《Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]》Chapter V: Dangers Of The First Floor



Dangers Of The First Floor

Nothing yet to be explored as the minor steps of approach were fragile and hesitant. My body would not proceed itself to take any more steps forward into the first areas of the labyrinth.

The gate, shut closed behind me, as sweat of fear and exhausting traveled through my scales from my dragon form. My nerves system was reacting in the opposite way my inner self would want and my mind would not accord with the actions I wanted to deal inside this place in the beginning of entering the dangerous layouts.

Dark and sturdy, that was how the ground traveled in the entire landscape of the first floor. Meanwhile piles of rocks laid around as gravel took its regular place in the overall structure of the ground and thankfully no monsters lurked anywhere near my location. This would give me enough time to deal with myself in fixing my mindset and exploring the new location I had just discovered moments ago. This was not the time to hinder away, my evolution need to progress and move onward into the new stuff that may await us all in the future.

Breathing in the rough air around me, while my lungs desperately calmed itself by force from the rough beatings of fear. Calmed my mind down, to focus on what there is ahead from my current location as time was going by and not even a second of it should be wasted in this way.


Determination grasped in my imaginary fist, as I marched onward prepared for the worst to come out of the labyrinth that was filled with monsters in all different levels. The beginning will start off easy, at least that is the way it normally is on video games. This is reality though, and I am not a grown entity much as shown to different classes in games. An immature into this sort of lifestyle and only six months old which is risky for a regular human, luckily I am a fast growing dragon much more a spider-based one.

I roamed around, unfazed of what is to appear that is both human and inhuman. Chances are that people may as well be around deeper into the floor rather than in the very first one since it already feels lonely enough. Surely some monsters are hidden well to avoid the attention of humans, elves, dwarves and all the others that live in the world.

There was little activity that came from monsters, or barely none in the sight of mine. The more I glared into every corner that I stumbled upon, there was just nothing to hunt or even play around with until they died.

It was lonely and quiet as my footsteps echoed and were the only sound to emit in the entirety of this upper floor as compared to the others, I believe so.

Small crawling sounds of critters emitted briefly before disappearing into nothing and the visibility of monsters started to come up further into the distance ahead. The clearer image, they were mixed of serpents and iguanas, perhaps leading more into the Iguana type of breed rather than a measly serpent. It was large in size but medium compared to my enormous size, and it had sharp nails and teeth that resembled fangs.

Their eyes were perplex as they wandered into every corner not focusing on what stood in front of them as they walked in circles similar to birds flying around a dead corpse. But there was no corpse or object to make it very similar to birds so that should be out of the question to similarities.


Harmless at sight but the saliva they produced released a different answer. Their saliva dropped automatically as spit or just goo that left their mouths as if they were only infants, and each came out as acid burning through the ground as they released the sound of burning through the gravel which was rough on its own.

Pretty disgusting.

[Demonic Iguana] [LV: 9]

[HP: 4797/5000] [MP: 576/700] [SP: 300/300]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

Great, another adjustment into the skill. Now I cannot even lay my eyes upon the level of their skills to see in how much they rival my own strength.

To be frank, most of my stats are in all honesty higher in level but determining our experience in combat I am inferior to their abilities in actual battle. After all I only won the battle against that human because they ran out of their only source of power that wasn't even mana. Luckily for us monsters, it appears we possess the both SP, and MP Gauges which by the looks of it, doesn't seem many other races are capable of possessing.

'Oh crap!'

A murderous intent glared into my soul. Their eyes targeted me as their small little feet marched onward leading them to my location despite their odd eyes glaring into every single corner and spot in the land they walked. The acid in their mouth spilled greatly as each drop boiled the ground burning spots profoundly approaching me with the same intent as to what occurred to the ground.

I walked away, as their movements were slow but only led myself astray into even more trouble with an increase in their numbers in where none of them roamed just moments ago. Surrounded by equally skilled opponents as my eyes dizzed from the sheer number of them.

The sound of burning acid burned into my ears and despite their slow movements, there was no escape to lead me off course into a safer location rather than surrounded by a swarm of iguanas. With closer detail, some of the seemed to have a better concentration in sight compared to a great majority of them. Seems to me that those with great sight lead the fray of iguanas and one of them led them to hunt me alive.

Looking at my wings and the force in stretching them, it was obvious that I was still incapable of flight even more so with such limited space around me. They were closer then expected and my paths to liberty remained to none.

"Seriously, why do things never go the way I plan?"

I released my dragonic skill, which released a swirled fire that burst with fiery potent as I surrounded my circle and surrounded myself with burning flames that released heat stronger than their own saliva. Even I felt the potential of the flame I relinquished and shared the same feeling of known defeat as the flames engulfed further only burning and spreading shortly with the iguanas running away before the touch of the flame clashed into their skin.

'Well, that worked rather well in my favor. Should be careful in how I use that skill in the future. I wonder, how long will the effects of the skill remain active?'

