《Syria Girl》A grave


In daylight, the wall where Ayamin had left me looked like a grave. A solid concrete marker of what had been lost.

I sat cross-legged underneath the wall and watched people glide past. The stone I sat on was cold, and I shivered with hunger. I watched throngs of tourists move through the area. Shopkeepers yawned.

I waited until well past midday for Ayamin to show up before I walked past a McDonald’s and swiped some leftovers people had left on their trays.

For water, I stopped by a group of ancient stone lions that had springs trickling from their mouths.

The water was supposed to be lucky, but even though I waited at the wall all afternoon there was no sign of my favourite traveller.

As dark approached, a conversed pair of feet appeared in front of me.

‘Did she come?’

I looked up. It was the British girl. She seemed to already know my answer so I kept my mouth shut and looked back down at the concrete.

‘You can’t stay here all night.’

‘I’ve done it before.’

She seemed at a loss for words. I was hungry and angry. I didn’t want her pity.

With great care, the girl sat down on the concrete opposite me.

‘Well, I guess I’m staying too.’

‘Don’t be stupid.’

‘Look, either you’re coming back to my place where it’s warm and we can order Italian takeaway, or we’re both going to sit here in the cold and die.’

I gave her my meanest stare, pushing all the hate and sadness and heartbreak I had in me towards her. The girl flinched but she stayed sitting.

My tummy rumbled and then I sighed, ‘Okay you win.’

I stood, held out my hand, ‘I’m Danny.’

She took it and gave a slight smile, ‘Gianina.’

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