《Vritra [A Dragon Evolution LitRPG]》Chapter I: Beginning Of An Adventure!



Beginning Of An Adventure!

My physique itself hold a much more similar to spider appearance. Although the overall outer look held itself into the dragon my life cast itself as.

The siblings, still dormant in the cliffs, unable or unwilling to wake up or even move an ounce of muscle. I had used the appraisal skill on them to see the type of dragons they were each born as. Luckily enough, in the whole process, my appraisal skill went up two levels.

The first to be born, a regular Fire Dragon most likely in comparison to mother seeing as they are the only one to have a more similar appearance to her. The other a Night Dragon, which in a true sense fits his outer scales toned in deep blackness similar to the color of the regular night sky. Another with a regular outer look, was a High Dragon which seems to honestly mean something higher in standard than any of the other dragons much like its other siblings. This is the order of birth for the regular ones and the first ones to be born to mother.

The others are an Ogre Dragon, which signified for its strong physique built with buffed up muscles. A Fox Dragon, representing its weirdly shaped tail covered in fur rather than scales like the rest of us. An Iguanic Dragon, with the similar characteristics of an iguana that came to mind from former memories although in images rather than a full spectacle. Then me, a Spider Dragon abnormal in all senses as my other siblings which had their own special traits. Lastly a Moon Dragon, colored in black and gray with the symbol of a crescent moon in her forehead.

Now then, time for stats.

[Nameless] [Taratect Dragon] [LV: 7]

[HP: 10000/10000] [MP: 500/1000] [SP: 50/100]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Skill Points: 15] [SP Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Tokens: 5]

Nothing out of the ordinary, and the two extra skill points gathered from the use of appraisal were rightfully given.

Appraisal, level three and still not much of a difference to the overall use from the very first level. A rock classifies as a rock with not much of a type or anything. The dragons, well each were different so the titles given corresponded to their own birthed breed. Not even much of a change with viewing my own stats, although being classed as nameless ticks me off somewhat. Not even the mother who gave birth to us left us with our own names.

Names, wonder if they are of any importance even for a dragon. If I could recall my memories, perhaps I would already know what a name reflects on in an individual of any race.

There are many, so perhaps I would eventually find one for myself. Verion, Gorfreia, Adam, Frije, Void, Thor, Vritra..... Vritra. Honestly doesn't sound half bad.


[Vritra] [Taratect Dragon] [LV: 7]

[HP: 10000/10000] [MP: 500/1000] [SP: 50/100]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

[Skill Points: 15] [SP Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Tokens: 5]

My stats updated!

So guess its decided after all, my name now is no longer nameless. I am now Vritra, the Dragon!

Although the more I think about my whole outer look, the more I want to be a regular dragon. Perhaps an evolution will lead to a change rather than a progression into other stages and future spider-alike abilities. Not that I dislike the whole getup, it just doesn't suit my style as much as a regular dragon.

Perhaps the powers of a sorcerer would help, yeah that seems like the more logical way of aiming for my current goal of a full-fledged dragon. The only problem is the inability of traveling around with single step or even with my undeveloped wings, incapable of flight at the current stage of life. Not much of an evolution chance either, since being unable to fly around with this form seems to inflict the chances in some ways or another.

[Pathway To Original Dragon]

[Evolution Options Requirement: ]

[Lead On To Complete All Seven Stages]

[Lead On To Earn Pathway]

[Lead On To Complete All Available Stages]

[Lead On To ??????????????]

[Lead On To ??????????????]

[Lead On To ??????????????]

Strange, my motives for merely Dragon were answered, but a different pathway led on to a different outcome I didn't even come to imagine. Perhaps these routes will prove beneficial in the course of life I lead myself upon with the goal of ridding myself from the spider origins. Nothing bad with ridding myself from something I do not feel comfortable with, right?

Perhaps I am more naive with my decision, yet I originally decided solely on the regular Dragon life and from a supposed system error I ended in this form. So my decisions should be understandable, right?

Questioning myself on the inevitable, might as well just lead the life I seek now instead of conflicting myself with the whole spider way of dragon life. Yeah, why should I even question my own motives, I am the one making my own life decisions ahahahaha!