The flame stayed rampant for an extended amount of time, which only emerged my curiosity to further my level of the skill considering the potential use in reading details of skills. That way I can be sure which skills are the best to use in any form of combat field.


That would mean I could use much more carefully than how I used it just a short amount of time ago.

Now all that's left is to wait on the duration of the flame to extinguish away from its former use.


'That certainly took its time..'

It was extended to a much greater time than I had envisioned in my mind. An hour long to be exact, the flame did not extinguish and stopped spreading further once it had reached four kilometers. Now I will definitely need to raise the level of .

No monster in sight, luckily no Demonic Iguana roamed near with their awful acid that could've seriously killed me once they had reached me and lowered me into the ground. Such a pitiful scene that would've been unavoidable if I had not used . Only insects were buried in the soil of the ground, entering back into their shelters as I walked onward with my large footsteps that echoed in the small room.

The path I led myself on was unknown, and a new place to encounter but the chances for something new were slim as the same routes filled the area and exploration at this point was top priority before heading down. In this case gaining enough experience to level up and evolve were necessary for an ongoing life of survival. After all my survival rate would in normal cases be high for being a dragon, but if I do not put up a fight and rely so much on defense to run away life will hit harder in the future.

"Run quickly!"

'Voices, could it be human?'

I was attracted to the feminine voice that echoed in the pathway I stumbled upon as the sound of clashing swords intensified briefly with the struggles of another masculine voice. Other voices came to sound, but their intent in surviving were minimal at best.

Of course I would run to spectate the spectacle that emerged as this would be my first sight of adventurers struggling to survive in a labyrinth against a fierce foe. Now than let us see how they emerge to their downfall or into their great fall under overwhelming monster might.

'Jesus christ!'

The monsters were not ordinary and their levels were way higher than the iguanas I had come to face just an hour ago. These monster were large and green and most likely not the final boss to the entirety of this large first floor. Serpents with thick scales of iron that defended them from attacks dealt with a sword and other metallic objects. The only thing worth serving to attack was magic, but the one capable of such techniques was a High Elf, completely depleted out of their mana as the serpents surrounded them from every corner much as the iguanas did against me.

They were helpless and in need of help and the only one capable of such a thing would be me with the skill of the but that would last an entire hour for it to deteriorate and vanish without a trace.

"Damn it! Should've known we wouldn't be able to cross deeper against the new monsters that roam this labyrinth!"

Hohoho, is that information I here?

With the only need for further information, I dropped to the ground in the center of them all gaining the attention of the group of adventurers as we were all equally surrounded by the basilisks. They were on guard but saw no threat against me after I dodged their upcoming attacks and approached the huge basilisks instead with fear from their high attributes. My mana will greatly deplete against these foes.

'Dragon Flame!'

Using the seventy five percent of my mana capacity that I had left, I surrounded us ablaze with the torching flames that lit redder than before and more violent but had no threat against the serpents. They however did leave us after a while of spectating and examining the flames and escorted themselves back into a deep hole that stood in the corner of the area. I was exhausted much like the elf after using a high quantity of mana for pure defense against the deathly serpents that roam this floor.

To the ground I laid, tongue out reaching for breath as the group of adventurers stood on guard and I used my own saliva as a drinkable source as the thirst for water grew from the depletion of mana.

"It's an infant dragon, what do we do?" A masculine voice spoke.

"Didn't it save us from certain death? Why are we on guard as it is already in the ground from using such an extent use of mana?" A deeper tone man replied in question.

"It possesses no threat, that is certain." Mentioned the feminine voice from earlier with a high pitch but more serious manner.

"Just be careful, I here they are dangerous even as infants." Recoiled another woman deeper in tone and more free spirited than the others without much care.

There were more of them, but this was the majority that let out words of speech before setting themselves down waiting for the flames to go down. Perhaps the fire will last longer, seeing as they were different from the ones I let out earlier.

Other than that, I finally have found some sort of communication with a group of adventurers who have the same goal such as myself. Who knows, perhaps we could work together in journeying down and making new history into the legend of this growing labyrinth.

[Thunder Grace] [High Elf] [LV: 99]

[HP: 1,000/50,000] [MP: 1/150,000] [SP: 3/100,000]

[Titles: ]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Giovanni] [Flame Dwarf] [LV: 80]

[HP: 11,554/20,000] [MP: 103/13,590] [SP: ]

[Titles: ]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Celestine] [Dark Elf] [LV: 98]

[HP: 1,785/43,600] [MP: 439/125,000] [SP: 57/9,000]

[Titles: ]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Arthur Jascovil] [Human] [LV: 101]

[HP: 23/49,000] [MP: 20/300] [SP: 100/10,000]

[Titles: ]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Saintess Marivel] [Human] [LV: 87]

[HP: 785/37,850] [MP: 30/1,000] [SP: 30/20,000]

[Titles: ]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Julier] [Beastkin] [LV: 79]

[HP: 7,382/32,734] [MP: 0/0] [SP: 67,100/67,000]


[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

So strong, perhaps I could ask for their help once things calm down with the rampaging flames.

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