《Syria Girl》Run


I started to run and for a minute it looked like Chris would try to follow me to Gianina’s. But I’d walked thousands of kilometres to get here, I was lean and fit. Chris, who worked a desk job, didn’t stand a chance.

By the time I reached Gianina’s, there were two helicopters in the air. In the distance, I heard sirens wailing and I gulped as I pushed through the door.

‘I did it,’ I called.

Gianina emerged from the kitchen and threw a hug around me.

‘You were gone for ages,’ she said, ‘Did you manage to get anyone international?’

I grinned, ‘All of them by the sounds of it.’

Her eyes lit up and she ran to the edge of the kitchen, grabbing a full backpack.

‘Follow me,’ she said, rushing out the door.

I nearly crashed into her as I leapt outside.

Gianina was staring up at the sky, her mouth hanging open the way Caitlynn’s had.

‘Is that two Italian police helicopters I see,’ she asked.

I peered past her, then shrugged, ‘I can’t read Italian.’

Gianina shook her head, a mad grin settling on her face, ‘I think you may have outdone yourself Danny.’

We raced down to the small garage that sat beneath her flat. A Vespa scooter sat next to a pile of canvas. Gianina took a hold of the canvas and in one swift motion lifted it from the heap.

‘Ta-da!’ she said, revealing a second Vespa scooter – this one light blue.

‘Wow,’ I said, running a finger over it. Scratches ran along its sides and a faint hint of rust was showing on the handlebars, but overall it was a thing of beauty.

‘I hope you’re not giving this to me.’


Gianina laughed, ‘Of course I am, you need it to complete your quest.’

Her craziness made me grin, ‘I couldn’t take this from you Gianina.’

She made the sound horses do when they don’t like something, ‘You’d actually be helping me out, this is my ex-boyfriend’s scooter – the same one who ditched me.’


‘I haven’t’ seen him for two months and as far as I’m concerned a burglar came one night and stole it.’

I smiled as I sat on the seat, felt the accelerator.

‘I used to call him Henry,’ said Gianina, running a hand through her hair.


‘The Vespa, I don’t know if you want to change it or anything but the Vespa always seemed like a Henry to me.’

‘Henry the Vespa,’ I said, ‘Perfect.’

I kick-started Henry and watched the fuel level rise to only a fraction above empty.

‘Here’s the helmet,’ said Gianina, passing me a fluro-pink item.

‘What’s this?’ I asked.

‘Your helmet,’ she said, ‘I’m sorry, my ex broke the other one.’

I shoved on the helmet and Gianina passed me the bag she’d been carrying. It was heavy and full – two qualities I’d learnt to appreciate in my time as a refugee.

‘Food – clothes – love,’ she said, kissing my helmet. ‘Now go! Go find your Ayamin.’

‘Thank you Gianina – for everything,’ I started to say, ‘I’m going to owe you for th-‘

‘You don’t have time to owe me. There are police helicopters in the sky – GO!’

I pushed the throttle as far as I could and felt Henry wheelie as I made it out onto the street.

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