《Carefree Demon》"Legend of Daybreaker" [ Backstory ] Part 1


Long ago, in an age when martial arts did not reign supreme and it was an era when totem tribes reigned supreme.

There were countless tribes and pure-blooded primal beasts ran amok. The current era's mutated beasts are just the surviving descendants of these beasts whose bloodline mutated and lost a large part of their innate abilities.

Every tribe depended on their holy totem whom they revered and worshipped. Their faith and sacrifices created a powerful totem.

The totem, in turn, protected the tribe and provided support to the tribe during times of crisis.

The current Holy Martial continent was known as the 'Central Continent'. During the totem tribe era, there was a powerful tribe in the Western region known as the 'Daybreaker tribe'.

They had over a million tribesman and had many powerhouses protecting them.

Ar hu was one of the ten sacred totems protectors. That meant he was at the peak of the emergence realm. The current system of martial arts came from the totem tribe era and the names of realms were similar.

Moreover, he was quite young and had quite some potential left for him to break through to an even higher stage the legendary stage of 'Unity'.

Even the tribe leader was only at half a step to the 'unity' stage and only after drawing the maximum power of the tribe's totem would he barely have the strength to fight a unity realm expert.

Thus he was valued greatly by the tribe leader and was considered as the next leader of the tribe.

His father was a priest in the totem temple in the past and his wife was the current priestess of the temple.

He had a loving family and had a daughter whom he loved with all of his life. He doted on her and made her one of the princesses of the tribe.

Ar hu made sure that she gets the items, best clothes, fantastic environment to cultivate in the path and fulfilled all of her requests.


But his daughter Awá was very timid and reserved.

Ar hu did not stop at anything for his tribe and even if one person of his tribe was killed he would rush into the frontlines and start an enormous war with other tribes.

However, this led to deep enmities and grievances with tribes surrounding them. The tribe leader of the Daybreaker tribe was anxious about this but he could not persuade him as Ar hu was immensely popular in the tribe and it may even affect their morale.

The name and reputation of the totem warrior Ar hu spread throughout the lands of the central continent. Everywhere he went bloody storms arose.

He was widely known as the 'Two-faced eminence'. For his tribe, he would be a kind and loving angel and against all others, he would be a ruthless devil slaughtering without any hesitation.


"Ar hu, Ar hu!! The chieftain is summoning you!" an elegant robed woman repeatedly called out as she stood below a pike so high that it seemed to break the sky and reach to the heavens.

As she repeatedly called out to the ground suddenly began to tremble and the sky shook.


There was a loud explosion and a deep crater was formed. Large and bright dust clouds were generated.

A man seemed to walk out of the specks of dust. He stood over 8 meters tall and had well-defined muscles and a chest. His body looked metallic and went beyond basic muscle structure.

He had long and fine silver hair with thick eyebrows. His hazel eyes and a thick beard made him look more like a primal beast.

"Dear, you don't need to come here and strain yourself. Next time onwards I would come on my own." the huge man seemed to be very concerned about his wife.

"Always shouldering burdens onto yourself, do you know how infuriating you are? Hunk!" the woman seemed to be complaining but had a face filled with love.


"Haha, how can I not be infuriating! I need to reach the peak of my path in the future. I can only be stubborn." Ar hu said with deep ambition as he casually walked into the hall of the tribal chief.

His wife stood behind with a face filled with deep concern.

The tribe leader's hall looked like an eerie dungeon and there was a colossal skeleton of a primal beast arranged in neat order making it look like a throne.

The light blue-robed old man sitting in the high and mighty throne was the current leader of the daybreaker tribe. He looked tired and his body looked weak.

As Ar hu came forward and kneeled before him he weakly said, "Ar hu today I called you here to appoint you as the next tribe leader of the Daybreaker tribe. My lifespan is running out and there is not much time left for me."

Ar hu roared in a loud voice, "Tribe chief I will be the one who will carry on yours and the tribe's vision."

"That is what I fear the most!" the tribe leader retorted and an almighty aura filled the room. The grand warrior Ar hu fell flat on the ground.

Ar hu's eyes widened as he repeatedly tried to stand up. He realized in his horror that he could not move a single inch!

"Young man this is the power of our sacred totem when combined with my power. Our realms are both in half step to 'unity' but I could easily defeat you without expending much effort."

"Our tribe is barely a middle-grade tribe. The reason why we're able to even reach this level is because of the might of our totem."

The old tribe leader then got up from the throne and walked near Ar hu who was still lying flat on the ground. He then gently tugged a rug that was covering a part of the ceiling.

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, the stars were shining brilliantly, and the moonlight illuminated the entire world.

The old tribe leader gently said, "Do you see the sky above us? Once upon a time our ancestors tore a hole through the sky and came to this world!"

"Our tribe's true place lies in the stars, Ar hu. Our predecessors broke the sky with their hands and descended! Always remember that, even in your death!"

Ar hu was shellshocked and excited but before he could reply he found himself in front of their sacred temple.

Only the voice of the tribe leader resonated in his ears.

"Little hu you must get the approval of the totem before you become the next leader and also use this opportunity to break through to the 'unity realm' as well."

"Always remember that a tribe will only remain a tribe if they are united if not it will just be a herd. I hope one day you will also break the sky and reach the stars." the voice faded after this.

Ar hu was left standing alone in a desolate and seemingly abandoned temple. He then kowtowed in the direction of the tribe leader and said resolutely, "From now on my glory is the tribe's glory, and there would be a day I would cut down the sky and the world will witness my 'Skybreaker' tribe ascend to the stars. This a vow!"

His eyes revealed determination and desire for greater power as he walked towards the temple.

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