutes we’re going to use it to help save Ayamin.’

Donna looked at me and held out the ring.

‘This is your choice Danny – but the judge for Ayamin’s case is hard on migrants. Her being married to a citizen could be the best shot we have of keeping her in the country.’

The diamond flashed in the light.

‘Woah,’ I said… that’s the plan?’

She nodded, ‘We’re not certain it can save her. But it’s all we’ve got.’

‘I wish I could’ve proposed properly,’ I said, ‘She deserves better.’

I reached out and took the ring. The moment it was in my hand Donna wrapped me up in a bear hug.

‘You both do,’ she said, ‘You both deserve so much more.’

The emotion in her voice made my throat go dry. Her hands were warm on my back and I felt like other kids must feel when they hug their mum. All sense of toughness disappeared. My legs felt weak.

The doors to the chapel flew open, and Judge Streisand’s voice cut through the space, ‘We are running behind schedule.’

I stepped back from Donna and looked to Streisand, next to her stood Ayamin.

Ayamin looked like a pale crying angel.

I ran. She met me in the middle. Our arms locked around each other. Her face felt just right as it brushed mine. My hands clung to her.

‘Alright… alright…’ Judge Streisand said with just a hint of a smile, ‘If we hang around too long the guards will start to think we’re up to something.’


She marched to the front of the chapel and pulled out two pieces of paper from the book under her arm. Ayamin took one, I got the other.

‘Sign these – they’re supposed to be done after the marriage, but I’ve a feeling we won’t have time.’

As I scrawled my details across the form, I snuck a glance at Ayamin.

‘How are you doing?’

She shrugged, kept her pen in motion.

‘I miss you Danny, god I’m lonely.’

‘Me too,’ I breathed in… ‘I really wish we could do this properly.’

She nodded, and lifted her eyes to mine.

‘This might not be enough to let me stay. By next week I could be sent to another country. It’s not the way most marriages go, but Danny I’m going to try make the most of it.’

She reached out and held my hand. Her arm shook slightly.

‘I love you Danny.’

‘I love you Ayamin.’

Streisand took our signed sheets and flipped open her book.

‘Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…’

Judge Streisand moved through the wedding like a steamroller. Her court skills seemed to come to the forefront. Half an hour later and Ayamin was kissing me as we left the chapel. She was crying, I was crying, Donna was crying.

I swear Streisand wiped away a tear as she reminded everyone that unless we stopped blabbering the plan would be discovered.

‘Keep your hands in your pockets when you’re walking to court, and for goodness sake try not to give the guards any indication.’

We all nodded, and still Ayamin clung to me. Her grip was so strong and yet so frail all at the same time. As we held each other I ran my thumb along her cheek, wiping away the tears that sat there.

‘We’re going to be okay Ayamin,’ I said, ‘And when all of this is done. We’ll be free.’

She pushed her forehead into my chest and cried some more. I kissed the top of her head as my throat turned dry and tears slid down my cheeks.

Then the guards were there, splitting us apart, and telling Judge Streisand and Donna that their time was up and they needed to leave, NOW.

‘I love you Danny,’ Ayamin called as we were walked our separate ways.

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