Now then, what should I even do around these parts? There isn't a single droplet of food scattering around to provide myself with available nutrition, seeing as our biological mother left us without any single ounce of hesitation. That is just pure evil wherever I see one. Hold on, now that I think about it could that be the reason?

I had no chances of using my appraisal skill on our mother considering she'd immediately abandon us without even bidding a well off farewell. More so, the only obvious reasoning to her decision she'd made were our stats, they were to low as everyone even myself had started off in level one. In there our stats were of 8000 HP, 800 MP, and 90 SP. Were we most likely low in her eyes, that she left us in these cliffs knowing well we were incapable of flight to get down. That would only mean she led for us to die without any produce or even a nest to call home.


What a terrible mother, just for immature reasons such as low stats. Sure dragons should be strong, but why would one expect so much out of newborns such as ourselves. Its just too strange to keep it all in my mind all at once.

Still, there is just nothing to do. The crops here are dry, not even a drop of water left their green turned gray visuals. Misery, we were all living a life of misery up in these parts.

No, I don't have to live that way. Yet they are my siblings, so its tough to just abandon them out here without hesitation. I would be doing the same thing such as mother, I would be the villain just like her.

'This is rough, if only a miracle happened out here.'

Silence, was the only thing evoking sound in these top layers of the land below. The wind, released minor gusts of wind that blew past with traces of the sand that scattered the grounds.

This is Vritra, a spider dragon living life anew with no recollection of former memories to a past I have zero clues about whatsoever. Terrible, that was the current state of this secluded high place that even a human warrior would find challenging to climb without an ounce of difficulty. Such a high place that the sunlight emitted itself strongly, striking rays against our existence leaving us dry and in need for water in where no sources laid around.

Boring in all corners, who'd imagine my life would be this way from the very beginning. Not much fun in being stuck in such high grounds. Then again, I could try going down this cliff using the rough texture that lead down but a single minor movement of trouble and I would fall to my death into spikes that scattered in the way down or the very rough planet grounds themselves.

Tough decisions an infant dragon shouldn't even be thinking of so early in life. Once I meet that so called mother of mine, I will make sure she is punished for her wrongdoings. Leaving us in a miserable state of living.

"Interesting, infant dragons left to suffer. Should've raised that girl in a different manner."

My eyes moved to the flying object that arrived at our location bigger in size compared to mother and in a way much more noble. Even then, fear engulfed me with only the sight of the dragons stats alone.

[Viserion] [Behemoth Dragon] [LV: 999]

[HP: 999999/999999] [MP: 999999/999999] [SP: 9999/9999]

[Basic Skills: ]

[Skills: ]

[SP Skills: ]

My level was too low to even view their skills, but the sight of their level and other stats caught my eyes striking an atrocious fear against the dragon. I wanted to vomit, but had eaten nothing worth being vomited out from my abdomen.

"None worth seeing much of, perhaps that is the reason to her decision. Still this whole turn of events without even leaving them to fend off and survive, I never raised her to such a low extent."

The dragon lowered itself, gathering all of us in a pile into its mouth and heading downward to the bottom of the land where most of the green stood. He placed us down with proper care as it gave a single glance before it turned its back and walked out without much left to even speak aloud or leave behind as a message.

A nicer dragon, in comparison to our mother. Much better, and by the looks of it he isn't our grandfather as he is much older and more applicant to be our great-grandfather instead. His strength, perhaps even I could be in equal terms yet he is a behemoth dragon way more dangerous than a regular dragon alone. Then again, I am different in terms of knowledge and paths to my separate life without them.

Now that we lowered to the ground, I could feast on the fruits that roamed the area around as I prepare myself for the adventure that may await out there in the world. Leading myself into the path of a regular dragon, away from the hands of spider dragons who seem more hideous in sight. Yet I am way cuter than any of them, at least I believe so?

Black and silver white all over the outer layers of my living flesh. Furred in some sides, while the others were metallic in scales harboring little of the fur made from being a spider-based monster.

My departure from my siblings begins here and now, as I venture alone through the green lands of a vast forest with no signs of humans and structure in the far distance. Not lying at all, back up in the cliff there were no signs of human activities at all.

I am safe, away from their palms as they are the ones more capable of harming me.

'No more thinking of life, it is time to heed myself to an adventure!'

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